唇顎裂  Cleft lip and cleft palate







唇顎裂英文Cleft lip and palate)是常見的一種先天性缺陷,亦是最可治癒的一種,大致可分為唇裂(或俗稱兔唇兔瓣嘴)、顎裂和唇顎裂。在亞洲地區每約500至600名新生嬰兒便有一名患者。

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

’’’唇裂與顎裂’’’({{lang-en|Cleft lip and cleft palate}})常被合稱為唇顎裂,是一系列包含了’’’唇裂’’’(CL)、’’’顎裂’’’(CP)、或二者皆有的疾病(CLP).<ref name=CDC2014/><ref name=Wat2014>{{cite journal|last1=Watkins|first1=SE|last2=Meyer|first2=RE|last3=Strauss|first3=RP|last4=Aylsworth|first4=AS|title=Classification, epidemiology, and genetics of orofacial clefts.|journal=Clinics in plastic surgery|date=April 2014|volume=41|issue=2|pages=149-63|pmid=24607185}}</ref>唇顎裂常包含[[腭|上顎]]裂到[[鼻腔]],甚至裂到耳朵都有可能;裂口可能發生於在單側、雙側、或是中間。 顎裂可能會造成進食問題、口語表達問題、聽力問題、以及[[中耳炎|耳道感染]]<!-- <ref name=CDC2014/> -->。其他失調病徵發生的機率低於一半<ref name=CDC2014>{{cite web|title=Facts about Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate|url=http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/cleftlip.html|accessdate=8 May 2015|date=October 20, 2014}}</ref>。

<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

A cleft palate is when the roof of the mouth contains an opening into the nose. These disorders can result in feeding problems, speech problems, hearing problems, and frequent ear infections. Less than half the time the condition is associated with other disorders.[1]

<!-- 成因、機制、與診斷 -->

唇裂與顎裂係肇因於面部組織在[[产前发育|產前的發展]]未能成功接合<!-- <ref name=CDC2014/> -->,這是一種[[先天性障碍]]<!-- <ref name=CDC2014/> -->。在大部分病例中,成因尚不明確<ref name=CDC2014/>;患病的{{tsl|Risk_factor|風險因子|風險因子}}包含{{tsl|

Smoking and pregnancy|懷孕吸菸|懷孕時吸菸}}、[[糖尿病]]、[[肥胖|過胖]]、[[高齡產婦]]及{{tsl|Drugs_in_pregnancy|懷孕時用藥|特定藥物}}(如治療{{tsl|en|seizures|突發癲癇|癲癇發作}}的藥品)<ref name=CDC2014/><ref name=Wat2014/>。唇裂與顎裂可透過{{tsl|en|obstetric ultrasonography|孕婦超音波檢查|懷孕的超音波檢查}}而得知<ref name=CDC2014/>。

<!-- Cause, mechanism, and diagnosis -->

Cleft lip and palate are the result of tissues of the face not joining properly during development. As such, they are a type of birth defect. The cause is unknown in most cases.[1] Risk factors include smoking during pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, an older mother, and certain medications (such as some used to treat seizures).[1][2] Cleft lip and cleft palate can often be diagnosed during pregnancy with an ultrasound exam.[1]

<!-- 治療 -->

唇裂與顎裂可經由[[外科学|外科手術]]修復<!-- <ref name=CDC2014/> -->。唇裂手術通常會在出生的前幾個月進行,而顎裂手術則應在患者出生的18個月內<!-- <ref name=CDC2014/> -->,同時亦須配合[[言語治療]] 及牙齒保健。經過得宜照護之患者,治療成效良好<ref name=CDC2014/>。

<!-- Treatment -->

A cleft lip or palate can be successfully treated with surgery. This is often done in the first few months of life for cleft lip and before eighteen months for cleft palate. Speech therapy and dental care may also be needed. With appropriate treatment outcomes are good.[1]

<!-- 流行病學 -->

在[[已開發國家]],唇顎裂發生機率約是1000個新生兒中有1至2位<ref name=Wat2014/>,唇裂患者中男性比例雖為女性的兩倍,然而顎裂卻多見於女性<ref name=Wat2014/>。{{fact|在[[亞洲]]地區每約500至600名新生嬰兒便有一名患者。}}2013年,全球死於唇裂與顎裂的人數在3,300人,較1990年的7600人為低<ref name=GDB2013>{{cite journal|last1=GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death|first1=Collaborators|title=Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.|journal=Lancet|date=17 December 2014|pmid=25530442|doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61682-2}}</ref>;唇裂病徵俗稱’’’兔唇’’’或’’’兔瓣嘴’’’,因為患者的面部表徵類似[[兔|兔子]],然而此種說法常常被認為是非常具冒犯性的<ref>{{cite book|last1=Boklage|first1=Charles E.|title=How new humans are made cells and embryos, twins and chimeras, left and right, mind/selfsoul, sex, and schizophrenia|date=2010|publisher=World Scientific|location=Singapore|isbn=9789812835147|pages=283|url=https://books.google.ca/books?id=j7GfgRIgP9YC&pg=PT299}}</ref>。

<!-- Epidemiology -->

Cleft lip and palate occurs in about 1 to 2 per 1000 births in the developed world.[2] CL is about twice as common in males as females, while CP without CL is more common in females.[2] In 2013 it resulted in about 3,300 deaths globally down from 7,600 deaths in 1990.[3] The condition was formerly known as a hare-lip because of its resemblance to a hare or rabbit, but that term is now generally considered to be offensive.[4]