Chagas disease /ˈtʃɑːɡəs/, or American trypanosomiasis, is a tropical parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi.[1]It is spread mostly by insects known as kissing bugs.[1] The symptoms change over the course of the infection. In the early stage, symptoms are typically either not present or mild and may include: fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, or local swelling at the site of the bite.[1] After 8–12 weeks, individuals enter the chronic phase of disease and in 60–70% it never produces further symptoms.[2][3] The other 30 to 40% of people develop further symptoms 10 to 30 years after the initial infection.[3] This includes enlargement of the ventricles of the heart in 20 to 30% leading to heart failure.[1] An enlarged esophagus or an enlarged colon may also occur in 10% of people.[1]
’’’查加斯式病’’’({{lang-en|Chagas disease}}),又稱為’’’美洲錐蟲症’’’({{lang|en|American trypanosomiasis}}}}),是一種{{link-en|熱帶疾病|Tropical disease}}[[寄生蟲病|寄生蟲]]疾病;致病原是{{link-en|美洲錐蟲|Trypanosoma cruzi}}[1],通常藉由俗稱為親吻蟲的{{link-en|錐蝽亞科|Triatominae|錐鼻蟲}}傳播[1]。感染的症狀隨著疾病的進程而改變。在感染初期,以下症狀的表徵嚴重度不一:發燒、[[淋巴結]]腫大、頭痛或是被叮咬位置的局部腫大[1]。叮咬後8到12周,疾病進入慢性期,60%到70%不再出現新症狀[2][3]。其他30%到40%的人,在初次感染後的10到30年間,會出現更多症狀[3]。這些症狀包括[[心室]]擴大,其中20到30%甚至會導致[[心臟衰竭]][1]。有將近10%的人會有{{link-en|巨食道症|Megaesophagus|食道擴張}}或是{{link-en|巨結腸症|Megacolon}}的症狀[1]。
<!-- Cause and diagnosis-->
T. cruzi is commonly spread to humans and other mammals by the blood-sucking "kissing bugs" of the subfamily Triatominae.[4] These insects are known by a number of local names, including: vinchuca in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay, barbeiro (the barber) in Brazil, pito in Colombia, chinche in Central America, and chipo in Venezuela. The disease may also be spread through blood transfusion, organ transplantation, eating food contaminated with the parasites, and from a mother to her fetus.[1] Diagnosis of early disease is by finding the parasite in the blood using a microscope.[3] Chronic disease is diagnosed by finding antibodies for T. cruzi in the blood.[3]
美洲錐蟲常常藉由一種{{link-en|錐蝽亞科|Triatominae}}的[[吸血 (生物學)|吸血]]錐鼻蟲,俗稱親吻蟲,在人類或是其他哺乳動物間傳播[4]。這種昆蟲有許多俗名,在阿根廷、玻利維亞、智利、巴拉圭被稱為{{lang|es|vinchuca}},在巴西被稱為{{lang|pt|barbeiro}}(多為{{link-en|理髮師兼外科醫師|Barber surgeon}}稱呼),在哥倫比亞被稱為{{lang|es|pito}},在中美洲被稱為{{lang|es|chinche}},在委內瑞拉被稱為{{lang|es|chipo}}。疾病也可以經由其他路徑傳播,像是[[輸血]]、[[器官移植]]、吃了被美洲錐蟲汙染的食物和{{link-en|母嬰垂直傳染|Vertically transmitted infection}}[1]。藉由使用顯微鏡,觀察血液樣本中的寄生蟲,可以做為疾病的早期診斷[3]。疾病慢性期則是藉由血液中的對美洲錐蟲的[[抗體]]來確診[3]。
<!-- Prevention and Treatment -->
Prevention mostly involves eliminating kissing bugs and avoiding their bites.[1] Other preventative efforts include screening blood used for transfusions.[1] A vaccine has not been developed as of 2013.[1] Early infections are treatable with the medication benznidazole or nifurtimox.[1] They nearly always result in a cure if given early however become less effective the longer a person has had Chagas disease.[1] When used in chronic disease they may delay or prevent the development of end stage symptoms.[1]Benznidazole and nifurtimox cause temporary side effects in up to 40% of people[1]including skin disorders, brain toxicity, and digestive system irritation.[2][5][6]
<!-- Epidemiology -->
It is estimated that 7 to 8 million people, mostly in Mexico, Central America and South America have Chagas disease.[1] It results in about 12,500 deaths a year as of 2006.[2]Most people with the disease are poor[2] and most people with the disease do not realize they are infected.[7] Large-scale population movements have increased the areas where cases of Chagas disease are found and these now include many European countries and the United States.[1] These areas have also seen an increase in the years up to 2014.[8]The disease was first described in 1909 by Carlos Chagas after whom it is named.[1] It affects more than 150 other animals.[2]
據估計700─800萬人感染查加斯式病,大多位於[[墨西哥]]、[[中美洲]]與[[南美洲]][1]。2006年,此病共造成約12,500人死亡[2]。大多數罹患此病的病患家境清寒[2],而且不曉得他們已經罹患此病[7]。在查加斯式病流行地區,大規模的人口遷移將會增加該區域罹病人數,這樣的情形甚至已經擴展到了歐洲國家與美國[1]。截自2014年,這些區域的案例數也有上升趨勢[8]。1909年{{link-en|卡羅斯·查加斯|Carlos Chagas}}醫師首次命名並描述美洲錐蟲症[1]。除了人類以外,美洲錐蟲症至少影響150種以上的動物[2]。