



Pertussis, also known as whooping cough or 100 day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease(病原细菌).[1][2]Initially symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold(普通感冒) with a runny nose, fever(发热) and mildcough(咳嗽). This is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits. Following a fit of coughing a high-pitched "whoop" sound may occur as the person breathes in.[2] The coughing may last for more than a hundred days or ten weeks.[3] A person may cough so hard they vomit, break ribs, or become very tired(疲倦) from the effort.[2][4] Children less than one year old may have little or no cough and instead have periods where they do not breathe.[2] The period of time between infection and the onset of symptoms is usually seven to ten days.[5] Disease may occur in those who have been vaccinated but symptoms are typically milder.[2]


Pertussis is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis(百日咳杆菌). It is an airborne disease which spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person.[6] People are infectious to others from the start of symptoms until about three weeks into the coughing fits. Those treated with antibiotics(抗细菌药) are no longer infectious after five days.[7] Diagnosis is by collecting a sample from the back of the nose and throat. This sample can than be tested by either culture(文化) or by polymerase chain reaction(聚合酶链式反应).[8]

百日咳是由[[百日咳桿菌]]引起的疾病,可藉由已感染者的咳嗽或噴嚏而傳播給他人,是[[空氣傳播疾病]]的一種[6] 。病患對他人的傳染性是從疾病開始一直延續到約三週後開始產生劇烈咳嗽後,但若以[[抗生素]]治療五天後將不再具備傳染性[7] 。針對此疾病的檢驗主要是使用{{le|鼻咽腔捲棉拭子|Nasopharyngeal swab}}來進行,檢體可再經由[[細菌培養]]或是[[聚合酶連鎖反應]]來檢驗並確認[8]

Prevention is mainly by vaccination(疫苗接種) with the pertussis vaccine.[9] Initial immunization is recommended between six and eight weeks of age with four doses to be given in the first two years of life.[10] The vaccine becomes less effective over time with additional doses often recommended among older children and adults.[11] Antibiotics may be used to prevent the disease among those who have been exposed and are at risk of severe disease.[12] In those with the disease antibiotics are useful if started within three weeks of the initial symptoms but otherwise have little effect in most people. In children less than one year old and among those who are pregnant they are recommended within six weeks of symptom onset. Antibiotics used include erythromycin(红霉素), azithromycin(阿奇霉素), ortrimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole(複方新諾明).[7] Evidence to support the effectiveness of medications for the cough is poor.[13] Many children less than a year of age require hospitalization.[2]

百日咳的預防主要藉由[[疫苗接種|施打]]{{le|百日咳疫苗|Pertussis vaccine|疫苗}}來執行[9]。建議在六到八周的年齡初次接種,並在兩歲前接種四劑[10]。疫苗的功效會隨時間變差,因此建議年齡較大的兒童及成人追加施打[11]。對於已暴露在及有罹患嚴重疾病風險的人來說,抗生素可用來預防此疾病[12]。對於罹患此疾病的人來說,在初期症狀的三周內服用抗生素是有效的,但若超過這個時間,對大多數人幾乎沒有效果。建議未滿一歲兒童及孕婦在症狀出現六周內服用。用來治療的抗生素包括[[紅霉素]]、[[阿奇霉素]]及[[複方新諾明]][7]。目前對於這些藥物治療咳嗽的功效仍沒有足夠證據[13]。許多未滿一歲的兒童需要住院[2]。

It is estimated that pertussis affects 16 million people worldwide a year.[13] Most cases occur in the developing world(发展中国家) and people of all ages may be affected.[9][13] In 2013 it resulted in 61,000 deaths – down from 138,000 deaths in 1990.[14] Nearly 2% of infected children less than a year of age die.[4] Outbreaks of the disease were first described in the 16th century. The bacteria that causes the infection was discovered in 1906. The vaccine became available in the 1940s.[5]

據估計,百日咳每年在全世界感染約1600萬人[13]。大部分的病例都發生在[[開發中國家]],且各個年齡層的人們都有遭受感染的可能[9][13]。在2013年,百日咳而死亡的病患由1990年的138000人降至61000人[14]。感染百日咳的兒童有近2%不滿足歲即死亡[4] 。第一次關於百日咳大規模爆發的記載是在16世紀,1906年人們終於發現造成百日咳的病原體,直到1940年代百日咳疫苗才問世[5]