白喉疫苗Diphtheria vaccine



Diphtheria vaccine is a vaccine used against Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the agent that causes diphtheria.[1] It use has resulted in a more than 90% decrease in number of cases globally between 1980 and 2000.[2] Three initial doses are recommended after which it is about 95% effective.[2] It is effective for about 10 years at which time a booster dose is needed.[2] Immunization may start at six weeks of age with further doses given every four weeks.[2]

白喉疫苗是一種用來對抗白喉桿菌的疫苗,而白喉桿菌正是白喉的致病原[1]。在1980年到2000年間,白喉疫苗的出現讓白喉患者的感染人數減少90%之多[2] 。前三劑施打的疫苗可提供約95%免疫力,其效力可達十年之久,並建議在十年後再追加施打一劑[2]。目前會讓出生六週的嬰孩接種疫苗並在接下來的四週內每週施打一劑[2]

The diphtheria vaccine is very safe.[2] Significant side effects are rare.[2] Pain may occur at the injection site.[2] A bump may form at the site of injection that lasts a few weeks.[3] The vaccine is safe in both pregnancy and among those who have a poor immune function.[3]

白喉疫苗非常安全[2],只有極少數的案例有嚴重的副作用[2] 。在施打部位可能伴隨有疼痛感,在接種後幾週注射部位也可能有腫起的情形[3] 。此疫苗對孕婦又或是免疫功能不全的患者都是相對安全地,並不需特別注意[3]

Several combination vaccines are used to prevent diphtheria.[4] This includes with tetanus toxoid (known as dT or DT vaccine) and with tetanus and pertussis vaccine known as DPT vaccine.[2] The World Health Organization has recommended it use since 1974.[2] About 84% of the world population is vaccinated.[5] It is given as a intramuscular injection.[2] The vaccine needs to be kept cold but not frozen.[3]

有許多混合疫苗被用來預防白喉[4];其中包括[[破傷風類毒素疫苗]][[(又稱為破傷風疫苗或DT疫苗)]]或是被稱為[[(DPT)的[[百日咳白喉破傷風三聯疫苗]]]][2] 。自1974年起,世界衛生組織就廣泛的推廣這些疫苗的使用[2] ,目前約有84%的世界人口已接種[5] 。此疫苗是經由[[肌肉注射]]的方式給予[2],保存方式為冷藏而不是冷凍[3]

The diphtheria vaccine was developed in 1923.[6] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medication needed in a basic health system.[7] The wholesale price of a version that contains tetanus toxoid is between 0.12 and 0.99 USD per dose as of 2014.[8] In the United States it is less than 25 USD.[9]

白喉疫苗於1923年問世[6],為名列[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]]內的藥物,同時也是[[基礎醫療系統]]內的重要必須藥品[7]。混合有破傷風類毒素的白喉混合疫苗,在2014年的量販價格約介於0.12到0.99美元間[8] ,美國的售價則是低於25美元[9]。