



霍亂 (英文:Cholera) 是一種急性腹瀉疾病,病發高峰期在夏季,能在數小時內造成腹瀉脫水甚至死亡。霍亂是由霍亂弧菌所引起的,通常是血清型O1的霍亂弧菌所致,但是在1992年曾經有O139的新血清型造成流行。霍亂弧菌存在於水中,最常見的感染原因是食用被病人糞便污染過的水。霍亂弧菌能產生霍亂毒素,造成分泌性腹瀉,即使不再進食也會不斷腹瀉,洗米水狀的糞便是霍亂的特徵。臨床上,經過一到兩天的潛伏期,霍亂的表現是突然而無痛的水瀉,然後經常會有嘔吐的現象。如果沒有補充水分與電解質,會造成休克。治療方式為補充水分與電解質和抗生素治療。預防的方法除了公共衛生的改善之外,到流行地區旅行前可以注射疫苗


Cholera is an infection of the small intestine(小肠) by some strains of the bacterium(细菌) Vibrio cholerae(霍亂弧菌).[1]Symptoms may range from none, to mild, to severe.[2] The classic symptom is large amounts of watery diarrhea(腹瀉) that lasts a few days.[3] Vomiting(呕吐) and muscle cramps(抽搐) may also occur.[2] Diarrhea can be so severe that it leads within hours to severe dehydration(脱水) and electrolyte imbalance.[3] This may result in sunken eyes, cold skin, decreased skin elasticity, and wrinkling of the hands and feet.[4] The dehydration may result in the skin turning bluish(發紺).[5] Symptoms start two hours to five days after exposure.[2]

’’’霍亂’’’({{lang|en|Cholera}})是由[[霍亂弧菌]]的某些致病株感染[[小腸]]而導致的急性腹瀉疾病[1]。症狀可能相當輕微,也可能相當嚴重[2]。典型症狀為連續數日嚴重[[腹瀉|水瀉]][3]。可能合併有[[嘔吐]]、[[抽搐|肌肉抽搐]]的現象[2]。霍亂所導致的嚴重腹瀉可能造成[[脫水]]及{{le|電解質失衡|Electrolyte imbalance}}[3],甚而導致眼窩凹陷、皮膚濕冷且缺乏彈性,以及手腳出現皺紋等[4]。脫水可能導致皮膚[[發紺]][5]。一般是在接觸病原體後會在兩小時至五日內發病[2]。

Cholera is caused by a number of types of Vibrio cholerae, with some types producing more severe disease than others. It is spread mostly by water and food that has been contaminated with human feces(糞便) containing the bacteria.[3] Insufficiently cooked seafood(海鮮) is a common source.[6] Humans are the only animal affected. Risk factors for the disease include poor sanitation, not enough clean drinking water(饮用水), and poverty(貧窮). There are concerns that rising sea levels(海平面上升)will increase rates of disease.[3] Cholera can be diagnosed by a stool test.[3] A rapid dipstick test is available but is not as accurate.[7]


Prevention involves improved sanitation and access to clean water.[4] Cholera vaccines(霍亂疫苗) that are given by mouth provide reasonable protection for about six months. They have the added benefit of protecting against another type of diarrhea caused by E. coli(大腸桿菌). The primary treatment is oral rehydration therapy—the replacement of fluids with slightly sweet and salty solutions(电解质).[3] Rice-based solutions are preferred.[3] Zinc supplementation() is useful in children.[8] In severe cases, intravenous fluids(靜脈注射), such as Ringer’s lactate, may be required, and antibiotics(抗细菌药) may be beneficial. Testing to see what antibiotic the cholera is susceptible to can help guide the choice.[2]

預防霍亂的方法包括使用更有效的消毒方法與提供潔淨的用水[4]。口服的[[霍亂疫苗]]約可有半年的免疫力,更有能預防由[[大腸桿菌]]所導致的其他不同種腹瀉情況。優先考慮的治療方法當屬[[口服點滴]]了,也就是用[[電解質]]來補充流失的體液[3] 。口服補充溶液是最常被使用的[3] ,針對幼童霍亂患者,會考慮補充[[礦物質鋅]]。在部分病例裡,有時會需要加入[[靜脈注射]]的治療,像是施打[[乳酸鈉林格注射液]],而[[抗生素]]對患者也有些許助益,前提是要先一步進行測試,以了解哪種抗生素能有效的對抗霍亂病毒[2]

Cholera affects an estimated 3–5 million people worldwide and causes 58,000–130,000 deaths a year as of 2010.[3][9] While it is currently classified as a pandemic(瘟疫), it is rare in the developed world(已開發國家). Children are mostly affected.[3][10]Cholera occurs as both outbreaks(流行病) and chronically in certain areas(特有種). Areas with an ongoing risk of disease include Africa(非洲) and south-east Asia(东南亚). While the risk of death among those affected is usually less than 5%, it may be as high as 50% among some groups who do not have access to treatment.[3] Historical descriptions of cholera are found as early as the 5th century BC in Sanskrit(梵语).[4] The study of cholera by John Snow(约翰·斯诺 (医学家)) between 1849 and 1854 led to significant advances in the field of epidemiology(流行病学).[4][11]
