Diazepam /daɪˈæzᵻpæm/, first marketed as Valium /ˈvæliəm/, is a medication of the benzodiazepine(苯二氮䓬类) type. It is commonly used to treat a range of conditions including anxiety(焦虑症), alcohol withdrawal syndrome(酒精戒斷症候群), benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, muscle spasms(痙攣), seizures, trouble sleeping(失眠), andrestless legs syndrome(睡眠腳動症).[3] It may also be used to cause memory loss(失憶症) during certain medical procedures.[4][5]It can be taken by mouth, inserted into the rectum(直肠), injected into muscle, or injected into a vein(靜脈注射).[5] When given into a vein effects begin in one to five minutes and last up to an hour.[5] By mouth effects may take 40 minutes to begin.[6]
’’’地西泮’’’({{lang|en|Diazepam}}),另有中文譯名’’’地西畔’’’、’’’戴阿劑盤’’’、’’’安定’’’、’’’苯甲二氮䓬’’’,著名商品名稱有「’’Valium’’’」,屬於[[苯二氮䓬類藥物]]。地西泮常用於治療[[焦慮症]]、[[酒精戒斷症候群]]、{{le|苯二氮類藥物戒斷症候群|Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome}}、[[痙攣]]、{{le|癲癇發作|Seizure}}、[[失眠]],和[[睡眠腳動症]][3]。有時也會在某些手術療程中刻意讓患者[[失憶症|失憶]][4][5]。該藥可由口服、[[直腸]]塞劑、肌肉注射,以及[[靜脈注射]]給藥。如果經靜脈注射給藥,藥效大約會於1至5分鐘作用,可維持至多一小時[5]。口服的藥效會延遲約40分鐘才作用,作用時間大致與靜脈注射相同[6]。
Common side effects include sleepiness and trouble with coordination.[5] Serious side effects are rare.[3] They include suicide(自殺), decreased breathing, and an increased risk of seizures if used to frequently in those with epilepsy(癫痫).[5][3] Occasionally excitement or agitation may occur.[7][8] Long term use can result in tolerance(藥物耐受性), dependence, and withdrawal upon dose reduction. Abrupt stopping after long term use can be potentially dangerous.[3] After stopping cognitive(認知) problems may persist for six months or longer.[7] They are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.[5] Its mechanism of action is by increasing the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric acid(Γ-氨基丁酸) (GABA).[7]
地西泮的藥效源自於活化[[GABA]]的作用[7]。常見副作用包含嗜睡以及運動協調性障礙[5]。嚴重副作用較少見[3],包含[[自殺]]、呼吸減少,過度使用也可能反而升高癲癇發作的機會[3][5]。偶爾會造成[[躁動]]或興奮[7][8]。長期使用可能導致[[藥物耐受性]]、{{le|藥物依賴性|Benzodiazepine dependence|依賴性}},減少藥量甚至可能造成戒斷症。長期服藥期間貿然停藥可能會又潛在危險[3],包括可能維持長達半年的[[認知]]障礙[7]。該藥不建議在妊娠或哺乳期間服用[5]。
Diazepam was first synthesized by Leo Sternbach, and was first manufactured by Hoffmann-La Roche(罗氏). It has been one of the most frequently prescribed medications in the world since its launch in 1963. In the United States it was the highest selling medication between 1968 and 1982 selling more than two billion tablets in 1978 alone. In 1985 the patent ended and their is now more than 500 brands old.[3] Diazepam is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines(世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单), the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[9]
地西泮最早是由{{le|Leo Sternbach|Leo Sternbach}}所合成,並由[[羅氏藥廠]]首次大規模生產。自從1963年上市以後,它成為了全世界處方用量最大的藥物之一。1968年至1982年期間,本品為銷量最大的藥物。單單在1978年,銷售量就逾20億碇。1985年專利權終止,至今品牌名多達500個[3]。該藥列名[[世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单]],為基礎醫療體系的必備藥物之一。