



流行性腮腺炎epidemic parotitis,英文俗稱:Mumps)、耳下腺炎,俗稱「豬頭皮」「痄腮」,是指一個或兩個腮腺(人類臉頰兩旁的主要唾腺)發炎的疾病。腮腺是唾腺中最常發炎的一個部位。[1]且通常還會伴隨睪丸腫脹(睪丸炎)和起紅疹,腮腺炎最通常的原因是腮腺炎病毒感染,患者以幼童居多,但在幼童身上通常不嚴重。這種疾病通常會自癒,所以沒有特定處方,可能只需要開一些止痛藥,但有小部份的人仍會引起嚴重的併發症。


Mumps, also known as epidemic parotitis, is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus.[1] Initial signs and symptoms often include fever, muscle pain, headache, and feeling tired.[2] This is then usually followed by painful swelling of one or both parotid glands.[3] Symptoms typically occur 16 to 18 days after exposure and resolve after seven to ten days.[1][2]Symptoms in adults are often more severe than in children.[2] About a third of people have mild or no symptoms.[2]Complications may include infections of the covering of the brain (15 percent), pancreatitis (four percent), permanentdeafness, and painful testicular swelling which uncommonly results in infertility.[2] Women may develop ovarian swellingbut this does not increase the risk of infertility.[3]

’’’流行性腮腺炎’’’({{lang|en|epidemic parotitis}})或稱’’’耳下腺炎’’’,是由[[腮腺炎病毒]]引起的疾病[1]。初期症狀包括[[發燒]]、[[肌肉痠痛]]、[[頭痛]]和疲憊[2],之後臉頰單側或雙側的腮腺部位會感到疼痛且腫脹[3]。病人通常在受到感染後的16到18天後開始有上述症狀,並在發病後7至10天恢復正常[1][2]。成人的症狀一般會比兒童嚴重[2],約三分之一的人只有輕微症狀,甚至沒有症狀[2]。併發症包括[[腦膜炎]](15%)、[[胰腺炎]](4%)、永久失聰、以及很少見,但可能會導致[[不孕]]的[[睾丸炎]][2]。女性的併發症為[[卵巢炎]],不過不會提高不孕的風險[3]。

Mumps is highly contagious and spreads rapidly among people living in close quarters.[4] The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person.[1] Only humans get and spread the disease.[2] People are infectious to each other from about seven days before the start of symptoms to about eight days after.[5] After an infection a person is typically immune for life.[2] Reinfection is possible but tends to be mild.[6] Diagnosis is usually suspected due to parotid swelling and can be confirmed by isolating the virus on a swab of the parotid duct.[1] Testing for IgM antibodies in the blood is simple and may be useful; however, can be falsely negative in those who have been immunized.[1]



Mumps is preventable by two doses of the mumps vaccine. Most of the developed world includes it in their immunization programs, often in combination with measles and rubella vaccine.[2] Countries that have low immunization rates may see an increase in cases among older age groups and thus worse outcomes.[3] There is no specific treatment.[2] Efforts involve controlling symptoms with pain medication such as acetaminophen. Intravenous immunoglobulin may be useful in certain complications.[3] Hospitalization may be required if meningitis or pancreatitis develops.[4][6] About one per ten thousand people who are infected die.[2]

腮腺炎是可藉由施打兩劑[[腮腺炎疫苗]]後獲得免疫能力的。大部分的[[已開發國家]]都會在他們的疫苗接種計畫中加入腮腺炎的針劑,多數國家會將腮腺炎疫苗與[[麻疹]]、[[德國麻疹]]疫苗結合一起施打[2]。在疫苗較不普及的地區,可以發現老年人口罹患腮腺炎的比例增加,也因為如此,常導致更糟糕的結果[3] 。對於腮腺炎,目前沒有特別針對性的療程[2],包括使用[[止痛藥]]例如[[乙醯胺酚]]來緩減症狀。在相關的合併症的處理上,[[静脉注射免疫球蛋白]]可起到特別的效用[3]。若患者後續引發腦膜炎甚至胰臟炎的話,就有住院的必要性[4][6] 。大約有10000個患者中會有1人因為罹患此疾而死亡[2]

Without immunization about 0.1 percent to one percent of the population are affected per year. Widespread vaccination has resulted in a more than 90 percent decline in rates of disease. Mumps is more common in the developing world where vaccination is less common.[7] Outbreaks, however, may still occur in a vaccinated population.[3] Before the introduction of a vaccine, mumps was a common childhood disease worldwide. Larger outbreaks of disease would typically occur every two to five years. Children between the ages of five and nine were most commonly affected.[2] Among immunized population often those in their early 20s are affected.[3] Around the equator it often occurs all year round while in the more northerly and southerly regions of the world it is more common in the winter and spring.[2] Painful swelling of the parotid glands and testicles were described by Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE.[1]

在沒有施打疫苗的情況下,每年約有0.1-1%的人類遭到感染。腮腺炎疫苗的普及使得感染人數降低了超過九成之多。腮腺炎多見於疫苗注射率較低的開發中國家[7] 。但即使有疫苗接踵的族群裡,仍有疫情爆發的可能[3]。腮腺炎疫苗問世前,此疾病曾是全世界常見的幼童傳染病,大規模的疫情爆發約二到五年會出現一次。5-9歲的幼童是主要感染群[2] 。對於有接受疫苗注射的人們而已,在20歲出頭的歲月是最可能遭受病毒感染攻擊的[3]。位處赤道附近的國家,一年四季都可能爆發疫情,但若是在更北或是更南方的地區與國家,感染高峰多在冬季與春季[2]。[[希波克拉底斯]]於西元前五世紀就已描述因此疾而造成的[[耳下腺]]腫脹所引起之吞嚥困難以及睪丸疼痛症狀[1]