





Progression from TB infection to overt TB disease occurs when the bacilli overcome the immune system defenses and begin to multiply. In primary TB disease (some 1–5% of cases), this occurs soon after the initial infection.[10]However, in the majority of cases, a latent infection occurs with no obvious symptoms.[10] These dormant bacilli produce active tuberculosis in 5–10% of these latent cases, often many years after infection.[13]

The risk of reactivation increases with immunosuppression, such as that caused by infection with HIV. In people coinfected with M. tuberculosis and HIV, the risk of reactivation increases to 10% per year.[10] Studies using DNA fingerprinting of M. tuberculosis strains have shown reinfection contributes more substantially to recurrent TB than previously thought,[98] with estimates that it might account for more than 50% of reactivated cases in areas where TB is common.[99] The chance of death from a case of tuberculosis is about 4% as of 2008, down from 8% in 1995.[11]


當細菌超越免疫系統的防禦而開始增生時,疾病會由結核菌感染進展到症狀明顯的結核病。在原發型結核病 (佔 1-5% 的比例),這種現象會在感染剛開始的時候很快的發生 [10] 。然而佔率較多的潛伏結核感染,大多沒有明顯症狀 [10]。在5-10%潛伏結合感染的案例中,這些休眠的細菌經常會在感染後數年的時間製造出活動的結核 [13]。

疾病再活化的機率會隨著免疫抑制增加,例如因為感染了人類免疫缺陷病毒。同時感染有結核菌和人類免疫缺陷病毒的患者,結核再活化得機率會上升到每年10%之多 [10]。利用[[遺傳指紋分析]]鑑定結核菌的菌株的研究指出,「再度感染」在結核病復發的角色比先前的認知更重要 [98],估計在結核病盛行區域佔了疾病再活化的個案中的50% [99]。結合病得致死率在2008年大約為4%,相較於1995年的8%已有下降 [11]。


Main article: Epidemiology of tuberculosis

In 2007, the prevalence of TB per 100,000 people was highest in sub-Saharan Africa, and was also relatively high in Asia.[100]

Roughly one-third of the world’s population has been infected with M. tuberculosis,[50] with new infections occurring in about 1% of the population each year.[9]However, most infections with M. tuberculosis do not cause TB disease,[101] and 90–95% of infections remain asymptomatic.[53] In 2012, an estimated 8.6 million chronic cases were active.[102] In 2010, 8.8 million new cases of TB were diagnosed, and 1.20–1.45 million deaths occurred, most of these occurring in developing countries(发展中国家).[39][103] Of these 1.45 million deaths, about 0.35 million occur in those also infected with HIV.[104]




Tuberculosis is the second-most common cause of death from infectious disease (after those due to HIV/AIDS).[3]The total number of tuberculosis cases has been decreasing since 2005, while new cases have decreased since 2002.[39] China has achieved particularly dramatic progress, with about an 80% reduction in its TB mortality rate between 1990 and 2010.[104] The number of new cases has declined by 17% between 2004–2014.[94] Tuberculosis is more common in developing countries; about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries test positive in tuberculin tests, while only 5–10% of the US population test positive.[10] Hopes of totally controlling the disease have been dramatically dampened because of a number of factors, including the difficulty of developing an effective vaccine, the expensive and time-consuming diagnostic process, the necessity of many months of treatment, the increase in HIV-associated tuberculosis, and the emergence of drug-resistant cases in the 1980s.[11]


In 2007, the country with the highest estimated incidence rate of TB was Swaziland(史瓦濟蘭), with 1,200 cases per 100,000 people. India had the largest total incidence, with an estimated 2.0 million new cases.[105] In developed countries, tuberculosis is less common and is found mainly in urban areas. Rates per 100,000 people in different areas of the world were: globally 178, Africa 332, the Americas 36, Eastern Mediterranean 173, Europe 63, Southeast Asia 278, and Western Pacific 139 in 2010.[104] In Canada and Australia, tuberculosis is many times more common among the aboriginal peoples(原住民), especially in remote areas.[106][107] In the United States Native Americans have a fivefold greater mortality from TB,[108] and racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 84% of all reported TB cases.[109]


The rates of TB varies with age. In Africa, it primarily affects adolescents and young adults.[110] However, in countries where incidence rates have declined dramatically (such as the United States), TB is mainly a disease of older people and the immunocompromised (risk factors are listed above).[10][111] Worldwide, 22 "high-burden" states or countries together experience 80% of cases as well as 83% of deaths.[94]



Main article: History of tuberculosis





Egyptian mummy(木乃伊) in theBritish Museum(大英博物馆) – tubercular decay has been found in the spines of Egyptian(埃及) mummies(木乃伊).

Tuberculosis has been present in humans since antiquity(古代史).[11] The earliest unambiguous detection of M. tuberculosis involves evidence of the disease in the remains of bison in Wyoming dated to around 17,000 years ago.[112] However, whether tuberculosis originated in bovines, then was transferred to humans, or whether it diverged from a common ancestor, is currently unclear.[113] A comparison of the genes(基因) of M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) in humans to MTBC in animals suggests humans did not acquire MTBC from animals during animal domestication, as was previously believed. Both strains of the tuberculosis bacteria share a common ancestor, which could have infected humans as early as the Neolithic Revolution(新石器革命).[114]

Skeletal remains show prehistoric humans (4000 BC(公元)) had TB, and researchers have found tubercular decay in the spines of Egyptian(埃及) mummies(木乃伊) dating from 3000–2400 BC.[115] Genetic studies suggest TB was present in the Americas(美洲) from about 100 AD.[116]

Before the Industrial Revolution(工业革命), folklore often associated tuberculosis with vampires(吸血鬼). When one member of a family died from it, the other infected members would lose their health slowly. People believed this was caused by the original person with TB draining the life from the other family members.[117]



Although the pulmonary form associated with tubercles was established as a pathology by Dr Richard Morton in 1689,[118][119] due to the variety of its symptoms, TB was not identified as a single disease until the 1820s. It was not named "tuberculosis" until 1839, by J. L. Schönlein(约翰·卢卡斯·舍恩来因).[120]


During 1838–1845, Dr. John Croghan, the owner of Mammoth Cave(猛犸洞国家公园), brought a number of people with tuberculosis into the cave in the hope of curing the disease with the constant temperature and purity of the cave air; they died within a year.[121] Hermann Brehmer opened the first TB sanatorium(療養院) in 1859 in Görbersdorf (now Sokołowsko), Silesia(西里西亞).[122]


The bacillus causing tuberculosis, M. tuberculosis, was identified and described on 24 March 1882 by Robert Koch(罗伯特·科赫). He received the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine(诺贝尔生理学或医学奖) in 1905 for this discovery.[123] Koch did not believe the bovine (cattle) and human tuberculosis diseases were similar, which delayed the recognition of infected milk as a source of infection. Later, the risk of transmission from this source was dramatically reduced by the invention of the pasteurization(巴斯德消毒法) process. Koch announced a glycerine(甘油) extract of the tubercle bacilli as a "remedy" for tuberculosis in 1890, calling it "tuberculin". While it was not effective, it was later successfully adapted as a screening test for the presence of pre-symptomatic tuberculosis.[124] The World Tuberculosis Day(世界结核病日) was established on 24 March for this reason.


Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin achieved the first genuine success in immunization against tuberculosis in 1906, using attenuated bovine-strain tuberculosis. It was called bacille Calmette–Guérin(卡介苗) (BCG). The BCG vaccine was first used on humans in 1921 in France,[125] but received widespread acceptance in the US, Great Britain, and Germany only after World War II.[126]


Tuberculosis caused the most widespread public concern in the 19th and early 20th centuries as an endemic(地方性流行) disease of the urban poor. In 1815, one in four deaths in England was due to "consumption". By 1918, one in six deaths in France was still caused by TB. After TB was determined to be contagious, in the 1880s, it was put on a notifiable disease list in Britain; campaigns were started to stop people from spitting in public places, and the infected poor were "encouraged" to enter sanatoria(療養院) that resembled prisons (the sanatoria for the middle and upper classes offered excellent care and constant medical attention).[122] Whatever the (purported) benefits of the "fresh air" and labor in the sanatoria, even under the best conditions, 50% of those who entered died within five years (circa 1916).[122]


In Europe, rates of tuberculosis began to rise in the early 1600s to a peak level in the 1800s, when it caused nearly 25% of all deaths.[127] By the 1950s, mortality had decreased nearly 90%.[128] Improvements in public health began significantly reducing rates of tuberculosis even before the arrival of streptomycin(鏈黴素) and other antibiotics, although the disease remained a significant threat to public health such that when the Medical Research Council was formed in Britain in 1913, its initial focus was tuberculosis research.[129]


In 1946, the development of the antibiotic streptomycin(鏈黴素) made effective treatment and cure of TB a reality. Prior to the introduction of this drug, the only treatment (except sanatoria) was surgical intervention, including the "pneumothorax(氣胸) technique", which involved collapsing an infected lung to "rest" it and allow tuberculous lesions to heal.[130]

Because of the emergence of MDR-TB, surgery has been re-introduced as an option within the generally accepted standard of care in treating TB infections. Current surgical interventions involve removal of pathological chest cavities ("bullae") in the lungs to reduce the number of bacteria and to increase the exposure of the remaining bacteria to drugs in the bloodstream, thereby simultaneously reducing the total bacterial load and increasing the effectiveness of systemic antibiotic therapy.[131]


Hopes of completely eliminating TB (cf. smallpox(天花)) from the population were dashed after the rise of drug-resistant(抗生素抗藥性) strains in the 1980s. The subsequent resurgence of tuberculosis resulted in the declaration of a global health emergency by the World Health Organization in 1993.[132]


Society and culture


Phthisis is a Greek word for consumption, an old term for pulmonary tuberculosis;[2] around 460 BC, Hippocrates(希波克拉底) described phthisis as a disease of dry seasons.[133]The abbreviation "TB" is short for tubercle bacillus(杆菌).



Phthisis在希臘文的意思是消耗,一個古老的專有名詞專指肺結核。[2]大約在西元前460年,[[希波克拉底]]描述Phthisis為乾季時的疾病。[133]縮寫TB是由[[tubercle bacillus(桿菌)]]而來

Public health efforts

The World Health Organization(世界卫生组织), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(比爾與美琳達·蓋茨基金會), and US government are subsidizing a fast-acting diagnostic tuberculosis test for use in low- and middle-income countries.[134][135][136] In addition to being fast-acting, the test can determine if there is resistance to the antibiotic rifampicin which may indicate multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and is accurate in those who are also infected with HIV.[134][137] Many resource-poor places as of 2011 have access to only sputum microscopy.[138]



India had the highest total number of TB cases worldwide in 2010, in part due to poor disease management within the private and public health care sector.[139] Programs such as the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program are working to reduce TB levels amongst people receiving public health care.[140][141]


A 2014 the EIU(经济学人信息社)-healthcare report that the need to address apathy and urging for increased funding. The report cites among others Lucica Ditui "[TB] is like an orphan. It has been neglected even in countries with a high burden and often forgotten by donors and those investing in health interventions."[94]

2014年,[[經濟學人信息社]]發布報告——《古老的敵人,迫切的任務:是時候該採取更強手段控制結核病了》,稱結核病需要更多關注與更多的資金以支持其研究。報告援引盧奇卡·第提尤(Lucica Ditiu) 博士說法稱「(結核病)像是孤兒一樣。甚至在因結核病流行而造成較大負擔的國家,結核病也已被忽視,衛生領域的投資者與捐助者也常忘記對結核病診治的投資。[94]

Slow progress has led to frustration, expressed by executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – Mark Dybul: "we have the tools to end TB as a pandemic and public health threat on the planet, but we are not doing it."[94] Several international organizations are pushing for more transparency in treatment, and more countries are implementing mandatory reporting of cases to the government, although adherence is often sketchy. Commercial treatment-providers may at times overprescribe second-line drugs as well as supplementary treatment, promoting demands for further regulations.[94] The government of Brazil provides universal TB-care, which reduces this problem.[94] Conversely, falling rates of TB-infection may not relate to the number of programs directed at reducing infection rates, but may be tied to increased level of education, income and health of the population.[94] Costs of the disease, as calculated by the World Bank in 2009 may exceed 150 billion USD per year in "high burden" countries.[94] Lack of progress eradicating the disease may also be due to lack of patient follow-up – as among the 250M rural migrants in China(流动人口).[94]



Slow progress in preventing the disease may in part be due to stigma associated with TB.[94] Stigma may be due to the fear of transmission from affected individuals. This stigma may additionally arise due to links between TB and poverty, and in Africa, AIDS.[94] Such stigmatization may be both real and perceived, for example; in Ghana individuals with TB are banned from attending public gatherings.[142]



Stigma towards TB may result in delays in seeking treatment,[94] lower treatment compliance, and family members keeping cause of death secret[142] – allowing the disease to spread further.[94] At odds is Russia, where stigma was associated with increased treatment compliance.[142] TB stigma also affects socially marginalized individuals to a greater degree and varies between regions.[142]


One way to decrease stigma may be through the promotion of "TB clubs", where those infected may share experiences and offer support, or through counseling.[142] Some studies have shown TB education programs to be effective in decreasing stigma, and may thus be effective in increasing treatment adherence.[142] Despite this, studies on relationship between reduced stigma and mortality are lacking as of 2010, and similar efforts to decrease stigma surrounding AIDS have been minimally effective.[142] Some have claimed the stigma to be worse than the disease, and healthcare providers may unintentionally reinforce stigma, as those with TB are often perceived as difficult or otherwise undesirable.[94] A greater understanding of the social and cultural dimensions of tuberculosis may also help with stigma reduction.[143]



The BCG vaccine has limitations, and research to develop new TB vaccines is ongoing.[144] A number of potential candidates are currently in phase I and II clinical trials(臨床試驗).[144] Two main approaches are being used to attempt to improve the efficacy of available vaccines. One approach involves adding a subunit vaccine to BCG, while the other strategy is attempting to create new and better live vaccines.[144] MVA85A, an example of a subunit vaccine, currently in trials in South Africa, is based on a genetically modified vaccinia virus.[145] Vaccines are hoped to play a significant role in treatment of both latent and active disease.[146]


卡介苗疫苗仍有其侷限,目前正在研究開發新的結核病疫苗[144]。目前已有一些潛在的候選疫苗正處於第一期和[[二期臨床試驗]][144]。主要有兩種方法用來嘗試提高現有疫苗的功效。一種是涉及將一個次單位疫苗加入BCG,而另一種策略是試圖做出全新且更好的活疫苗[144] 。[[MVA85A]]是一種次單位疫苗,目前在南非進行試驗,此疫苗發展基礎是以[[牛痘]]病毒作基因改造[145]。這些新興疫苗主要是希望對潛在性和活動性肺結核能有顯著的角色。[146]

To encourage further discovery, researchers and policymakers are promoting new economic models of vaccine development, including prizes, tax incentives, and advance market commitments.[147][148] A number of groups, including the Stop TB Partnership,[149] the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, and the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, are involved with research.[150] Among these, the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation received a gift of more than $280 million (US) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(比爾與美琳達·蓋茨基金會) to develop and license an improved vaccine against tuberculosis for use in high burden countries.[151][152]


A number of medications are being studied for multi drug resistant tuberculosis including: bedaquiline and delamanid.[153] Bedaquiline received U.S. Food and Drug Administration(美国食品药品监督管理局) (FDA) approval in late 2012.[154] The safety and effectiveness of these new agents are still uncertain, because they are based on the results of a relatively small studies.[153][155] However, existing data suggest that patients taking bedaquiline in addition to standard TB therapy are five times more likely to die than those without the new drug,[156] which has resulted in medical journal articles raising health policy questions about why the FDA approved the drug and whether financial ties to the company making bedaquiline influenced physicians’ support for its use [155][157]


Other animals

Mycobacteria infect many different animals, including birds,[158] rodents,[159] and reptile.[160] The subspecies Mycobacterium tuberculosis, though, is rarely present in wild animals.[161] An effort to eradicate bovine tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis from the cattle and deer herds of New Zealand(新西兰) has been relatively successful.[162]Efforts in Great Britain have been less successful.[163][164]



As of 2015, tuberculosis appears to be widespread among captive elephants() in the US. It is believed that the animals originally acquired the disease from humans, a process called reverse zoonosis(人畜共通傳染病). Because the disease can spread through the air to infect both humans and other animals, it is a public health concern affectingcircuses(马戏) and zoos(動物園).[165][166]
