


Eclampsia is the onset of seizures (convulsions) in a woman with preeclampsia.[1] Preeclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy in which there is high blood pressure and either large amounts of protein in the urine or other organ dysfunction.[2][3] Onset may be before, during, after delivery.The seizures are of the tonic–clonic type and typically last about a minute. Following the seizure there is typically either a period of confusion or coma. Complications include: aspiration pneumonia, cerebral hemorrhage, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest. Preeclampsia and eclampsia are part of a larger group of conditions known as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.[1]

’’’子癇’’’({{lang|en|Eclampsia}},來自希臘文「放射出」的意思)是指孕婦因為[[妊娠毒血症]]而產生的{{le|癲癇發作|Epileptic seizure|癲癇}}症狀[1]。妊娠毒血症是在妊娠期間的疾病,其症狀為[[高血壓]]、[[蛋白尿]]或其他器官功能的異常[2][3]。子癇可能會在分娩前、分娩中或分娩後發生。子癇的癲癇是屬於[[強直-陣攣性發作]],約會持續一分鐘。在癲癇後可能會處於{{le|癲癇發作后狀態|Postictal state}}或是[[昏迷]]。併發症有{{le|吸入性肺炎|Aspiration pneumonia}}、{{le|腦出血|Cerebral hemorrhage}}、[[腎功能衰竭]]或是[[心搏停止]]。妊娠毒血症及子癇都可歸類為{{le|妊娠高血壓|Hypertensive disease of pregnancy}}[1]。

<!-- Prevention and treatment -->

Recommendations for prevention include: aspirin in those at high risk, calcium supplementation in areas with low intake, and treatment of prior hypertension with medications.[4][5] Exercise during pregnancy may also be useful.[1] The use of intravenous or intramuscular magnesium sulfate improves outcomes in those with eclampsia and is generally safe.[6][7] This is true in both the developed and developing world.[6] Breathing may need to be supported. Other treatments may include blood pressure medications such as hydralazine and emergency delivery of the baby either vaginally or by cesarean section.[1]



<!-- Epidemiology, prognosis, and history --> 

Preeclampsia is estimated to affect about 5% of deliveries while eclampsia affects about 1.4% of deliveries.[8] In the developed world rates are about 1 in 2000 deliveries due to improved medical care.[1] Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are one of the most common causes of death in pregnancy.[9] They resulted in 29,000 deaths in 2013 – down from 37,000 deaths in 1990.[10] Around one percent of women with eclampsia die.[1] The word eclampsia is from the Greek term for lightning. The first known description of the condition was by Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE.[11]



2016/3/9 已整合到中文維基條目中
