







Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before awomen’s period. Symptoms often vary between woman and resolve around the start of bleeding. Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability, and mood changes. Often symptoms are present for around six days. A woman’s pattern of symptoms may change over time.[1] Symptoms do not occur during pregnancy or followingmenopause.[2]

’’’經前綜合症’’’(Premenstrual syndrome,PMS),有時被稱為’’’經前緊張症’’’(PMT),是在女性[[月經|月經來潮]]之前一至二週出現的生理及心理相關症狀。症狀因人而異,約在月經出現時結束。常見症狀包括[[粉刺]]、乳房壓痛、腹脹、容易疲倦、易怒及情緒上的改變。症狀一般會持續六天。多数育龄妇女(约80%)都有一些经前综合征的症状[中1],而美国家庭医生学將把經前綜合症限定为具有“严重妨碍某些方面的生活功能”症状[中2]。同一位女性其經前綜合症的症狀或是出現的時間也會隨時間而改變[1]。在[[懷孕]]時或是[[更年期]]不會有經前綜合症的症狀[2]。

The cause of PMS is unknown. Some symptoms may be worsened by a high-salt diet, alcohol, or caffeine. The underlying mechanism is believed to involve changes in hormone levels.[2] Diagnosis requires a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring before menstruation to a degree that interfers with normal life. These symptoms must not be present during the initial part of the menstrual cycle.[3] A daily list of symptoms over a few months may help in diagnosis. Other disorders that cause similar symptoms need to be excluded before a diganosis is made.[1]

造成經前症候群的原因不明,但若不斷攝取高鹽、高[[酒精]]與高[[咖啡因]]食物則會使得症狀加劇,目前認為造成病徵的根本原因和賀爾蒙的改變有關[2]。診斷方式需要持續記錄在月經前的情緒以及生理狀況,直到因此疾病造成的變化開始影響正常生活,這些病徵不會是在月經一開始就出現的[3] 。若有一張保持記錄每月病況的清單,將有助於疾病的診斷。在確診前,必須排除其他有可能造成相似症狀的疾病[1]

Reducing salt, caffeine, and stress along with increasing exercise is typically all that is recommended in those with mild symptoms.[2] Calcium and vitamin D supplementation may be useful in some.[1] Antiinflammatories such as naproxenmay help with physical symptoms.[2] In those with more significant symptoms birth control pills or the diureticspironolactone may be useful.[2][1]

減少食鹽、咖啡因的攝取,並且減少[[壓力]]的產生還有增加運動量,就是醫師會給予因經前症候群而苦惱的病患之建議[2] ,在某些時候,補充[[鈣質]]還有[[維他命D]]也會有些許幫助。例如[[柰普生]]之類的抗發炎藥物可以緩解生理上的症狀[2] 。對於那些病況更嚴重的患者,[[避孕藥]]或是[[安達通]] (一種[[利尿劑]])可有部分助益[2][1]

Up to 80% women of child-bearing age report having some symptoms prior to menstruation. These symptoms qualify as PMS in 20 to 30% of women and in three to eight percent are severe.[1] Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a more severe form of PMS that has greater psychological symptoms.[2][1] Antidepressant medication of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors class may be used in addition to usual measures for in PMDD.[2]

有8成在生育年齡的婦女反應,月經前會有些微的經前症候群症狀。在這些婦女當中,約有2至3成確診患有經前症候群,而更有2至8%的她們,其病徵已達嚴重程度[1] 。[[經期憂鬱症]](PMDD)則是經前症候群中的另一種疾病,且有更明顯的情緒、精神性病徵[2][1] 。[[選擇性血清回收抑制劑]]類的抗憂鬱藥物可以作為治療經期憂鬱症患者的非常手段[2]