Acne vulgaris/尋常性痤瘡

Acne vulgaris (or simply acne) is a long term skin condition characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring.[1][2] The resulting appearance may lead to anxiety, reduced self-esteem, and in extreme cases, depression or thoughts of suicide.[3][4]

’’’尋常性痤瘡’’’({{lang-en|acne vulgaris}})或簡稱’’’痤瘡’’’({{lang-en|acne}}),又稱’’’暗瘡’’’。這是個皮膚長期發生[[黑頭]]、白頭粉刺(白色或乳白色碎米样粉汁的刺状丘疹)、{{link-en|青春痘|pimples}}、[[脂溢性皮炎|皮膚泛油]]、又或[[疤|留疤]]的狀況[1][2]。患者因為外貌的改變,可能感到[[焦慮]]、[[自尊|自尊心]]降低、在極端的個案裡甚至有[[重性憂鬱障礙|憂鬱]]現象或{{link-en|自殺念頭|Suicidal_ideation}}[3][4]。

<-- Cause and Pathophysiology -->

Genetics is estimated to be the cause of 80% of cases.[2] The role of diet as a cause is unclear.[2] Neither cleanliness nor sunlight appear to be involved.[2] However, cigarette smoking does increase the risk of developing acne and worsens its severity.[5] Acne mostly affects skin with a greater number of oil glands including the face, upper part of the chest, and back.[6] During puberty in both sexes, acne is often brought on by an increase inandrogens such as testosterone.[7]

<!-- 病因及病生理機制 -->

痤瘡的成因中,大約80%和遺傳有關[2]。皮膚的[[卫生学|乾淨程度]]、是否曝曬在太陽下則和痤瘡的形成無關[2],而飲食習慣在其中所扮演的角色尚不清楚[2]比較確定的是,[[吸菸|抽菸]]會增加得到痤瘡的機率、也會惡化其嚴重程度[5]。痤瘡大多發生於{{link-en|油脂腺|sebaceous gland}}分泌旺盛的部位,如臉、胸部上半段和背部[6]。[[青春期]]時,痤瘡的發生多半是因為[[雄激素]](如[[睪酮]])的增加,造成皮脂腺分泌過多皮脂[7][補充1]。除此之外,毛囊開口角化異常,導致阻塞而形成「粉刺」[補充1]、毛囊附近的{{lang-en|痤瘡丙酸桿菌|Propionibacterium acnes}}(Propionibacterium acnes)過度滋生,造成毛囊局部感染[補充1]、以及皮膚產生發炎反應,也是痤瘡的主要病因[補充1]。痤疮还有一種亞型,好發於[[成年]][[女性]]。特徵是臉時常很油膩、[[月經]]來潮前症狀會特別明顯、病灶集中於[[下巴]]、[[脖子]]等處。此類病患的{{link-en|鑑別診斷|Differential_diagnosis}}需要考虑是否为[[多囊卵巢綜合症]][補充2]。

<!-- Prevention and Treatment -->

Many treatment options are available to improve the appearance of acne including lifestyle changes, procedures, and medications. Eating fewer simple carbohydrates like sugar may help.[8] Topicalical benzoyl peroxide,salicylic acid, and azelaic acid are commonly used treatments.[9] Antibiotics and retinoids are available topically and by mouth to treat acne.[9] However, resistance to antibiotics may develop.[10] A number of birth control pills may be useful in women.[9] Oral isotretinoin is usually reserved for severe acne due to greater potential side effects.[9] Early and aggressive treatment is advocated by some to lessen the overall long-term impact to individuals.[4]

<!-- 預防及治療 -->

痤疮可能會造成[[皮膚]]的凹陷(pitted)、{{link-en|攣縮性|hypertrophic}}[[疤痕]],也會给患者帶來心理上的傷害,如让人丧失自信。因此,提前预防和治疗粉刺,不仅能减少疤痕,更能避免疾病对患者的心理造成影响。有許多治療方式有助於改善外觀,其中包含生活型態的調整以及藥物治療。少吃高碳水化合物食物(如糖類)可能有所幫助[8]。外敷[[過氧化苯甲醯]]、[[水楊酸]],和{{link-en|杜鵑花酸|azelaic acid}}則為常見的藥物治療方式[9] 。口服和局部地使用[[抗細菌藥|抗生素]]和{{link-en|類視色素|Retinoid|維生素A類衍生物}}亦能夠治療痤瘡[9]。然而,因為痤瘡與痤瘡丙酸桿菌相關,所以對於抗生素的抗藥性是有可能產生的[10]。對少部分的婦女來說,服用[[復合口服避孕藥|避孕藥]]也有治療效果[9]。由於口服[[異維A酸|異維生素A酸]]會有較大的副作用,因此只建議嚴重的痤瘡患者使用[9]。盡早積極地治療能夠減輕痤瘡對患者的長遠影響[4]。

<!-- Epidemiology -->

Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, affecting an estimated 80–90% of teenagers in the Western world.[11][12][13] Lower rates are reported in some rural societies.[13][14] In 2010, acne was estimated to affect 650 million people globally making it the 8th most common disease worldwide.[15] People may also be affected before and after puberty.[16] Though it becomes less common in adulthood than in adolescence, nearly half of people in their twenties and thirties continue to have acne.[2] About 4% continue to have difficulties into their forties.[2]

<!-- 流行病學 -->

痤瘡最常發生於[[青少年]]時期,估計約有80-90%[[西方世界]]的青少年受到感染[11][12][13] ,而在鄉村罹患痤瘡的比例則較低。[13][14] 2010年,全世界罹患痤瘡的人數可能達到6.5億人,使之成為世界上第八大常見疾病。[15]成人罹患痤瘡的機率相對較小,但也不是完全沒有機會.[16]。近半數的人直至20歲或30歲都還持續發生痤瘡[2] ;有4%的人甚至到40歲都還為此感到困擾[2]。

2015-04-05 已整合此篇至中文維基百科「粉刺」條目
