







Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo(胚胎) or fetus(胎兒)before it is able to survive independently.[1][2] Some use the cutoff of 20 weeks of gestation after which fetal death is known as astillbirth(死產).[2] The most common symptoms of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding with or without pain.[1] Sadness(悲傷), anxiety(焦慮), and guilt may occur.[3] Tissue(组织 (生物学)) or clot like material may also come out of the vagina(阴道).[4]


’’’流產’’’({{lang|en|Miscarriage}})俗稱’’’小產’’’,是指[[胚胎]]或[[胎兒]]發育到{{le|胎兒存活率|Fetal viability|可在子宮外獨立生存}}之前的自然死亡[1][2]。有些懷孕20週後的胎兒死亡會稱為[[死產]][2]。常見症狀為無痛子宮頸出血或伴隨疼痛感,感到悲傷焦慮、以及產生罪惡感[3];組織黏液與血塊也可能從陰道流出[4]。

Risk factors for miscarriage include an older parent, previous miscarriage, exposure to tobacco smoke, obesity(肥胖症), diabetes(糖尿病), and drug or alcohol use, among others.[5][6] In those under the age of 35 the risk is about 10% while it is about 45% in those over the age of 40.[1] Risk begins to increase around the age of 30.[5] About 80% of miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (the first trimester(妊娠)). The underlying cause in about half of cases involves chromosomal abnormalities. Other conditions that can produce similar symptoms include an ectopic pregnancy(異位妊娠) and implantation bleeding.[1] Diagnosis of a miscarriage may involve checking to see if the cervix(子宮頸) is open or closed, testing blood levels of human chorionic gonadotropin(人绒毛膜促性腺激素) (hCG), and an ultrasound(超聲波).[7]

流產的危險因子包括高齡、流產史、一手與二手菸的環境、[[肥胖]]、[[糖尿病]]、使用藥物或酒精等等[5][6]。孕婦小於35歲的流產風險約為10%,超過40歲則約為45%[1];風險約在30歲時開始增加[5]。有80%的流產發生在[[妊娠|妊娠第一期]],有一半的潛在因素是{{le|染色體異常|Chromosonal abnormalities}}所致;會造成類似狀況的其他症狀包括[[異位妊娠]]和{{le|著床出血|Iimplantation bleeding}}[1]。診斷流產的方法包括檢查[[子宮頸]]的開合、[[人绒毛膜促性腺激素]]的血中濃度和[[超音波]][7]。

Prevention is occasionally possible with good prenatal care. Avoiding drugs and alcohol, infectious diseases, and radiation(辐射) may prevent miscarriage.[8] No specific treatment is usually needed during the first 7 to 14 days.[6][9] Most miscarriage will complete without additional interventions.[6] Occasionally the medication misoprostol or a procedure such as vacuum aspiration is required to remove the failed pregnancy.[9][10] Women who are rhesus negative(Rh血型系统) may require Rho(D) immune globulin.[6] Pain medication(镇痛药) may be beneficial.[9] Emotional support may help with negative emotions.[9]

有良好的孕期照護與進行完善的{{le|產前檢查|Prenatal care}}是有可能預防流產的;避免使用藥物及酒精,避免得到感染性疾病,避免接受[[輻射]]可以避免流產[8]。通常在流產的前七至十四天並無須特別的治療[6][9]。一旦流產的狀況發生,通常無需人為介入就能完成。有時會使用藥物[[喜克潰錠]]或[[真空抽吸術]]幫助移除剩餘的妊娠物[9][10]。Rh(-)血型的婦女可能需要提供[[Rho免疫球蛋白]][6]。[[止痛藥]]對流產的疼痛緩解也許有益處[9]。心理支持也有助於負面情緒的控制[9]。

Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy(妊娠).[11] Among females who know they are pregnant, the miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20% while rates among all fertilisation is around 30% to 50%.[1][5] About 5% of females have two miscarriages in a row.[12] Some recommend not using the term "abortion" in discussions with those experiencing a miscarriage in an effort to decrease distress.[13]
