Cardiac arrhythmia/心律不整

{{Infobox disease |

  Name           = Cardiac arrhythmia |

  Image          = Ventricular fibrillation.png|

  Caption        = [[心室顫動]](V-Fib或VF)即是心律不整其中一種較嚴重的例子。|

  DiseasesDB     = 15206 |

  ICD10          = {{ICD10|I|47||i|30}} - {{ICD10|I|49||i|30}} |

  ICD9           = {{ICD9|427}} |

  ICDO           = |

  OMIM           = |

  MedlinePlus    = 001101 |

  eMedicineSubj  = |

  eMedicineTopic = |

  MeshID         = D001145 |


Cardiac arrhythmia , also known as cardiac dysrhythmia or irregular heartbeat, is a group of conditions in which the heartbeat is irregular, too fast, or too slow. A heartbeat that is too fast - above 100 beats per minute in adults - is called tachycardia and a heartbeat that is too slow - below 60 beats per minute - is called bradycardia.[1] Many arrhythmias have no symptoms. When symptoms are present these may include palpitations or feeling a pause between heartbeats. More seriously there may be light headed ness, passing out, shortness of breath, or chest pain.[2] While most arrhythmias are not serious some predispose a person to complications such as stroke or heart failure.[3][1] Others may result in cardiac arrest.[3]

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

’’’心臟節律不整’’’,常簡稱’’’心律不整’’’({{lang-en|cardiac arrhythmia,或稱cardiac dysrhythmia、irregular heartbeat}}),是指[[心臟電氣傳導系統]]異常所引起的各種症狀,包含{{Link-en|心跳|Cardiac cycle}}不規則、過快、或過慢的表現總稱。其中[[心悸|心搏過速]](或稱頻脈)的定義是成人每分鐘心跳大於100下,而[[心跳過緩|心搏過緩]](或稱緩脈)的定義是成人每分鐘心跳小於60下[1]。許多心律不整表現是無症狀的,一旦有症狀則常以[[心悸]]或心跳暫停的感覺表現。嚴重的心律不整會導致{{Link-en|頭暈|Syncope (medicine)}}、{{Link-en|昏厥|Presyncope}}、[[呼吸困難]]或{{Link-en|胸痛|Chest pain}}[2]。即使大部分情況是良性的,有些心律不整卻會增加[[中風]]或[[心臟衰竭]]等併發症的風險[1][3],甚至導致[[心停止|心跳驟停]]、[[休克]]、猝死[中1][3]。

There are four main types of arrhythmias: extra beats, supraventricular tachycardias, ventricular arrhythmias, and bradyarrhythmias. Extra beats include premature atrial contractions and premature ventricular contractions. Supraventricular tachycardias include atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Ventricular arrhymias include ventricular fibrillation andventricular tachycardia.[3] Arrhythmias are due to problems with the electrical conduction system of the heart.[1] Arrhythmias may occur in children; however, the normal range for the heart rate is different and depends on age.[3] A number of tests can help with diagnosis including an electrocardiogram (ECG) and holter monitor.[4]

<!--成因與診斷 -->

心律不整分為四大類:{{link-en|期外收縮|Extra beats}}、{{link-en|心室上心搏過速|supraventricular tachycardias}}、{{link-en|心室心律不整|ventricular arrhythmias}}及{{link-en|心搏過緩|bradyarrhythmias}}。期外收縮包括{{link-en|心房期外收縮|premature atrial contractions}}及{{link-en|心室期外收縮|premature ventricular contractions}}。心室上心搏過速包括{{link-en|心房顫動|atrial fibrillation}}、{{link-en|心房撲動|atrial flutter}}、以及{{link-en|陣發性心室上心搏過速|paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias}}。心室心律不整包括{{link-en|心室顫動|ventricular fibrillation}}和{{link-en|心室心搏過速|ventricular tachycardias}}[3]。心律不整源自於{{link-en|心臟電氣傳導系統的異常|Electrical_conduction_system_of_the_heart}}[1]。兒童也會發生心律不整的問題,然而注意兒童正常心律範圍隨著年齡變動,和成人(每分鐘60-100下)不同[3]。心律不整的診斷常見有十二導程[[心電圖]]({{link-en|electrocardiogram, ECG}})及[[動態心電圖]](又稱霍特心電圖,{{lang-en|Holter monitor}})[4]。

Most arrhythmias can be effectively treated.[1] Treatments may include medications, medical procedures such as a pacemaker, and surgery. Medications for a fast heart rate may include beta blockers or agents that attempt to restore a normal heart rhythm such as procainamide. This later group may have more significant side effects especially if taken for a long period of time. Pacemakers are often used for slow heart rates. Those with an irregular heartbeat are often treated with blood thinners to reduce the risk of complications. Those who have severe symptoms from an arrhythmia may be treated emergently with a jolt of electricity in the form of cardioversion or defibrillation.[5]



Arrhythmias affect millions of people.[6] In Europe and North America, as of 2014, atrial fibrillation affects about 2% to 3% of the population.[7] Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter resulted in 112,000 deaths in 2013, up from 29,000 in 1990.[8] Sudden cardiac death is the cause of about half of deaths due to cardiovascular disease or about 15% of all deaths globally.[9] About 80% of sudden cardiac death is the result of ventricular arrhythmias.[9] Arrhythmias may occur at any age but are more common among older people.[6]

<!--流行病學 -->

全世界有數百萬人有心律不整的問題[6]。根據歐洲及北美於西元2014年統計,心房顫動患者占其人口約2%至3%[7]。因心房顫動及{{Link-en|心房撲動|Atrial flutter}}死亡人數從1990年的約29,000人攀升到2013年的約112,000人[8]。全世界因心律不整而導致[[猝死|突發性心跳停止]]的案例占了所有[[心血管疾病]]相關患者的一半死亡原因、以及全球死亡原因的15%[9]。其中,心室心律不整占了突發性心跳停止的80%[9]。雖然全年齡層都有可能發生心律不整,但以年長者較普遍[6]。

2015-03-29 已整合此篇至中文維基百科「心律不整 」條目
