



阿托品(英語:Atropine)是一種M蕈毒鹼受器阻斷藥,能可逆地阻礙乙醯蕈毒鹼M蕈毒鹼受器(Muscarinic receptor)結合。它存在於顛茄天仙子曼陀羅莨菪茄科植物中,左旋莨菪鹼為天然構型,經提取處理後得到的消旋莨菪鹼即為阿托品。[1]

Atropine is a medication used to treat certain types of nerve agent and pesticide poisonings, some types of slow heart rate(心跳过缓), and to decrease saliva production during surgery.[3] It is typically given intravenously(靜脈注射) or by injection into a muscle.[3] Eye drops are also available which are used to treat uveitis and early amblyopia(弱視).[4] The intravenous solution usually begins working within a minute and lasts half an hour to an hour.[1] Large doses may be required to treat poisonings.[3]


Common side effects(副作用) include a dry mouth, large pupils, urinary retention(尿瀦留), constipation, and a fast heart rate(心跳过速). It should generally not be used in people with glaucoma(青光眼).[3] While there is no evidence that its use during pregnancy causes birth defects(先天性障碍), it has not been well studied. It is likely safe during breastfeeding.[5] It is an antimuscarinic(3) (also known as an anticholinergic) that works by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system(副交感神经).[3]


Atropine occurs naturally in a number of plants of the nightshade family(茄科) including deadly nightshade(颠茄), Jimson weed(曼陀罗花), and mandrake(茄参).[6] It was first isolated in 1833.[7] Atropine is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines(世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单), the most important medications needed in a basic health system(13).[8] It is available as a generic medication(通用名药物) and not very expensive.[3][9] A one-milligram vial costs wholesale between 0.06 and 0.44 USD.[10]


2016/3/19 已整合到中文條目中