翼狀贅肉 Pterygium



A pterygium is a pinkish, triangular tissue growth on the cornea of the eye.[2] It typically starts on the cornea near the nose.[3] It may slowly grow but rarely grows so large that the pupil is covered.[2] Often both eyes are involved.[5]

翼狀贅肉是指一種生長於[[眼角膜]]之上的粉紅色三角形組織[2] ,通常始於靠近鼻樑的眼角膜[3] ,翼狀贅肉生長極慢且常見於雙眼[5],但通常不會長得大到足以遮蔽[[瞳孔]][2]

The cause is unclear.[2] It appears to be partly related to long term exposure to UV light and dust.[2][3] Genetic factors also appear to be involved.[4] It is a benign growth.[6] Other conditions that can look similar include a pinguecula, tumor, or Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration.[5]

翼狀贅肉乃是一種[[良性腫瘤]][6] ,其成因尚不明朗[2],部分可能是因為長期暴露在[[紫外線]]及風沙中[2][3],也可能是[[基因]]上的因素所引起的[4];翼狀贅肉的其他徵狀包含看似[[翼狀胬肉]]、腫瘤、或Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration[5]

Prevention may include wearing sunglasses and a hat if in an area with strong sunlight. Among those with the condition, an eye lubricant can help with symptoms. Surgical removal is typically only recommended if the ability to see is affected.[2]Following surgery a pterygium may recur in around half of cases.[2][6]


The frequency of the condition varies from 1% to 33% in various regions of the world. It occurs more commonly among males than females and in people who live closer to the equator. The condition becomes more common with age.[7] The condition has been described since at least 1000 BC.[8]

全世界各地區的翼狀贅肉患者在1%到33%之間,落差極大;常見於男性多於女性及近[[赤道]]的居民,年紀越大的患者越常見[7];早在西元前1000年前,翼狀贅肉就曾見於文字記載 [8]