Morphine (INN)/ˈmɔːrfiːn/), sold under manytrade names, is an pain medication of the opiatetype. It acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to alter the feeling of pain. It can be used for both acute pain and chronic pain. Morphine is also frequently used for pain frommyocardial infarction and during labor. It can be given by mouth, into a muscle, under the skin,intravenously, into the space around the spinal cord, or rectally.[2]
’’’嗎啡’’’({{lang|en|Morphine}})為一種{{le|鴉片劑|opiate|鴉片類}}止痛劑。本品會直接作用於[[中樞神經系統]],改變人體對疼痛的感覺。可使用於{{le|急性疼痛|acute pain|急性}}或{{le|慢性疼痛|chronic pain|慢性}}的疼痛。嗎啡也常用於心肌梗塞和生產時,可以口服、肛門塞劑、肌肉注射、皮下注射、靜脈注射,或脊髓周圍注射[2]。
Potentially serious side effects include a decreased respiratory effort and low blood pressure. Morphine has a high potential foraddiction and abuse. If the dose is reduced after long term use withdrawal may occur. Common side effects include drowsyness, vomiting, and constipation. Caustion is advised when used during pregnancy or breast feeding as morphine will affect the infant.[2]
Morphine was first isolated between 1803 and 1805 by Friedrich Sertürner.[3] This is generally believed to be the first isolation of a active ingredient from a plant.[4] Merck began marketing it commercially in 1827.[3] Morphine was more widely used after the invention of thehypodermic syringe in 1853-1855.[3][5]Sertürner originally named the substancemorphium after the Greek god of dreams,Morpheus, for its tendency to cause sleep.[5][6]
嗎啡是在1803-1805年由德國藥師{{le|弗里德里希·瑟圖納|Friedrich Sertürner|瑟圖納}}首次分離出來[3],普遍相信嗎啡是第一個成功被從植物體內分離的[[原料藥|活性成分]][4]。[[默克藥廠]]於1827年開始商業販售[3]。1835-1855年間,[[皮下注射器]]被發明,自此本品更被廣泛使用[3][5]。Sertürner起初因為嗎啡具有讓人睡著的傾向,就以[[希臘神話]]當中的夢境與睡眠之神——[[摩耳甫斯]](Morpheus)的名稱將這種物質命名為「嗎啡」(Morphium)[5][6]。
The primary source of morphine is isolation frompoppy straw of the opium poppy.[7] In 2013 an estimated 523,000 kilograms of morphine were produced.[8] About 45,000 kilograms were used directly for pain, an increase over the last twenty years of four times.[8] Most use for this purpose was in the developed world.[8] About 70% of morphine is used to make other opioids such as hydromorphone, oxycodone, heroin, and methodone.[8][9][10] It is a Schedule II drug in the United States,[9] Class A in the United Kingdom,[11] and Schedule I in Canada.[12] It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[13]
嗎啡的主要來源是從[[罌粟花]]的[[罌粟稈]]所分離出[7]。在2013年估計製造了52.3萬公斤的嗎啡[8]。其中大約有4.5萬公斤的嗎啡被直接用於緩解疼痛,比二十年前要高出四倍[8],且大多將嗎啡用於止痛的為[[已開發國家]][8]。約有70%的嗎啡被用於製作其他類鴉片藥物,如[[ hydromorphone]]、[[oxycodone]]、[[海洛因]],以及[[美沙冬]][8][9][10]。本品在美國屬於第二級管制藥品(Schedule II),在英國屬甲級管制藥品(Class A)[11],加拿大則屬第一級管制藥品[12]。嗎啡列名於[[世界衛生組織標準藥物清單]],為基礎公衛體系的必備藥物之一[13]。