墮胎/ Abortion


Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by the removal or forcing out from the womb of a fetus or embryo before it is able to survive on its own. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage. It can also be purposely caused in which case it is known as an induced abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. The similar procedure after the fetus may be able to survive on its own is medically known as a "late termination of pregnancy".[2]

’’’墮胎’’’(abortion),又稱’’’人工流產’’’,或是’’’誘導性流產’’’(Induced abortion)。指的是在[[胚胎]]或[[胎兒]]自己能存活之前,以切除或強制的手段移出[[子宮]]的方式,終止[[懷孕]]狀態。相對的,自然發生的中止懷孕現象則通常稱為[[流產]](miscarriage)。而如果在胎兒已經可以自行存活的時候做類似的程序,在醫學上稱為「晚期中止妊娠」(late termination of pregnancy, LTOP)或晚期墮胎(late-term abortion)[2]。


Modern medicine uses medications or surgical methods for induced abortion. The two medications mifepristone and prostaglandin are as effective as a surgical method in the first trimester.[3][4] While the use of medications may be effective in the second trimester,[5] surgical methods appear to have a lower risk of side effects.[4] Birth control, including the pill and intrauterine devices can be started immediately after an abortion.[4] Abortion in the developed world has a long history of being among the safest procedures in medicine when allowed by local law.[6][7]Uncomplicated abortions do not cause either long term mental health or physical problems.[8] The World Health Organization recommends that this same level of safe and legal abortions be available to all women globally.[9]Unsafe abortions, however, result in approximately 47,000 maternal deaths[8] and 5 million hospital admissions per year globally.[10]

現代醫學藉由藥物或手術來誘發流產。在{{le|第一孕期|first trimester}}(孕期的前三個月),有兩種藥物和手術一樣有效,分別是{{le|RU486|mifepristone}}和{{le|前列腺素|prostaglandin}} [3][4]。而在{{le|第二孕期|second trimester}}(孕期第三到第六個月),雖然使用藥物仍能有效導致流產[5],但使用手術產生後遺症的風險較低[4]。在墮胎後可以立即開始使用{{le|[複合口服避孕藥|the pill }}以及{{le|子宮避孕器| intrauterine devices}}{{le|避孕|Birth control}} [4]。在{{le|已開發國家|developed world}}中,{{le|藉由醫學達成安全| among the safest procedures in medicine}}且{{le|合法| local law}}的墮胎已行之有年[6][7]。單純的墮胎並不會造成長期心理衛生或身體的問題[8]。{{le|世界衛生組織| World Health Organization}}提倡全世界的婦女都應該享有一樣好的安全合法墮胎方式[9]。話雖如此,{{le|不安全的墮胎|Unsafe abortions}}每年在全球,仍造成大約47,000例的{{le|產婦死亡|maternal deaths}}及約500萬名產婦住院[10]。


An estimated 44 million abortions are performed globally each year, with slightly under half of those performed unsafely.[11] Rates of abortions have changed little between 2003 and 2008,[11] after having previously spent decades declining as access to education regarding family planning and birth control improved.[12] As of 2008, forty percent of the world’s women had access to legal induced abortions "without restriction as to reason".[13] There are; however, limits regarding how far along in pregnant they can be performed.[13]



Induced abortion has a long history. They have been performed by various methods, including herbal medicines, the use of sharpened tools, physical trauma, and other traditional methods since ancient times.[14] The laws surrounding abortion, how frequently they are performed, and their cultural and religious status vary a great deal around the world. In some contexts, abortion is legal based on specific conditions, such as incest, rape, problems with the fetus, socioeconomic factors or the risk to a mother’s health.[15] In many parts of the world there is prominent public controversy over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of abortion. Those who are against abortion generally state that an embryo or fetus is a human with the right to life and may compare abortion to murder.[16][17] Those who support abortion rights emphasize a woman’s right to decide matters concerning her own body[18] as well as emphasizing human rights generally.[9]

墮胎的{{en-link|墮胎史|History of abortion|歷史}}相當悠久。自古以來,一直以來流傳有許多方式執行,包含[[草藥]]、利用尖銳工具、人為創傷,以及其他傳統方法[14]。關於墮胎的法律規範、執行的頻率、和它背後的文化種族意涵在世界各處都不盡相同。墮胎在某些特殊情況下是合法的,例如因亂倫、強暴而懷孕、胎兒本身有異常、社會經濟因素、或是危及母體健康[15]。世界上許多地方,關於墮胎的道德、倫理以及合法性等議題仍存在公開而激烈的爭論。反對墮胎者大多認為胚胎或胎兒為具有生存權的人類,墮胎等同於[[謀殺]][16][17]。而支持墮胎權的人則強調母親有決定自己人身健康的權利,以及強調普遍的[[人權]]。

2015-11-17 已整合中文維基百科「堕胎 」的引言頁面 
