妊娠劇吐Hyperemesis gravidarum


Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a complication of pregnancy that is characterized by severenausea and vomiting such that weight loss anddehydration occurs.[1] Signs and symptoms may include vomiting several times a day and feelingfaint. It is more severe than morning sickness. Often symptoms get better after the 20th week of pregnancy but may last the entire pregnancy.[2]

’’’妊娠劇吐’’’({{lang|en|Hyperemesis gravidarum}},HG)是{{le|妊娠併發症|complication of pregnancy}}的一種。其特徵為足以造成[[體重下降]]與[[脫水]]的嚴重[[噁心]]和[[嘔吐]][1]。徵象和症狀包含一天內多次的劇吐還有暈眩感,其嚴重程度超越[[害喜]]。症狀通常會在懷孕二十週後稍微改善,但也可能整個懷孕期間都為此而苦[2]

The exact cause of hyperemesis gravidarum is not known.[3] Risk factors include the first pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, obesity, prior or family history of hyperemesis gravidarum,trophoblastic disorder, and a history of a eating disorder.[3][4] The diagnosis is usually made based on the signs and symptoms. It has been technically defined as more than three episodes of vomiting per day such that weight loss of 5% or three kilograms has occurred and ketones are present in the urine.[3] Other potential causes of the symptoms should be excluded including urinary tract infection and high thyroid levels.[5]

造成妊娠劇吐的原因尚未確定[3],但已知的危險因子有初次懷孕、[[多胞胎]]、[[肥胖症]]、{{le|妊娠滋養層細胞疾病|trophoblastic disorder}}、進食障礙病史,或是先前曾發生或有妊娠劇吐的家族病史[3][4] 。本病通常根據其症狀確診。妊娠劇吐已經在實務上被定義為每日嘔吐超過三次、體重下降百分之五或三公斤、及在尿液中出現[[酮類]][3]。確診前應排除[[泌尿道感染]]與[[甲狀腺功能亢進]]等可能造成相似症狀的疾病[5]。

Treatment includes drinking fluids and a bland diet.[2] Recommendations may includeelectrolyte-replacement drinks, thiamine, and a higher protein diet.[3][6] Some women require intravenous fluids.[2] With respect to medications pyridoxine or metoclopramide are prefered.[5] Prochlorperazine, dimenhydrinate, or ondansetron may be used if these are not effective.[5][3] Hospitalization may be required. Psychotherapy may improve outcomes. Evidence for acupressure is poor.[3]

本病療法包括補充流質、攝取清淡食物[2]。建議包括服用{{le|電解質補充飲料|electrolyte-replacement drinks}}、[[硫胺]]、還有高蛋白質食品[3][6]。有一些女性需要[[靜脈注射|通過靜脈注射補充電解質及營養素]][2]。藥物治療方面,建議使用[[吡哆醇]]或是[[甲氧氯普胺]][5],若無效則可用[[普樂明]]、[[克暈片錠]]、[[卓弗蘭]]治療[5][3]。一些患者可能需要入院治療。其他替代療法如[[心理療法]],以及傳統[[中醫]]則有對[[內關]]穴進行{{le|穴位按壓|acupressure}}的治療法可能具有療效[3][+1]。

While vomiting in pregnancy has been described as early as 2,000 BC, the first clear medically description of hyperemesis gravidarum was in 1852 by Antoine Dubois.[7]Hyperemesis gravidarum is estimated to affect 0.3–2.0% of pregnant women.[8] While previously a common cause of death in pregnancy, with proper treatment this is now very rare.[9][10] Those affected have a low risk of miscarriage but a higher risk of premature birth.[4] Some women opt to have an abortion because of the symptoms.[6]

關於懷孕時嘔吐的歷史紀錄,最早可以追溯到西元兩千年前,但直到1852年才由{{link-fr|安托尼杜布瓦|Antoine Dubois}}首度以醫學文獻的形式清楚描述妊娠劇吐[7]。 根據統計,妊娠劇吐影響0.3–2.0%懷孕女性,過去也曾經是懷孕婦女的常見死因,但現今因為完善的治療,其造成的死亡已經非常罕見[8][9][10]。被妊娠劇吐影響的女性有較低的[[流產]]風險,但伴隨著較高的[[早產]]機率。某些女性會因為妊娠劇吐而選擇[[墮胎]][6]。