讀寫障礙 (Dyslexia)

<名人名病> (此部分為趣聞,不會放在維基本文內)



<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

Dyslexia, also known as reading disorder or alexia,[2] is a learning difficulty characterised by trouble reading despite a normalintelligence.[3] Different people are affected to different degrees.[2] Problems may include sounding out words, spelling words,reading quickly, writing words, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what was read.[2][4] Often these difficulties are first noticed at school.[5] The difficulties are not voluntary and people with this disorder have a normal desire tolearn.[2]

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

’’’讀寫障礙’’’,或稱為’’’閱讀障礙’’’或是’’’失讀症’’’({{lang-en|dylexia、reading disorder、或alexia}})[2],是一種學習困難的表現,主要的表徵是即便具有常人的[[智商]],但對於[[閱讀]]和書寫文字具有困難[2]。症狀的嚴重程度因人而異[1]。其他的症狀包括難以唸出字詞,難以{{link-en|拼出單字|spelling}},無法專注{{link-en|閱讀|reading}},難以連續{{link-en|書寫|handwriting}}以及無法在閱讀時清楚唸出字詞,或是無法理解閱讀的內容[2][4]。這些症狀最先往往在學校時發現[5]。這些讀寫上的困難,並不是患者自己可以控制的,讀寫障礙患者對於[[學習]]的渴望,通常與常人並無二致[2]。

<!-- 病因、機制、及診斷 -->

The cause of dyslexia is believed to involve both genetic and environmental factors.[5] Some cases run in families.[2] It occurs more often in people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is associated with problems with math.[5] When the condition begins in adults it may be the result of a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or dementia.[3] The underlying mechanism involves problems with the brain’s processing of language.[2] Diagnosis is by a series of tests of a person’s memory, spelling, ability to see, and reading skills.[6] It is separate from reading difficulties due to poor teaching, or hearing or vision problems.[5]

<!-- 病因、機制及診斷 -->

一般認為,先天[[基因]]因素與後天環境因素,都同時是造成讀寫困難的原因[5]。有些則看似與家族史相關[2]。罹患[[注意力不足過動症|注意力失調症]]({{lang-en|attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD}})的患者,通常也較容易發生讀寫障礙,且往往{{link-en|難以處理數學學科|dyscalculia|算術障礙}}[5]。如果成人開始出現相關症狀,也許是{{link-en|腦部創傷|Traumatic brain injury}}、[[中風]]或[[失智症]]所導致[3]。相關的病理機制與大腦處理語言的過程有關[2]。診斷過程包括了檢測患者的記憶、拼字能力、視力和閱讀技巧等[6]。診斷的過程中需先排除因為未受[[閱讀教育]]或閱讀教育品質不良所導致的閱讀困難,或是患者可能具有的視聽障礙[5]。

<!-- 治療及流行病學-->

Treatment usually involves adjusting teaching methods to meet the persons needs.[3] While this does not cure the underlying problem difficulties can be lessened.[7] Treatments aimed at vision are not effective.[8] Dyslexia is the most common learning disability.[9] It affects about 3% to 7% of people.[10][5] While it is diagnosed more often in males,[5] some believed it affects males and females equally.[9] Up to 20% of the population may have some degree of symptoms.[11] Dyslexia occurs in all areas of the world.[5]

<!-- 治療及流行病學-->


Blurring and doubling are two common types of visual stress experienced by dyslexics.[1]


20150613 已整合至中文維基百科失讀症