
Leptospirosis (also known as field fever,[1] rat catcher’s yellows,[2] and pretibial fever[3] among others names) is an infection cause by bacteria of the Leptospira type. Symptoms can range from none to mild such as headaches, muscles pains, and fevers to severe with bleeding from the lungs or meningitis.[4][5] If the infection causes the person to turn yellow, have kidney failure and bleeding it is than known as Weil’s disease.[5] If it causes lots of bleeding from the lungs it is known as severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome.[5]

’’’鉤端螺旋體病’’’({{lang-en|Leptospirosis}},又譯’’’細螺旋體症’’’<ref>{{cite web|url=http://mrc.hatw.org.tw/search.aspx?key=Weil%27s+disease&source=0 | title=衛生福利部中文化病歷字彙查詢| accessdate=2015-01-11}}</ref>)簡稱’’’鈎體病’’’,是一種[[人畜共通傳染病]],由{{link-en|鉤端螺旋體|leptospira}}類[[細菌]]引起的[[感染]]。患者可能無症狀或表現輕度[[頭痛]]、肌肉疼痛、[[發熱]]到嚴重的{{link-en|肺出血|bleeding from the lungs}}或[[腦膜炎]][4][5] 。如果此感染造成[[黃疸]]、[[腎衰竭]]或出血,此時疾病又稱為威爾氏病({{lang-en|Weil’s disease}})。如果造成肺部大量出血則稱作嚴重肺出血症候群[5]。

<!-- Cause and Diagnosis-->

There are ten different types of Leptospira that cause disease in humans.[6] It is transmitted by both wild and domestic animals.[5]The most common animals that spreads the disease are rodents.[7] It is often transmitted by animal urine or water containing animal urine coming into contact with breaks in the skin, the eyes, mouth, nose or vagina.[8][4] In the developing world the disease most commonly occurs in farmers and poor people who live in cities.[5] In the developed world it most commonly occurs in those involved in outdoor activities in warm and wet areas of the world.[4] Diagnosis is by growing the bacteria from a blood sample, finding its DNAin the blood, or looking for antibodies against the infection.[4]

<!-- 病因與診斷-->


<!-- Prevention and Treatment -->

Efforts to prevent the disease include protective equipment to prevent contact when working with potentially infected animals, washing after this contact, and reducing rodents in areas people live and work.[4] The antibiotic, doxycycline when used in an effort to prevent infection among travellers is of unclear benefit.[4] Vaccines for animals exist for certain type of Leptospira which may decrease the risk of spread to humans.[4] Treatment if infected is with antibiotics such as: doxycycline, penicillin, or ceftriaxone.[4]Weil’s disease and severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome result in death rates greater than 10% and 50%, respectively, even with treatment.[5]

<!-- 預防與治療 -->

預防鉤端螺旋體病的方式包括使用防護裝備以避免與可能染病的動物接觸、與動物接觸後確實清洗、以及減少居所與工作場所的齧齒類動物[4]。 旅遊時有時會服用[[抗細菌藥|抗生素]],比如[[去氧羥四環素]],以預防鉤端螺旋體病,但是否有效果尚不確定。有幾類的鉤端螺旋體已經有可讓動物施打的疫苗,替動物施打疫苗也同時能減少鉤端螺旋體病傳染給人類的風險[4]。治療鉤端螺旋體病的[[抗細菌藥|抗生素]]有[[去氧羥四環素]]、[[青黴素]]、以及[[頭孢曲松]]等[4]。魏氏病和嚴重肺出血症候群等重症的死亡率即使經治療仍達10%以上至50%不等[5]。{{fact|臨床上若有人的職業或是休閒活動是和野外相關,例如農夫、礦工、畜牧業者或是屠宰場工作者及最近在野外游泳、露營者有發燒之情形,則需小心可能是感染鉤端螺旋體經潛伏期約四至十九天(通常為十天)後發病了。鉤端螺旋體病的治療仰賴[[抗生素]]如[[青黴素]](penicillin G)之使用,[[紅黴素]]或[[四環黴素]]也可使用。然而預防勝於治療,妥善處理家畜及寵物之排泄物,避免環境受到汙染,經常暴露於病原環境場所之工作者,如獸醫、屠宰場工人、畜牧業者等應戴手套以免感染,野外活動接觸動物後應立即洗手,並避免在野外水池中游泳,才是避免得到這個可能會造成腎衰竭、黃疸、乃至於致死卻又難以診斷的疾病的方法。}}

<!-- Epidemiology -->

It is estimated that seven to ten millions peoples are infected by leptospirosis a year.[9] The number of deaths this causes is not clear.[9] The disease is most common in tropical areas of the world but may occur anywhere.[4] Outbreaks may occur in slums of the developing world.[5] The disease was first described by Weil in 1886 in Germany.[4] Animals who are infected may have no symptoms, mild symptoms, or severe symptoms.[6] Symptoms may vary by the type of animal.[6]

<!-- 流行病學 -->


2014-01-11 已整合中文維基百科「鉤端螺旋體病」的引言頁面
