Doctors and Translators Are Working Together to Bridge Wikipedia’s Medical Language Gap
Internet users from around the world often turn to Wikipedia to answer questions of all kinds. The information offered there includes medical subjects, especially important in parts of the world where access to medical professionals may be limited.
However, much of this information can be unreliable because it hasn’t yet been vetted by the community — a process that is ongoing. Many articles are also only available in the most oft-spoken languages.
A group of experienced Wikipedia editors and medical professionals is trying to change that with the Medicine Translation Project, an effort to improve health care-related topics in English Wikipedia and translate them into other languages, including Hindi, Chinese, Persian, Tagalog, Indonesian and Macedonian.
然而,這些資訊並沒有經過專業社群的校閱,造成維基百科上的資料很可能並不可靠的( BBC新聞:科學家表示:請相信你的醫師,而不是維基百科),而且有許多條目只有主流語言的版本。專業人士現在正在審閱維基百科的醫學相關條目,而一群資深的維基百科編者正與醫療從業人員合作進行「醫學條目翻譯計畫」,這個計畫的目的是讓英文維基百科的健康相關條目更完善,並把它們翻譯到其他語言包括印度語、中文、波斯語、南島語(他加洛語)、印尼語、以及馬其頓語。
Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation’s Individual Engagement Grant (IEG), a microgrant supporting work on Wikipedia-related activities, granted 10,000 US dollars to the Medicine Translation Project Community Organizing project, which aims to enhance communication and coordination among the team.
Medical student and Wikipedian User:CFCF along with two advisors, Dr. James Heilman (User:Doc James) and Jake Orlowitz (User:Ocaasi) lead the group. We spoke to founder CFCF over email.
Medical translation by CFCF (CC BY-SA 3.0)
最近醫學條目翻譯計畫社群剛得到維基媒體基金會提供的一萬美元個體參與贊助金 (Individual Engagement Grant (IEG))-這個微型贊助金的設立宗旨是鼓勵維基百科編輯活動間的溝通與協調。我們以電子郵件訪問了計畫的發起人維基編者CFCF-他同時也是個醫學生-以及兩名顧問Dr. James Heilman (維基用戶名:Doc James)與Jake Orlowitz (維基用戶名:Ocaasi) 。
Rising Voices (RV): How did the project get started? What inspired it and how did you identify the needs it would fulfill?
CFCF: [...] The project itself started off in 2011 when Dr. James Heilman and a number of translators from Translators Without Borders:Enrique Cavalitto and Ildiko Santana teamed up in an effort to translate medical articles. Since then, the project has exploded into a larger translation forum with hundreds of translators translating articles into almost a hundred different languages. [...]
For Wikimedia projects with a large pool of editors, we have been taking help from editors to assess what is needed, and what should be translated. On smaller projects we have simply set the goal to get anything on World Health Organization (WHO)’s list of essential medicines, as well as anything about neglected tropical diseases, also from a list by the WHO. As for these articles the project is still in an early phase, but we want to cover basically anything that might be relevant to readers, from cancer to emergency medicine.
Rising Voices 記者(下略為RV):這個計畫是怎麼開始的呢?為什麼會想要開始這樣的計畫?你們又是如何決定這個計畫針對的需求呢?
CFCF: (前略) 2011年時Dr. James Heilman與無國界譯者的Enrique Cavalitto和Ildiko Santana開始合作翻譯醫學條目,從那時開始這個計畫快速發展,現在已經是一個擁有數百名譯者的規模,成為將文章翻作數百種不同語言的翻譯平台了。(中略)我們計畫中的維基媒體專案的規模比較大,它的目標決定方式是由參與專案的編輯者來評估哪些東西是有必要的,以及哪些東西需要翻譯。其他規模比較小的專案則是依照世界衛生組織所提供的核心醫療清單的內容來選擇翻譯的目標,除此之外世界衛生組織所提供的被輕忽的熱帶疾病清單也是我們翻譯的目標。這個計畫還在草創期,但長期而言我們希望能夠把翻譯的範圍擴展到所有和讀者相關的東西,從癌症到急診醫學的所有主題。
RV: How is the process of translation going?
A flow diagram illustrating the article flow process of the WP:MED journal collaboration and translation project. Flow of Article Creation by James Heilman, MD (CC BY-SA 3.0)
CFCF: [...] The problem is that there are so many layers of complications in the translation process. After an article has been written and been subject to review to ensure its quality, the article needs to be prepared and proofed for translation, after which translators need to be found. [...] Many of our translators are medical professionals and have in-depth knowledge in their native languages. On the top of it, they dedicate plenty of time on the content creation and translation. This helps to get good quality translations. What this also means is they they seldom have any knowledge of Wiki markup or Wikipedia. Someone else who knows the language in question has to go through links, templates etc. and fix them, proofread the translated content so it is up to scratch and readable.
CFCF: (前略)翻譯過程有不同層面的困難,在條目的英文版撰寫與校閱完成後,它必須被校正成適合翻譯的狀態,並且要找到譯者。(中略)我們的譯者大多是對自己的母語有深度了解的醫療從業人員,不僅如此他們也致力於醫療知識的整理與翻譯,這使得翻譯的品質得以提升,但這也常代表我們的譯者對於維基百科語法或是維基百科本身並不了解。因此我們需要其他清楚維基百科的運作方式與翻譯的目標語言的人才來處理超連結、編輯樣板等等,並且替我們校正和整理翻譯完成的內容讓它們在維基百科上能以好讀的方式呈現。
RV: How do you address this?
CFCF: To fix all this, it is best to have a local Wikipedian who can integrate the text. Most of the work has already been done. But, getting these things right is very crucial, especially on Wikipedias with vast content, where there already is a lot of content to link in.
I think the resistance we met early in the project’s life was not against translation of content. But, because we did not spend enough time getting the translated articles up to shape before sending them live on the target Wikipedia.
What we saw on the Polish Wikipedia was that much of the issues were down to how they used different templates, and after I commissioned a bot to fix this, the articles started going live very quickly. After this, more and more editors became interested in helping out [...]
RV: Are you in conversation with the Wikipedia Zero team — a mobile data project focused on Wikipedia access in the developing world — about popularising this with their partners in the developing nations?
CFCF: Currently we are not in touch with the Wikipedia Zero team specifically, even though our works target the same communities. The difference between us and them is that we target developed countries as well as countries where there barely is any mobile connectivity at all, such asBurma where I do not know if we will be seeing Wikipedia Zero in the foreseeable future [...]
RV: What are your plans to engage with the larger Wikimedia communities that are multilingual and totally diverse?
CFCF: We aim to get high quality content in as many languages as we can. It is difficult to translate such deeply technical content, so we are really looking for professional translators, or individuals with some form of medical background so that information loss and corruption of content in translation is minimal.We recruit translators either off-wiki, or on the medical WikiProjects. We are still looking for translators who feel they are comfortable with such topics, and we especially need them in smaller languages. We are also searching them at Babylon on Meta Wiki.
WikiProject Med Foundation was the first attempt to get a truly global organization of medical Wikipedia editors. Most medical professionals are fluent in English, and we really try to engage in discussion in other languages when we can, so I think there is a real benefit in creating a global community for medical editors.
We are not large enough yet that we have all the relevant people on English Wikipedia, and we will probably never be because there are always specialists in other countries with very specific knowledge that we can leverage. That makes international collaboration really great.
As for the local language integrators, the idea is to have editors who are willing help out and be an intermediary between that community and our translator community. We have a page where all our finished translations are added. An integrator would patrol that page on a regular basis, inform the respective language Wikipedia that the new translation is ready. The language Wikipedia’s reader community share feedback on the translation quality and suggest for improvement. For us, it is really easy to just add articles without going through them thoroughly. But, that would not work at all. For things to work, we need someone who both knows Wiki markup and the target language so that the integration can go smoothly.
CFCF:我們的終極目標是提供盡可能多種語言版本的高品質醫學資料。要翻譯這類高度技術密集的內容相當不容易,因此我們一直努力的在尋找專業的譯者或是具有醫療背景的參與者,希望能夠確保在翻譯過程流失或者是誤譯的內容盡量不要出現。我們同時在維基社群外與維基百科上的醫學維基專案找尋夥伴。我們持續在徵求對於這個主題有自信的譯者,尤其是使用的語言比較小眾的譯者非常的缺乏。我們也在Meta Wiki上的巴比倫譯者專區徵人。醫學維基專案組織是第一個全球性的維基醫療編者組織。大多數的醫療從業人員都有相當流利的英文能力,但我們也同時嘗試以其他語言進行的討論。因此我想建立一個全球性的醫療編者社群對我們的計畫是相當有幫助的。我們的參與規模並沒有大到涵蓋英文維基社群上各個醫療領域的人員,但我們很可能並不需要,因為我們在其他國家常能找到具有相同知識以及專業能力的成員來加入工作。在這方面,國際合作真的很棒。