細菌性陰道炎、細菌性陰道病(Bacterial vaginosis),也稱非特異性陰道炎(英語:Nonspecific vaginitis),是一種因細菌引起的陰道疾病[1][2]。細菌性陰道炎通常與性交傳染有關,它經常與酵母菌感染或滴蟲性陰道炎混淆,後兩者並非細菌引起[3][4]。
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a disease of the vagina caused by excessive growth of bacteria.[2][3] Common symptoms include increased vaginal discharge that often smells like fish. The discharge is usually white or gray in color. Burning with urination may occur.[4] Itching is uncommon.[2][4] Occasionally there may be no symptoms.[4] Having BV approximately doubles the risk of infection by a number of other sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.[5][6]It also increases the risk of early delivery among pregnant women.[7][8]
’’’細菌性陰道炎’’’({{lang|en|Bacterial vaginosis}},簡稱’’’BV’’’),又稱’’’細菌性陰道病’’’、’’’非特異性陰道炎’’’(Nonspecific vaginitis)是種發生在[[陰道]]內的[[疾病]],其原因是[[細菌]]大量滋生而造成的[2][3]。常見的症狀包括有[[陰道分泌物]]增加,而且分泌物有魚腥味,且色澤多為白或灰色。有時排尿時也會伴隨產生[[灼熱感]][4] 。搔癢則較不常見[2][4],某些時候甚至可能完全沒有任何病徵出現[4] 。在感染細菌性陰道炎的情況下,另外感染其他[[性傳染病]]的機率大約提昇了一倍之多,而這當中包含了愛滋病(AIDS)[5][6]。此疾病也連帶提高了產婦[[早產]]的機率[7][8]。
BV is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina.[9][10] There is a change in the most common type of bacteria and a hundred to thousandfold increase in total numbers of bacteria present.[2] Typically bacteria other than Lactobacilli become more common.[11] Risk factors include douching, new or multiple sex partners,antibiotics, and using an intrauterine device among others.[10] However, it is not considered a sexually transmitted infection.[12] Diagnosis is suspected based on the symptoms and may be verified by testing the vaginal discharge and finding a higher than normal vaginal pH and large numbers of bacteria.[2] BV is often confused with a vaginal yeast infection or infection with Trichomonas.[13]
細菌性陰道炎和存在於陰道內的原生細菌失衡有關[9][10] 。原先在陰道內常見的細菌發生了改變,且現有細菌數量以數百甚至數千倍的增加[2]。除了[[乳酸桿菌]]外,多了非常多其他的細菌[11]。危險因子包括[[沖洗陰道]]、新交或多重新伴侶、[[抗生素]]還有使用[[避孕器]]等[10] 。但不管怎麼說,細菌性陰道炎並不屬於性傳染病的一種[12]。診斷會建立在已有病症的情況下,接著檢測陰道分泌物再了解陰道內的[[ph值]]是否較正常為高,以及細菌數有無異常[2]。細菌性陰道炎常會和[[黴菌性陰道炎]]或是[[陰道滴蟲病]][13]搞混。
Usually treatment is with an antibiotic, such as clindamycin or metronidazole. These medications may also be used in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. However, the condition often recurs following treatment. Probiotics may help prevent re-occurrence.[2] It is unclear if the use of probiotics or antibiotics affects pregnancy outcomes.[2][14]
BV is the most common vaginal infection in women of reproductive age.[10] The percentage of women affected at any given time varies between 5% and 70%.[5] BV is most common in parts of Africa and least common in Asia and Europe.[5] In the United States about 30% of women between the ages of 14 and 49 are affected.[15] Rates vary considerably between ethnic groups within a country.[5] While BV like symptoms have been described for much of recorded history, the first clearly documented case occurred in 1894.[1]
細菌性陰道炎是育齡婦女常見的疾病[10] ,在特定時間中,女性感染的比率大約介於5-70%[5]。在非洲,女性患有此疾病的比例最高,但在亞洲與歐洲則都是相對較低的[5]。美國的統計數據顯示,在14至49歲的女性中,罹患細菌性陰道炎的百分比約是30%[15]。在每個國家裡,不同[[種族]]的感染比率大不相同[5] 。歷史上,對於細菌性陰道炎的描述雖早已完備,但第一起有記錄在案的病例是1894年[1]。