

Pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID) is an infection(感染) of the uterus(子宫), fallopian tubes(输卵管), and possibly ovaries(卵巢).[1] Often there may be no symptoms.[2] Signs and symptoms, when present may include: lower abdominal pain, vaginal discharge(阴道分泌物), fever(发热), burning with urination, pain with sex(性交疼痛), or irregular bleeding.[1][2]PID can result in long term complications including: infertility(不孕), ectopic pregnancy(異位妊娠), and chronic pelvic pain.[1]

’’’骨盆腔發炎’’’(Pelvic inflammatory disease,PID)指的是[[子宮]]或[[輸卵管]]受到[[感染]]的情形,也有也包含[[卵巢]]感染[1]。骨盆腔發炎時常無明顯的症狀,可能病徵有下腹痛、[[陰道分泌物]]、[[發燒]]、排尿時{{le|排尿困難|Dysuria|尿道有灼熱感}}、[[性交疼痛]]和不規律的流血[1][2]。骨盆腔發炎會導致長期的併發症,例如:[[不孕症]]、[[異位妊娠]]和{{le|慢性骨盆發炎|chronic pelvic pain}}[1]。

Infections by Neisseria gonorrhoeae(淋球菌) or Chlamydia trachomatis(砂眼衣原體) are present in 75 to 90 percent of cases. Often multiple different bacteria are involved.[1] Without treatment about 10% of those with a chlamydial infections and 40% of those with agonorrhea infection(淋病) will develop PID.[1][3] Risk factors are similar to that of sexually transmitted infections(性感染疾病) generally and include a high number of sexual partners and drug use. Vaginal douching may also increase the risk. The diagnosis is typically based on the presenting signs and symptoms. It is recommended that the disease be considered in all women of childbearing age who have lower abdominal pain. A definitive diagnosis is made by looking at the fallopian tubes during surgery and seeing pus().Ultrasound(超聲波) may also be useful in diagnosis.[1]

大約75~90%的病例可以在感染處發現[[淋球菌]]或[[砂眼披衣菌]],但時常有其他不同種細菌同時感染[1]。如果[[淋病]]和{{le|披衣菌感染|chlamydial infection}}的患者未積極接受治療,大約分別有10%和40%會惡化為骨盆腔發炎[1][3]。該疾病危險因子通常和[[性感染疾病|性病]]相似,包括大量的性伴侶和[[藥物濫用]]。{{le|陰道灌洗|Vaginal douching}}也會增加罹病風險。典型的診斷是基於目前的徵兆和症狀。這意味著此疾病好發於那些下腹疼痛的育齡婦女。直接的診斷是藉由[[手術]]中觀看輸卵管和[[膿]]。超音波也對診斷很有幫助[1]。

Efforts to prevention the disease include: not having sex or having few sexual partners and using condoms(避孕套).[4] Screening women at-risk for chlamydial infection followed by treatment decreases the risk of PID.[5] In those in whom the diagnosis is suspected treatment is typically advised.[1] Treating a woman’s sexual partners should also occur.[5] In those with mild or moderate symptoms a single injection of the antibiotic(抗细菌药) ceftriaxone(頭孢曲松) along with 2 weeks of doxycycline(多西环素) and possibly metronidazole(甲硝唑) by mouth is recommended. For those who do not improve after three days or who have severe disease intravenous antibiotics should be used.[6]


Globally about 106 million cases of chlamydia and 106 million cases of gonorrhea occurred in 2008.[3] The number of cases of PID; however, is not clear.[7] It is estimated to affect about 1.5% of young women yearly.[7] In the United States PID is estimated to affects about one million people yearly.[8] A type of intrauterine device(子宮環) (IUD) known as the dalkon shield lead to increased rates of PID in the 1970s. Current IUDs are not associated with this problem after the first month.[1]

2008年全球有1.06億人感染衣原菌,另外有1.06億人感染淋病,但骨盆腔發炎的人數並不清楚[7],估計每年約有1.5%的年輕女性有骨盆腔發炎的症狀[7],美國估計每年有一百人受到骨盆腔發炎的影響[8]。1970年代一種稱為{{le|達康盾|Dalkon Shield}}的[[子宮環]]會增加骨盆腔發炎的機率,現在使用的子宮環在使用一個月之後,不會造成骨盆腔發炎[1]。

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