





Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women’s lives when menstrual periods(月經) stop permanently, and they are no longer able to have children(生育能力).[1][2] Menopause typically occurs between 45 and 55 years of age.[1] Medical professionals often define menopause as having occurred when a woman has not had any vaginal bleeding for a year.[3] It may also be defined by a decrease in hormone(激素) production by the ovaries(卵巢).[4] In those who have had surgery to remove their uterus(子宫) but they still have ovaries, menopause may be viewed to have occurred at the time of the surgery or when their hormone levels fell.[4] Following the removal of the uterus, symptoms typically occur earlier, at an average of 45 years of age.[5]

’’’更年期’’’({{lang|en|Menopause}}),又稱為’’’絕經期’’’,是指女性生命中永遠不再會有[[月經]]的時期,同時也永久失去[[生育能力]][1][2]。更年期通常發生於45歲到55歲之間[1]。醫學上通常認為女性若在一年內沒有任何月經來潮即為進入更年期[3]。更年期還可按照[[卵巢]]的[[女性賀爾蒙]]分泌能力下降判定[4] 。對於[[子宮]]經由手術移除但仍保有卵巢的婦女而言,手術與賀爾蒙分泌水平降低均可視為更年期的起點[4] 。在子宮移除後,更年期癥狀一般會提前發生,平均年齡大約是45歲[5]

Before menopause, a woman’s periods typically become irregular, which means that periods may be longer or shorter in duration, or be lighter or heavier in terms of the amount of flow. During this time, women often experience hot flashes(潮熱); these typically last from 30 seconds to ten minutes, and may be associated with shivering, sweating(汗液) and reddening of the skin.[6] Hot flashes often stop occurring after a year or two.[2] Other symptoms may include vaginal dryness(陰道分泌液), trouble sleeping, and mood changes.[6] The severity of symptoms varies between women.[2] While menopause is often thought to be linked to an increase in heart disease(心血管疾病), this primarily occurs due to increasing age and does not have a direct relationship with menopause. In some women, problems that were previously present like endometriosis(子宮內膜異位症) or painful periods(經痛) will improve after menopause.[2]


Menopause is usually a natural change.[7] It can occur earlier in those who smoke tobacco(吸菸).[3][8] Other causes include surgery that removes both ovaries(卵巢), or some types of chemotherapy(化学疗法).[3] At the physiological level, menopause happens because of a decrease in the ovaries’ production of the hormones estrogen(雌激素) andprogesterone(孕酮).[1] While typically not needed, a diagnosis of menopause can be confirmed by measuring hormone levels in either the blood or urine.[9] Menopause is the opposite of menarche(初潮), the time at which a girl’s periods start.[10]

更年期通常是一個正常的轉變。有[[吸菸]]的婦女更年期可能會更早到來 。其他更年期提前的原因包括了移除兩側[[卵巢]]的手術,或者是某些類型的[[化療]]。從生理的角度來看,卵巢內的荷爾蒙[[雌激素]]和[[孕酮]]的產量下降造成了更年期。更年期可藉測量血液或尿液中賀爾蒙量確診,但通常不需要使用。更年期與女性[[初潮]]相反是代表月經的結束 。

Specific treatment is not usually needed. Some symptoms, however, may be improved with treatment. With respect to hot flashes, avoiding smoking, caffeine, and alcohol is often recommended. Sleeping in a cool room and using a fan may also help.[11] The following medications may help: menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), clonidine, gabapentin(加巴喷丁), orselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂).[11][12] Exercise may help with sleeping problems. While MHT was once routinely prescribed, it is now only recommended in those with significant symptoms, as there are concerns about side effects.[11] High-quality evidence for the effectiveness of alternative medicine(替代医学) has not been found.[2]

