Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Translation task force/RTT/Simple SE
<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
Status epilepticus (SE) is an epileptic seizure of greater than five minutes or more than one seizure within a five minute period without the person returning to normal between them. The seizures can either be of the tonic-clonic type with a regular pattern of contraction and extension of the arms and legs or of types that do not involved contractions such as absence seizures or complex partial seizures. Status epilepticus is a life-threatening condition particularly if treatment is delayed.[1]
<!-- 定義與症狀 -->
’’’癲癇重積狀態’’’({{lang-en|Status epilepticus(SE)}})的定義是一次{{link-en|癲癇發作|epileptic seizure}}超過五分鐘、或是五分鐘內癲癇發作超過一次且每次發作之間沒有回復到正常狀態。這種癲癇發作的狀態可能是以{{Link-en|強直陣攣發作|Tonic–clonic_seizure}}[譯註1]表現,伴隨四肢規律地收縮與伸展;也可能以沒有肌肉收縮的{{link-en|失神發作|absence seizures}}[譯註1]或{{link-en|複雜部分發作|complex partial seizures}}[譯註1]表現。癲癇重積狀態常會有生命危險,特別是延誤治療的時候[1]。
<!-- Cause and diagnosis -->
Status epilepticus may occur in those with a history of epilepsy as well as those with an underlying problem of the brain.[2] These underlying brain problems may include trauma, infections, or strokes among others.[2]Diagnosis often involves checking the blood sugar, imaging of the head, a number of blood tests, and an electroencephalogram. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures may present similarly. Other conditions that may also appear to be SE include: hypoglycemia, movement disorders, meningitis, and delirium among others.[1]
<!-- 成因與診斷 -->
癲癇重積狀態可能在過去有[[癲癇]]病史的人以及[[腦]]部有潛在疾病的人身上發生[2]。誘發癲癇重積狀態的可能因素包括腦部外傷、腦部感染、[[中風]]等等[2]。診斷癲癇重積狀態前必須先確認[[血糖]]值,並可能需要進行腦部的[[醫學影像|影像]]檢查、抽血檢查、以及[[腦電圖]]檢查。{{link-en|心因性非癲癇發作|psychogenic non-epileptic seizures}}的症狀可能與癲癇重積狀態類似,其他有類似症狀的疾病包括:[[低血糖]]、{{link-en|動作疾患|movement disorder}}、[[腦膜炎]]、以及[[譫妄]]等。
<!-- Treatment and prognosis -->
Benzodiazepines are the preferred initial treatment after which typically phenytoin is given.[1] Possible benzodiazepines include intravenous lorazepam as well as intramuscular injects of midazolam.[3] A number of other medications may be used if these are not effective such as valproic acid, phenobarbital, propofol or ketamine. Intubation may be required to help maintain the persons airway. Between 10 to 30% of people who have status epilepticus are dead within 30 days.[1] The underlying cause, the persons age, and the length of the seizure are important factors in the outcome.[2] Status epilepticus occurs in about 40 per 100,000 people per year[2] making up about 1% of people who visit the emergency department.[1]
<!-- 治療與預後 -->