Cervical cancer is cancer arising from the cervix.[1] It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[2] Early on there are typically no symptoms. Later symptoms may inclde: abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pain during sex.[1]
’’’子宮頸癌’’’又稱’’’宮頸癌’’’,為發生在[[子宮頸]]的[[癌症]][1],源自於不正常[[細胞]]的生長,甚至能侵襲或轉移至身體其他部位[2]。早期通常並不會有症狀,而晚期時可能有不正常的{{link-en|陰道出血|Vaginal bleeding}}、{{link-en|骨盆腔疼痛|Pelvic_pain}}、或性交疼痛[1]。
<!-- Cause and Diagnosis -->
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection appears to be involved in the development of more than 90% of cases.[3][4] Most people who have had HPV infections; however, do not develop cervical cancer.[5][6] Other risk factors include: smoking, a weak immune system,birth control pills, starting sex at a young age and having many sexual partners, but these are less important.[1][7] Cervical cancer typically develops from precancerous changes over 10 to 20 years.[5]There are a few types of cervical cancer. About 90% are squamous cell carcinomas, 10% areadenocarcinoma and a small number are other types.[7] Diagnosis is typically by cervical screeningfollowed by a biopsy. Medical imaging is than done to determine whether or not the cancer has spread.[1]
<!-- 成因與診斷 -->
超過90%的子宮頸癌患者曾被[[人類乳突病毒]](Human papillomavirus,HPV)感染[3][4];但相對而言,大部份雖被感染的人並不會發展成癌症[5][6]。其他風險因子包括[[吸菸|抽煙]]、[[免疫抑制|免疫不全]]、使用[[複合口服避孕藥|避孕藥]]、早期性行為、多重性伴侶等,但皆不如人類乳突病毒感染重要[1][7]。典型的子宮頸癌由為期10至20年的{{link-en|癌前病變|Precancerous_condition}}發展而來[5]。子宮頸癌可分為幾種型態,90%為[[鱗狀細胞癌]],10%為{{link-en|腺癌|Adenocarcinoma}},而其他型態僅佔少數[7]。診斷通常藉由{{link-en|子宮頸抹片篩檢|Cervical_screening}},再進一步[[活體組織切片|切片]]檢查。[[醫學影像]]則用於察看是否有癌症轉移[1]。
<!-- Prevention and Treatment -->
HPV vaccines protect against two high risk strains of this family of viruses and may prevent up to 65 to 75% of cervical cancers.[8][9] As there still is a risk of cancer, guidelines recommend continuing regular Pap smears.[8] Other methods of prevention include: never having sex and the use of condoms.[10] Cervical cancer screening using the Pap smear or acetic acid can identify precancerous changes which when treatmented can prevent the development of cancer.[11] Treatment of cervical cancer may consists of some combination of surgery,chemotherapy and radiotherapy.[1] Five year survival rates in the United States are 68%.[12]Outcomes however depend very much on how early the cancer is detected.[7]
<!-- 預防與治療 -->
人類乳突病毒有分為許多子型,其中兩型的感染特別容易造成子宮頸癌的產生。[[人類乳突病毒疫苗]]可保護受施打者不受兩型[[病毒]]的侵犯,因而可預防65%至75%的子宮頸癌[8][9]。然而因為尚有部分的罹癌風險,預防指引仍建議持續規則接受[[巴氏塗片檢查|子宮頸抹片檢查]][8]。其他預防方法包括不從事性行為及使用保險套[10]。子宮頸癌篩檢透過抹片檢查、或使用[[醋酸]]來辨別癌前病變,若針對癌前病變進一步治療可預防其發展成癌症[11]。子宮頸癌的治療包含合併[[手術]]、[[化學治療]]、[[放射線治療]][1]。在美國,{{link-en|五年整體存活率|Five year survival rates}}為68%[12],影響預後的關鍵主要在於早期發現[7]。
<!-- Epidemiology -->
Worldwide, cervical cancer is both the fourth most common cause of cancer and the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women.[5] In 2012, it was estimated that there were 528,000 cases of cervical cancer, and 266,000 deaths.[5] This is about 8% of the total cases and total deaths from cancer.[13] Approximately 70% of cervical cancers occur in developing countries.[5] In low income countries it is the most common cause of cancer death.[11] Indeveloped countries, the widespread use of cervical screening programs has dramatically reduced rates of cervical cancer.[14] In medical research, the most famous cell line known asHeLa was developed from cervical cancer cells of a woman name Henrietta Lacks.[15]
<!-- 流行病學 -->
在全世界,子宮頸癌同時是第四常見的癌症,以及女性第四常見癌症死因[5]。在2012年,預估有528,000例的子宮頸癌,並造成26.6萬人死亡[5],分別佔癌症發生率與死因的8%[13]。大約70%的子宮頸癌發生在[[開發中國家]][5],而在低收入國家則為最常見癌症死因[11]。在[[已開發國家]],因為子宮頸抹片篩檢的普及,大大降低子宮頸癌的發生率[14]。醫學研究中,著名的[[細胞培養|細胞株]]─[[海拉細胞|Hela細胞]],便是從名為{{link-en|海莉耶塔·拉克斯|Henrietta Lacks}}這位女性身上的子宮頸癌細胞所培養出來[15]。