中文條目:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BF%B5%E7%8F%A0%E8%8F%8C%E7%97%87 (目前引言為"念珠菌症(candidiasis、thrush、yeast infection)是一種由念珠球菌屬(Candida)的真菌感染所引起的疾病。)
Candidiasis is a fungal infection due to any types of Candida (a type of yeast).[1] When it affects the mouth, it is commonly called thrush.[1] Signs and symptoms include white patches on the tongue or other areas of the mouth and throat.[2] Other symptoms may include soreness and problems swallowing.[2] When it affects the vagina, it is commonly called a yeast infection.[1] Signs and symptoms include genital itching, burning, and sometimes a white "cottage cheese-like" discharge from the vagina[3] Less commonly the penis may be affected, resulting in itchiness.[2] Very rarely, the infection may become invasive spreading throughout the body, resulting in fevers along with other symptoms depending on the parts of the body affected.[4]
’’’念珠菌症’’’({{lang|en|Candidiasis}})是[[念珠球菌屬]]([[酵母菌]]的一種)所造成的[[黴菌感染]][1]。在感染[[口腔]]時,就會引發鵝口瘡(Thrush)[1] 。症狀和病徵包括在舌頭或是口腔以及咽喉的部位出現小白點[2] 。也可能產生例如酸痛或吞嚥困難等的其他徵候[2] 。當它感染陰道,就會引起一般稱作’’’酵母菌感染’’’(Yeast infection)的疾病[1] 。會有包括外陰部搔癢、灼熱感有時甚至會有類似起司塊狀的分泌物從陰道流出的情形[3]。陰莖的感染較不常見,但若發生感染,則也會有搔癢感[2] 。有極少數的病例,可能會引發全身性的感染,且會因不同感染部位而產生不同病徵與[[發燒]]症狀[4]。
More than 20 types of Candida can cause infection with Candida albicans being the most common.[1] Infections of the mouth are most common among children less than one month old, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems. Conditions that result in a weak immune systems include HIV/AIDS, after organ transplantation, diabetes, and the use corticosteroids. Other risks include dentures and following antibiotic therapy.[5] Vaginal infections occur more commonly during pregnancy, in those with weak immune systems, and following antibiotic use.[6] Risk for widespread infection includes being in an intensive care unit, following surgery, low birth weight infants, and those with weak immune systems.[7]
念珠菌屬的細菌中約有二十種會造成感染,其中最常見的是{{le|白色念珠菌|Candida albicans}}[1]。常見的感染部位是口部,常出現在一個月內的新生兒、老人,以及免疫系統較弱的病患。免疫系統較弱的病患包括愛滋病患、接受器官移植者、糖尿病患者,以及服用[[可體松]]者。其他風險因子包含使用[[假牙]],以及接受[[抗生素]]治療者[5]。陰道感染通常發生於[[懷孕|妊娠期]],特別是在免疫功能低下並使用抗生素者[6]。全身性感染的風險因子包含進過[[加護病房]]、動過手術、{{le|低體重早產兒| low birth weight}},以及免疫系統低下者[7]。
Efforts to prevent infections of the mouth include the use of chlorhexidine mouth wash in those with poor immune function and washing out the mouth following the use of inhaled steroids.[8] In those with frequent vaginal infections probiotics may be useful.[6] For infections of the mouth, treatment with topical clotrimazole or nystatin is usually effective. Oral or intravenous fluconazole, itraconazole, or amphotericin B may be used if these do not work.[8] A number of topical antifungal medications may be used for vaginal infections including clotrimazole.[9] In those with widespread disease, a number of weeks of intravenous amphotericin B is often used.[10] In certain groups at very high risk antifungal medications may be used preventatively.[7]
Infections of the mouth occur in about 6% of babies less than a month old. About 20% of those receiving chemotherapy for cancer and 20% of those with AIDS also develop the disease.[11] About three-quarters of women have at least one yeast infection at some time during their lives.[12] Widespread disease is rare except in those who have risk factors.[13] These diseases are also known technically as candidosis, moniliasis, and oidiomycosis.[14]
口腔型的念珠菌感染發生在6%出生不到一個月的嬰兒。而有20%正接受[[化療]]的癌症病患還有20%的[[愛滋病患]]會遭受相同感染風險[11] 。差不多有四分之三的女性曾在一生中感染過念珠菌症[12]。全身性的感染並不常見,通常只見於暴露在危險因子中的患者[13] 。這些疾病在學術的名稱分別為’’’念珠菌症’’’、’’’念珠菌性陰道炎’’’(moniliasis)還有’’’卵霉菌病’’’(oidiomycosis)[14]。