酒精究竟有多厲害?能讓謝爾頓 (Sheldon Lee Cooper)高歌,也能讓拉杰 (Rajesh Ramayan)開口跟女人說話!?
<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) and alcohol dependence syndrome, is a broad term for any drinking of alcohol that results in problems.[1] It was previously divided into two main types alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence.[2][3] In a medical context alcoholism is said to exist when two or more of the following is present: a person drinks large amounts over a long time period, has difficulty cutting down, acquiring and drinking alcohol takes up a great deal of time, alcohol is strongly desired, usage results in not fulfilling responsibilities, usage results in social problems, usage results in health problem, usage results in risky situations,withdrawal occurs when stopping, and tolerance has occurred to use.[3] Alcohol use can affect all parts of the body but particularly affects the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and immune system. This can result in mental illness, Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome, an irregular heart beat, liver failure, and an increase the risk of cancer, among other disease.[4][5] Drinking during pregnancy can cause damage to the baby resulting in fetal alcohol syndrome.[6] Generally women are more sensitive to alcohol’s harmful physical and mental effects than men.[7]
<!-- 定義與症狀 -->
’’’酗酒’’’({{lang-en|alcoholism}}),又稱’’’酒精使用疾患’’’({{lang|en|alcohol use disorder, AUD}})或’’’酒精依賴症候群’’’({{lang|en|alcohol dependence syndrome}}),其為飲用[[酒精]]所致相關問題的廣義用語[1],過去將之分成{{link-en|酒精濫用|Alcohol abuse}}與[[酒精依賴]]兩種主要類型[2][3]。在醫學領域中,酗酒是指當某人出現以下兩種或兩種以上的狀況時:長期飲入大量酒精且難以減量、耗費大量時間取得酒精飲入、強烈渴望酒精、使用酒精後喪失責任能力、使用後造成社交問題、使用酒精而引發健康問題、使用後造成危險的情境、停用酒精後發生[[藥物戒斷|戒斷]]、使用時產生{{link-en|酒精耐受性|Alcohol tolerance}}[3]。使用酒精會影響全身各部位,特別是腦部、心臟、肝臟、[[胰臟]]以及[[免疫系統]],進而導致[[精神病|心理疾病]]、[[科爾薩科夫氏症候群]]、[[心律不整]]與[[肝硬化]],對於其他疾病則會增加[[癌症]]的風險[4][5]。[[懷孕]]時飲用酒精會影響胎兒而導致[[胎兒酒精綜合症]][6]。女性對於酒精造成身體與心理危害作用的感受性往往大於男性[7]。
<!-- Cause and diagnosis -->
Both environmental factors and genetics are involved in causing alcoholism with about half the risk attributed to each. A person with a parent or sibling with alcoholism are three to four times more likely to be alcoholic themselves.[4] Environmental factors include social, cultural, and behavioral influences.[8] High stress levels, anxiety, as well as inexpensive easily accessible alcohol increases risk.[4][9] People may continue to drink partly to prevent or improve symptoms of withdrawal. A low level of withdrawal may last for months following stopping.[4] Medically alcoholism is considered both a physical and mental illness.[10][11] Both questionnaires and certain blood tests may detect people with possible alcoholism.[citation needed] Further information is then collected to confirm the diagnosis.[4]
<!-- 病因及診斷 -->
遺傳因子以及環境都有一半的機率互相影響導致酗酒。一個人若有父母或兄弟姊妹其中一位有酗酒情況發生,自己會比一般人高達三至四倍的機率成為酗酒者[4]。環境因素包含社會、文化與行為上的影響[8]。高{{link-en|壓力 (生物學)|Stress (biology)|壓}}狀況、焦慮以及廉價又垂手可得的酒精,會增加酗酒的機率[4,9]。人們會持續維持小部分的飲酒來避免或改善戒酒的後遺症,這種情形會持續數月才能戒酒[4]。醫療上的酗酒定義包含了身體與心理上的病症[10,11]。問卷調查與相關的血液測試可檢測出人們是否酗酒。更多的資訊則需由診斷來確診[4]。
<!-- Treatment and prognosis-->
Prevention of alcoholism is possible by regulating and limiting the sale of alcohol, taxing alcohol to increase its cost, and providing inexpensive treatment.[12] Treatment may take several steps. Because of the medical problems that can occur during withdrawal, alcohol detoxification should be carefully controlled. One common method involves the use of benzodiazepine medications, such as diazepam. This can be either given well admitted to a health care institution or occasionally while a person remains in the community with close supervision.[13] Other addictions or mental illness may complicate treatment.[14] After detoxification support such as group therapy or self-help groups are used to help keep a person from returning to drinking.[15][16] One commonly used form of support is the group Alcoholics Anonymous.[17] The medications acamprosate, disulfiram, or naltrexone may also be used to help prevent further drinking.[18]
<!-- 治療及預後-->
事先預防養成酗酒的習慣可藉由酒類銷售的限制與規範,以及課{{link-en|酒精法|Alcohol law|稅}}來增加購買酒類的成本,以及提供較不昂貴的治療方式[12]。治療方式會有幾個步驟;因為在戒除的過程中會產生一些如{{link-en|酒精戒斷|Alcohol detoxification}}等醫療問題,必須小心控制。一個較普遍的做法是使用如[[地西泮]]等[[苯二氮平類藥物]],可用於經核准的醫療保健機構,或可嚴密監控患者的環境中[13]。若有其它的癮頭或精神上的疾病時,則會讓治療變得更複雜[14]。在幫助酗酒者遠離酒精的戒酒贊助計畫如[[團體心理治療|集體治療]]或{{link-en|支持團體|Support group|自助群體}}後[15,16],[[匿名戒酒會]]是經常被使用的方式[17]。預防再次飲酒也會使用抗癮劑如[[雙硫侖]]、{{link-en|阿坎酸|Acamprosate}}或{{link-en|那曲酮|Naltrexone}}等藥物[18]。
<!-- Epidemiology, Society and Culture-->
The World Health Organization estimates that as of 2010 there were 208 million people with alcoholism worldwide (4.1% of the population over 15 years of age).[7][19] In the United States about 17 million (7%) of adults and 0.7 million (2.8%) of those age 12 to 17 years of age are affected.[20] It is more common among males and young adults, becoming less common in middle and old age.[4] It is the least common in Africa at 1.1% and has the highest rates in Eastern Europe at 11%.[4] Alcoholism directly resulted in 139,000 deaths in 2013 up from 112,000 deaths in 1990.[21] A total of 3.3 million deaths (5.9% of all deaths) are believed to be due to alcohol.[20] It often reduces a person’s life expectacy by around ten years.[22] In the United States it resulted in economic costs of $224 billion USD in 2006.[20] Many terms, some insulting and others informal, have been used to refer to people affected by alcoholism including: tippler, drunkard, dipsomaniac, and souse.[23] In 1979, the World Health Organization discouraged the use of "alcoholism" due to it inexact meaning, preferring "alcohol dependence syndrome".[23]
<!-- 流行病學及社會文化-->
據[[世界衛生組織]]估計,2010年全球有2.08億人酒精中毒(佔15歲以上人口的4.1%)[7][19]。在美國大約有1700萬(7%)的成人和70萬(2.8%)12到17歲的青少年受到影響[20]。其中男性青壯年居多,中、老年的比例慢慢變少[4]。酒精中毒者的比率在非洲最低,只有1.1%,而最高是在[[東歐]],有11%[4]。酒精中毒直接造成的死亡人數,從1990年的11萬2千人提高到2013年的13萬9000人[21]。一般相信,共330萬個死亡案例(佔所有死亡人數的5.9%)是肇因於酒精[20]。酒精中毒通常會減少個人10年的預期壽命[22]。2006年,它造成美國224億美金的經濟損失[20]。英語中有很多帶[[貶義]]的[[俚語]],習用於稱呼酒精中毒者,例如:{{lang|en|tippler, drunkard, dipsomaniac}}和{{lang|en|souse}}等[23]。1979年,[[世界衛生組織]]曾建議用「酒精依賴症」({{lang|en|alcohol dependence syndrome}}),取代不精確的「酒精中毒」({{lang|en|alcoholism}})[23]。
酗酒會導致肝硬化、肝癌、科爾薩科夫氏症候群和酒精失智症(Alcohol dementia)等病症,也可能導致失業、虐童、家暴、強姦、侵入偷竊(burglary)和侵犯行為(assault)等犯罪。
Some of the possible long-term effects of ethanol an individual may develop. Additionally, in pregnant women, alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome.
Alcoholism is a Prision>