目前中文條目: 無
Delirium tremens (DTs) is a state of confusion of rapid onset that is usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol. If it occurs it is often 3 days into the withdrawal symptoms and lasts two to three days. People may also see or hear things other people do not.[1] Physical effects may include shakings, shivering, an irregular heart rates, and sweating.[2] Occationally a very high body temperature or seizures may result in death.[1] Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drug to withdrawal from.[3]
酒精戒斷症候群(DTs)是形容因[[戒除酒精]]而引起的[[譫妄]]狀態。若有這個狀況發生,通常在三天后會有戒斷癥狀的產生,並可能持續二至三天。患者也有機會產生[[幻聽幻覺]][1] 。生理上的表徵包括[[顫抖]]、寒顫、[[心悸]]以及盜汗[2]。若有[[高熱]]或[[癲癇]]的情形,將有導致死亡的風險[1]。酒精其實是其中一種非常危險且難以戒除的藥物[3]。
Delirium tremens typically only occurs in people with a high intake of alcohol for more than a month.[4] A similar syndrome may occur with benzodiazepine and barbiturate withdrawal.[5] Withdrawal from stimulates such cocaine does not have major medical complications.[6] In a person with delirium tremens it is important to rule out other associated problems such as electrolyte abnormalities, pancreatitis, and alcoholic hepatitis.[1]
酒精戒斷症狀通常發生在大量喝酒超過一個月的飲酒者身上[4]。相似的戒斷症狀可能發生在[[苯二氮平類(Benzodiazepines)]]和[[巴比妥類藥物]]的成癮者上[5] 。但是對於停用[[古柯鹼]]類的興奮劑,則沒有太嚴重的併發症[6] 。針對有酒精戒斷症狀的患者,首先必須排除例如[[電解質不平衡]]、[[胰臟炎]]還有[[酒精性肝炎]]的可能性[1]。
Prevention is by treating withdraw symptoms. If delirium tremens occurs agressive treatment improve outcomes. Treatment in a quit intensive care unit with sufficient light is often recommended. Benzodiazepines are the medication of choice with diazepam, lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and oxazepam all commonly used.[4] They should be given until a person lightly sleeping. The antipsychotic, haloperidol may also be used. The vitamin, thiamine, is recommended.[1] Mortality without treatment is between 15% and 40%.[7] Currently death occurs in about 1% to 4% of cases.[1]
舒緩戒斷症狀的症狀治療可預防酒精戒斷症候群,而當譫妄已然發生時,積極的治療可改善預後。治療通常建議在安靜且光線充足的加護病房內進行。[[苯二氮平類(Benzodiazepines)]]是治療時選用的藥物,另外[[丹祈屏錠(Diazepam)]]、[[樂耐平(Lorazepam)]]、[[氯氮卓(Chlordiazepoxide)]]和[[羥苯二氮卓(Oxazepam)]]都是常用的藥物。也建議讓病患補充硫胺素(thiamine, 維生素的一種)。在沒有治療的情況下,致死率介於15%到40%之間。目前每100個酒精戒斷症候群病患中則約有1到4個死亡案例發生。
About half of people with alcoholism will develop withdrawal symptoms upon reducing their use. Of these, three to five percent develop DTs or have seizures.[1] The name delirium tremens was first used in 1813; however, the symptoms were well described since the 1700s.[4] The word "delirium" is Latin for "going of the rails". It is also called shaking frenzy and Saunders-Sutton syndrome.[7] Nicknames include barrel-fever, blue horrors, bottleache, bats, drunken horrors, elephants, gallon distemper, quart mania, pink spiders, among others.[8]
約一半有[[酒精成癮]]的人,會在減少飲酒量後產生戒斷癥狀。在他們當中,差不多有三到五%會接著發生酒精戒斷症候群或有癲癇的情形[1] 。酒精戒斷症候群這個名詞是首先在1813年被提出,但是一直到18世紀才有對這個病徵完整的描述[4]。「譫妄」這個詞源自於[[拉丁文]]中的"偏離"。又被稱作震顫性譫妄或Saunders-Sutton症候群[7] 。在美國俚語中,它有包括( barrel-fever,blue horrors, bottleache, bats, drunken horrors, elephants, gallon distemper, quart mania, pink spiders)等的暱稱。