Head lice infestation (also known as pediculosis capitis,[1] nits,[2] or cooties[3]) is the infection of the head hair and scalp by the head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis).[4] Itching from lice bites is common.[5] During a person’s first infection, the itch may not develop for up to six weeks.[5] If a person is infected again, symptoms may begin much more quickly.[5] The itch may cause problems with sleeping.[6] Generally, however, it is not a serious condition.[7] While head lice appear to spread some other diseases in Africa, they do not appear to do so in Europe or North America.[4][6]
Head lice are spread by direct contact with the hair of someone who is infected.[6] The cause of head lice infestations are not related to cleanliness.[5] Other animals, such as cats and dogs, do not play a role in transmission.[6] Head lice feed only on human blood and are only able to survive on human head hair.[4][5] When adults, they are about 2 to 3 mm long.[8] When not attached to a human, they are unable to live beyond three days.[5] Humans can also become infected with two other lice – the body louse and the crab louse. To make the diagnosis, live lice must be found.[5] Using a comb can help with detection.[5] Empty eggshells (known as nits) are not sufficient for the diagnosis.[5]
頭蝨是藉著和已感染頭蝨患者的頭髮直接接觸而傳播[6]。頭蝨感染的原因和[[卫生]]無關[5]。像狗或是貓等動物也不會傳播頭蝨[6]。頭蝨只以人類的血液為食物,也只能在人類的頭髮上生存[4][5]。成蟲約二至三公厘長[8]。若不是在人身上,頭蝨最多只能存活三天[5]。人類也可能會被另外二種蝨寄生:{{le|體蝨|Body louse}}及[[陰蝨]]。若要診斷頭蝨感染,需要找到活的頭蝨[5]。使用梳子有助於找到頭蝨[5],而空的頭蝨卵殼不足用來做相關診斷[5]。
Possible treatments include: combing the hair frequently with a fine tooth comb or shaving the head completely. A number of topical medications are also effective, including malathion, invermectin, and dimeticone.[7] Dimeticone, which is a silicone oil, is often preferred due to the low risk of side effects.[7] Pyrethroids such as permethrin have been commonly used; however, have become less effective due to increasing resistance.[7] This is little evidence for alternative medicines.[9]
可能的治療方式包括:用齒距較密的梳子頻繁的梳頭,或是將頭髮完全剔除。也可以用[[外用]]藥物,像是[[馬拉硫磷]]、[[伊維菌素]]及[[聚二甲基矽氧烷]][7]。聚二甲基矽氧烷是一種{{le|矽油|Silicone oil}},因為其副作用較少,較常用來治療頭蝨感染[7]。之前也常用像[[百滅寧]]之類的[[除蟲菊精類]]來治療頭蝨,但因為抗藥性提高,效果也漸漸變差[7]。[[替代醫學]]在頭蝨治療上的證據還不充份[9]。
Head-lice infestations are common, especially in children.[5] In Europe, they infect between 1 and 20% of different groups of people.[4] In the United States, between 6 to 12 million children are infected a year.[6] They occur more often in girls than boys.[5] It has been suggested that historically, head lice infection were beneficial, as they protected against the more dangerous body louse.[10] Infestations may cause stigmatization of the infected individual.[5]