醫週譯:  Hepatitis B/ B型肝炎


Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) which affects the liver. It can cause both acute and chronic infections. Many people have no symptoms during the initial infection. Some develop a rapid onset of sickness with vomiting, yellow skin, feeling tired, dark urine and abdominal pain.[1] Often these symptoms last a few weeks and rarely does the initial infection result in death.[1][2] It may take 30 to 180 days for symptoms to begin.[1] In those who get infected around the time of birth 90% develop chronic hepatitis B while less than 10% of those infected after the age of five do.[3] Most of those with chronic disease have no symptoms; however, cirrhosis and liver cancer may eventually develop.[4] These complications results in the death of 15 to 25% of those with chronic disease.[1]

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’’’乙型病毒性肝炎’’’({{lang-en|hepatitis B}}),簡稱’’’乙肝’’’,顧名思義是由[[B型肝炎病毒]][[感染]]後,引起的[[肝臟]]急性或[[慢性]]發炎之疾病。感染B型肝炎病毒的潛伏期,可從30天至180天不等,平均約75天[1]。大多數人初次感染時沒有明顯症狀,而少數人會有急性症狀如噁心嘔吐、[[黃疸]]、[[疲倦]]、茶色尿以及[[腹痛]]等[1]。初次感染造成的急性症狀,通常持續數週之後即會消退,極少數會造成死亡或嚴重併發症[1][2]。嬰兒經由母親垂直感染B型肝炎後,有90%的機率成為慢性B型肝炎帶原者;而5歲後才感染B型肝炎者,長大後只有不到10%會成為慢性帶原者[3]。雖然大部分慢性肝炎患者沒有症狀,但卻有機會發展為[[肝硬化]]甚至{{link-en|肝癌|Hepatocellular carcinoma}}[4],亦為慢性肝炎患者死因的15%至25%[1]。

The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Infection around the time of birth or from contact with other people during childhood is the most frequent method by which hepatitis B is acquired in areas where the disease is common. In areas where the disease is rare intravenous drug use and sexual intercourse are the most frequent routes of infection.[1] Other risk factors include: working in healthcare, blood transfusions, dialysis, living with an infected person, travel in countries where the infection rate is high, and living in an institution.[1][3] Tattooing and acupuncture led to a significant number of cases in the 1980s; however, this has become less common with improved sterility.[5] The hepatitis B viruses cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.[3] The infection can be diagnosed 30 to 60 days after exposure. Diagnosis is typically by testing the blood for parts of the virus and for antibodies against the virus.[1] It is one of five known hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D, and E.

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B肝病毒傳染途經為接觸到受感染的[[血液]]或[[體液]]。在B型肝炎盛行區,母嬰{{link-en|垂直傳染|Vertically transmitted infection}}以及兒童時期接觸傳染為感染族群的大宗。相較之下非B肝盛行區,此疾病的傳染途經則主要為共用靜脈{{link-en|藥物注射|Drug injection}}針頭以及性行為[1]。其它B肝感染風險因子包括:醫護人員、[[輸血]]、腎臟[[透析]]治療、和感染者同居、到盛行區旅遊,以及照護機構常住者[1][3]。刺青和[[針灸]]曾經在1980年代造成許多B型肝炎感染的案例,而隨著消毒技術的進步此情況已經少見[5]。B型肝炎病毒不會藉由握手、共用餐具、接吻、擁抱、咳嗽、噴嚏或哺乳等傳染[3]。暴露感染風險後約30至60天可確診,包括檢驗血液中B肝病毒抗原以及人體產生B肝病毒的[[抗體]][1]。B型肝炎病毒是目前已知五種[[肝炎]]病毒的一種:[[A型肝炎|A型]]、B型、[[C型肝炎|C型]]、[[丁型肝炎|D型]]以及[[戊型肝炎|E型肝炎]]病毒。

The infection has been preventable by vaccination since 1982.[6][1] Vaccination is recommended by the World Health Organization in the first day of life if possible. Two or three more doses are required at a later time for full effect. This vaccine works about 95% of the time.[1] About 180 countries gave the vaccine as part of national programs as of 2006.[7] It is also recommended that all blood be tested for hepatitis B before transfusion and condoms be used to prevent infection. During an initial infection, care is based on the symptoms that a person has. In those who develop chronic disease antiviral medication such as tenofovir or interferon maybe useful, however these drugs are expensive. Liver transplantation is sometimes used for cirrhosis.[1]

<!-- 預防與治療 -->

自西元1982年{{link-en|B型肝炎疫苗|Hepatitis B vaccine}}問世之後,人們可以有效地預防B型肝炎病毒的感染[6][1]。[[世界衛生組織]]建議嬰兒出生後首日施打第一劑,接著需定期完成第二劑或第三季甚至更多的接種,方能獲得最佳的疫苗保護力,估計可達95%[1]。於西元2006年統計,全球約180個國家將注射B型肝炎疫苗列為國家的衛生政策之一[7]。並同時要求輸血用的血液皆須接受B型肝炎病毒的檢驗,並且在性交時使用[[保險套]]可以預防感染。在感染的初期,護理照護需視病患的症狀所調整。若患者有可能會發展成慢性肝炎,則給予[[抗病毒藥物]],如{{lang-en|惠立妥|Tenofovir}}或[[干擾素]],但這些藥物價格不斐。若病情發展嚴重,惡化成肝硬化,則{{link-en|肝臟移植|Liver transplantation}}將會是可供選擇的醫療手段之一[1]。

About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives, including 240 million to 350 million who have chronic infections.[8][1] Over 750,000 people die of hepatitis B each year.[1] The disease is now only common in East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa where between 5 and 10% of adults have chronic disease. Rates in Europe and North America are less than 1%.[1] It was originally known as serum hepatitis.[9] Research is looking to create foods that contain HBV vaccine.[10] The disease may affect other great apes as well.[11]

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據估計,全球每三人當中,就會有一個人曾經被B型肝炎病毒感染,而其中約有2.4億至3.5億人會轉變成慢性肝炎[1][8]。估計每年因B型肝炎死亡的人數約為75萬人[1]。2006年中國人口中B肝表面抗原攜帶率為7.18%[1],B型肝炎與[[肺結核]]、[[血吸蟲病]]和[[愛滋病]]並列為中國四大[[傳染病]][2]。在[[東亞|亞洲東部]]和[[撒哈拉以南非洲]],已有成為[[地方性流行|地方性流行病]]之趨勢,約有5至10 %的成年人為帶原者,而在歐洲以及北美洲,帶原的比例降為不到1 %[1]。由於病毒透過血液或體液傳播,故在早期此疾病亦被稱為血清型肝炎({{lang-en|Serum Hepatitis}})[9]。目前雖有B型肝炎疫苗,部份研究團隊正在研究口服劑型的疫苗[10]。此病毒有可能也能感染其他[[猿|靈長目人猿總科]]的動物[11]。

乙型病毒性肝炎(Hepatitis B),簡稱B肝,也稱血清型肝炎(Serum Hepatitis),是一種由B型肝炎病毒引起的疾病。B型肝炎病毒會引起肝硬化肝癌。B肝主要在中國及其他一些亞洲國家中流行,在非洲薩哈拉沙漠南方也非常盛行。


2015-03-22 已整合至中文維基條目「乙型肝炎」之中
