
Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Translation task force/RTT/Simple Trichuriasis                                                                                                                                                  


Trichuriasis, also known as whipworm infection, is an infection by the parasitic worm Trichuris trichiura (whipworm).[1] If infection is only with a few worms, there are often no symptoms.[2] In those who are infected with many worms, there may be abdominal pain, tiredness and diarrhea.[2] The diarrhea sometimes contains blood.[2] Infections in children may cause poor intellectual and physical development.[2] Low red blood cell levels may occur due to loss of blood.[1]

’’’鞭蟲病’’’,.(Trichuriasis),是由一種名為[[鞭蟲]](’’{{lang|la|Trichuris trichiura}}’’)的[[寄生蟲]]感染所導致的疾病[1]。疾病的症狀取決於患者體內的鞭蟲數量,如果只感染很少量的蟲,常常不會有顯著症狀[2],但若感染蟲數很多,則會出現[[腹痛]]、疲累和[[腹瀉]]等症狀[2]。當孩童感染時,可能會使孩童的智力和身體發展受到影響[2]。腹瀉有時候會帶有[[血]][2],也會因此使得血中紅血球數量減少[1];也有可能有直腸脫垂的狀況[1]。

The disease is usually spread when people eat food or drink water that contains the eggs of these worms.[2] This may occur when contaminated vegetables are not fully cleaned or cooked.[2] Often these eggs are in the soil in areas where people defecate outside and where untreated human feces are used as fertilizer.[1] These eggs originate from the feces of infected people.[2] Young children playing in such soil and putting their hands in their mouths also become infected easily.[2] The worms live in the large bowel and are about four centimetres in length.[1] Whipworm is diagnosed by seeing the eggs when examining the stool with a microscope.[3] Eggs are barrel-shaped.[4] Trichuriasis belongs to the group of soil-transmitted helminthiasis.

鞭蟲病屬於土壤媒介的蠕蟲病,這個疾病通常藉由含有鞭蟲卵的飲水或食物傳播,像是食用含有蟲卵卻沒有清洗乾淨或未烹煮過的蔬菜[2]。鞭蟲的蟲卵常隨受感染者的糞便排至體外,常見於人們在{{le|露天排遺|Open defecation|戶外隨地大便}}、以及用未處理過的人類[[糞便]]做為[[肥料]]地區的土壤中[1]。小孩若在這樣的土地上玩耍,又將手放到嘴巴裡,很容易被感染。[1]鞭蟲的成蟲會寄生在[[大腸]],長度約4公分[1]。通常藉由以[[顯微鏡]]觀察糞便檢體尋找蟲卵,蟲卵特徵為桶狀外觀且兩端有突出的透明卵塞,來診斷是否受鞭蟲寄生[3][4]。

Prevention is by properly cooking food and hand washing before cooking.[5] Other measures include improving access to sanitation such as ensuring use of functional and clean toilets[5] and access to clean water.[6]  In areas of the world were the infections are common, often entire  groups of people will be treated all at once and on a regular basis.[7] Treatment is with three days of the medication: albendazole, mebendazole or ivermectin.[8] People often become infected again after treatment.[9]


Whipworm infection affects about 600 to 800 million people worldwide.[1][10] It is most common in tropical countries.[7] In the developing world, those infected with whipworm often also have hookworms and ascariasis infections.[7] They have a large effect on the economy of many countries.[11] Work is ongoing to develop a vaccine against the disease.[7] Trichuriasis is classified as a neglected tropical disease.[12]



2015/12/28已整合到條目 鞭蟲病  中