



沙眼,也稱砂眼,是傳染性眼部疾病,因患者的眼瞼長出形如沙子的顆粒而得名。沙眼是由衣原體屬的細菌砂眼衣原體(Chlamydia trachomatis)感染導致,通過患者眼、鼻、喉的分泌物傳播;不及時治療的話可造成失明


Trachoma, also called granular conjunctivitis, Egyptian ophthalmia,[1] and blinding trachoma, is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection causes a roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. This roughening can lead to pain in the eyes, breakdown of the outer surface or cornea of the eyes, and possibly blindness. Untreated, repeated trachoma infections can result in a form of permanent blindness when the eyelids turn inward.[2]

’’’砂眼’’’({{lang|en|Trachoma}}),又稱’’’顆粒性結膜炎’’’({{lang|en|Granular conjunctivitis}})、’’’埃及眼炎’’’({{lang|en|Egyptian ophthalmia}})和’’’致盲性砂眼’’’({{lang|en|blinding trachoma}}[1],是由[[砂眼披衣菌]]感染導致的傳染病。感染砂眼會造成眼瞼內側{{le|肉芽組織|Granulation tissue|粗糙}},可能導致眼睛痛、[[角膜]]表層受損或[[失明]]。未治療而反覆感染砂眼可能造成眼瞼內翻而失明[2]。

The bacteria that cause the disease can be spread by both direct and indirect contact with an affected person’s eyes or nose. Indirect contact includes through clothing or flies that have come into contact with an affected person’s eyes or nose. Children spread the disease more often than adults. Poor sanitation, crowded living conditions, and not enough clean water and toilets also increase spread.[2]


Efforts to prevent the disease include improving access to clean water and decreasing the number of people infected by treatment with antibiotics.[2] This may include treating, all at once, whole groups of people in whom the disease is known to be common.[3]Washing by itself is not enough to prevent disease but may be useful with other measures.[4] Treatment options include oralazithromycin and topical tetracycline.[3] Azithromycin is preferred because it can be used as a single oral dose.[5] After scarring of the eyelid has occurred, surgery may be required to correct the position of the eyelashes and prevent blindness.[2]


Globally, about 80 million people have an active infection.[6] In some areas infections may be present in as many as 60–90% of children and it more commonly affects women than men likely due to their closer contact with children.[2] The disease is the cause of a poor ability to see in 2.2 million people of which 1.2 million are completely blind.[2] It commonly occurs in 53 countries of Africa, Asia, Central and South America with about 230 million people at risk.[2] It results in 8 billion USD of economic losses a year.[2] It belongs to a group of diseases known as neglected tropical diseases.[6]

全球統計,約有8000萬人有主動侵染的情形[6] 。在部分地區,幼童的感染率則高達60-90%且女性的發病率較男性為高,推測可能和幼童頻繁接觸有關[2] 。砂眼是導致兩百二十萬人視力衰退的原因,當中有120萬人甚至已全盲[2]。在非洲53個國家、亞洲、中南美洲約有2.3億人暴露在得病的高危險中[2]。每年可造成80億美元的經濟損失2] 。砂眼被歸類於「[[被輕忽的熱帶疾病]]」之一[6]

2016/2/28 已整合到中文維基百科 "砂眼 " 條目中