Dysmenorrhea, also known as dysmenorrhoea, painful periods, or menstrual cramps, is pain during menstruation.[1][2] It usually begins around the time that mensturation begins. Symptoms typically last less than three days. The pain is usually in the pelvis or lower abdomen. Other symptoms may include back pain, diarrhea, or nausea.[1]
’’’經痛’’’({{lang|en|Dysmenorrhea}}, dysmenorrhoea),又稱’’’痛經’’’(painful periods)、月經絞痛(menstrual cramps),是女性月經來潮時產生的疼痛。[1][2]通常在月經開始左右發生經痛。典型的症狀大約少於三天,疼痛通常發生在[[骨盆]]或下腹部;其他的症狀可能包括[[背痛]]、腹瀉與噁心[1]。
In young women painful periods often occur without an underlying problem. In older women it is more often due to an underlying issues such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, or endometriosis.[3] It is more common among those with heavy perioids, irregular perioids, whose periods started before twelve years of age, or who have a low body weight.[1] A pelvic exam in those who are sexually active and ultrasound may be useful to help in diagnosis.[4] Conditions that should be ruled out include ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, interstitial cystitis, and chronic pelvic pain.[1]
對於年輕婦女,經痛可能在沒有任何原發疾病的影響下發生。可是較年長的婦女若有經痛困擾,大多和[[子宮肌瘤]]、[[子宮肌腺瘤]]或是[[子宮內膜異位症]]有關[3]。較常見於患有[[月經量過多]]、經期不規律、初經發生在十二歲前又或是體重過輕的婦女[1] 。會建議有規律性生活的女性接受[[骨盆腔檢查]],[[超音波]]掃描可作為一項非常好的診斷依據[4]。在進行診斷時,應優先排除[[子宮外孕]]、[[骨盆腔發炎]]、[[間質性膀胱炎]]與[[慢性骨盆疼痛症候群]]等疾病的可能性[1]。
Dysmenorrhea occurs less often in those who exercise reularly and those who have children early in life.[1] Treatment may include the use of a heating pad.[3] Medications that may help include NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, hormonal birth control, and the IUD with progestogen.[3][1] Taking vitamin B or magnesium may help.[2] Evidence for yoga, accupuncture, and message is insufficient.[1] Surgery may be useful if certein underlying problems are present.[2]
平常有運動習慣以及在很年輕就生育的女性較少有經痛的困擾[1] 。使用加熱墊也是減緩經痛的方式之一[3]。[[非類固醇抗發炎藥物]]像是[[布洛芬]]、[[賀爾蒙避孕藥]]還有[[子宮內避孕器]]都是能幫助患者減輕疼痛的醫療方法[3][1] ,維他命B或鎂亦有幫助。對於[[瑜伽]]、[[針灸]]和[[按摩]]是否能夠抑制經痛的研究還不夠完整[1],但若確定患有某種可能導致經痛的宿疾,可利用手術方式來減輕經痛[2]。
Dysmenorrhea is estimated to occur in 20% to 90% of women of reproductive age.[1] It is the most common menstrual disorder.[2] Typically it starts within a year of thefirst menstrual period.[1] When their is no underlying cause often the pain improves with age or following having a child.[2]
處於生育年齡的婦女,估計約有20-90%曾有經痛的經驗[1],它可說是最常見的[[月經失調疾病]][2] ,大多開始在[[初經]]開始的一年內[1] 。在沒有其他可能疾病的影響下,經期疼痛的情況會隨著年齡增加而改善,也會在懷孕後趨緩[2]。