Docusate, also known asdocusate salts,dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, and dioctyle calcium sulfosuccinateamong others,[3]is a laxative used to treatconstipation.[2]It is considered a good choice in children who have hardfeces.[2] For constipation due to the use ofopiates it maybe used with astimulant laxative.[2] It can be taken by mouth or rectally.[2]Usually it works in one to three days.[2]
Side effects are uncommon.[2]Rarely there may be abdominal cramps or diarrhea.[2] Long term use may cause poor bowel function.[1] Docusate is acceptable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.[4] It is a laxative of the stool softener type and works by allowing more water to be absorbed by the feces.[5][1]
此藥物的副作用並不常見[2]。只有少部分病患反應有[[腹痛|腹絞痛]]或[[腹瀉]]的情形[2]。長期使用可能導致腸道功能衰退[1] 。通利妥可以在[[孕期]]和[[哺乳]]時使用[4] 。它是一種[[軟便型]]的通便劑,其作用機轉是提高糞便中的含水量[5][1]。
It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[6] It is available as a generic medicationand is not very expensive.[5] In the United States one hundred doses are about 14 USD.[2] Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate is also used as a food additive, emulsifier,dispersant, and wetting agent, among others.[7]
通利妥是名列[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]]的藥品,也是在[[基礎醫療]]中非常重要的藥物[6]。作為[[通用名藥物]]的一種,它的價格也同樣平易近人[5] 。在美國當地,一百劑的價格大約是14美元[2] 。此藥物的成分辛丁酯磺酸鈉(DIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE,DSS) 也可作為食品添加劑、[[乳化劑]]、[[分散劑]]還有[[潤濕劑]]等[7]。