
Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Translation task force/RTT/Simple Onchocerciasis

’’’蟠尾絲蟲症’’’主要發生在[[西非]]河川沿岸,是全球僅次於[[沙眼]]、可造成[[失明]]之第二大[[感染症]],由[[寄生]]性的蟠尾絲蟲引起,可在人體內活上十餘年。由於傳播此種[[寄生蟲]]的[[昆蟲]]喜好生活在清澈流動的[[河川]],當地居民生活又需要[[]]源的情況下,使得許多沿河村落的居民陸續失明,因此又稱河川盲河盲症(River blindness)。

Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness and Robles disease, is a disease caused by infection with the parasitic wormOnchocerca volvulus.[1] Symptoms include severe itching, bumps under the skin, and blindness.[1] It is the second most common cause of blindness due to infection, after trachoma.[2]

’’’蟠尾絲蟲症’’’(Onchocerciasis),又名’’’河川盲’’’、’’’河盲症’’’(river blindness),是一種因感染蟠尾絲蟲引起的疾病。病狀包括嚴重搔癢、皮下腫塊,以及[[失明]][1]。是全球僅次於[[沙眼]]、可造成[[失明]]之第二大[[感染症]][2]。

<!-- Cause and Diagnosis -->

The parasite worm is spread by the bites of a black fly of the Simulium type.[1] Usually many bites are required before infection occurs.[3] These flies live near rivers therefore the name of the disease.[2] Once inside a person the worms create larva that make their way out to the skin.[1] Here they can infect the next black fly that bites the person.[1] There are a number of way to make the diagnosis including: placing a biopsy of the skin in normal saline and watching for the larva to come out, looking in the eye for larva, and looking within the bumps under the skin for adult worms.[4]

<!-- 成因與診斷 -->

蟠尾絲蟲會透過{{Link-en|蚋屬|Simulium}}的[[]](又名黑蠅,Black fly)叮咬而散播[1]。通常需要經過多次叮咬才會感染[3]。這些黑蠅生活在河流旁,這就是這種病得名河盲症的原因[2]。蟠尾絲蟲(成蟲)一旦進入人體後,進行有性生殖產出微絲蟲embryonic larvae (microfilariae),接著移行至皮膚,眼睛等其他器官[1]接著在皮膚感染下一隻叮咬病患的蚋[1]。有幾種方法能夠用來診斷蟠尾絲蟲病:將皮膚[[活體組織切片|組織切片]]置於[[生理食鹽水]]中觀察有無幼蟲出現;裂隙燈檢查眼睛前房內有無發現幼蟲;或是從(手術移除的)皮膚結節中發現成蟲[4]。

<!-- Prevention and Treatment -->

A vaccine against the disease does not exist.[1] Prevention is by avoiding being bitten by flies.[5] This may include the use of insect repellent and proper clothing.[5] Other efforts include those to decrease the fly population by spraying insecticides.[1] Efforts to eradicate the disease by treating entire groups of people twice a year is ongoing in a number of areas of the world.[1] Treatment of those infected is with the medication ivermectin every six to twelve months.[1][6] This treatment kills the larva but not the adult worms.[7] The medication doxycycline, which kills an associated bacterium called Wolbachia, appears to weaken the worms and is recommended by some as well.[7] Removal of the lumps under the skin by surgery may also be done.[6]

<!-- 預防與治療 -->

預防此疾病的[[疫苗]]尚未問世[1]。預防措施就是避免遭受病媒咬傷。方法包含使用[[蚊香]]、穿著合適衣物[5]。其他努力方向包含減少噴[[殺蟲劑]]病媒的棲息[1]。在世界上許多區域為了根除此一疾病,正在施行每年兩次對整個族群投以治療。對感染者的治療方式通常是每六到十二個月一次投以[[伊維菌素]][1][6],這種治療方式可殺死體內幼蟲卻不能殺死成蟲[7]。使用[[多西環素]]可殺死 {{link-en| 微絲蟲| microfilariae)}}體內的 {{link-en| 內共生菌|Endosymbiont)}} {{link-en|沃爾巴克氏體|Wolbachia)}},並可減弱蟲體活性,此一治療方式也受到部分醫師推薦[7]。另外也可以透過手術移除皮下腫塊[6]。

<!--Epidemiology and History -->

About 17 to 25 million people are infected with river blindness, with approximately 0.8 million having some amount of loss of vision.[3][7] Most infections occur in sub-Saharan Africa, although cases have also been reported in Yemen and isolated areas ofCentral and South America.[1] In 1915, the physician Rodolfo Robles first linked the worm to eye disease.[8] It is listed by the World Health Organization as a neglected tropical disease.[9]


大約有一百七十萬人到兩百五十萬人受到蟠尾絲蟲症感染,約八十萬人因此視力受損[3][7]。多數感染發生在[[撒哈拉以南非洲]],有少部分案例在[[葉門]]、[[中美洲]]及[[南美洲]]的偏遠地區被發現[1]。1915年,{{Link-en|魯道夫·羅伯斯|Rodolfo Robles}}醫師首次聯結了眼疾與蟠尾絲蟲的關係[8]。這個疾病被[[世界衛生組織]]列入[[被忽略的熱帶疾病清單]][9]。

2015-01-21 已整合中文維基百科「盤尾絲蟲病」的引言頁面
