大腸激躁症(Irritable bowel syndrome)




腸易激綜合症Irritable Bowel Syndrome,IBS),又稱過敏性腸道症候群,主要為大腸蠕動或分泌異常引起的疾病的總稱。俗稱大腸急躁症、腸躁症、刺激性腸症候群、急躁性腸症候群、腸躁症候群等。

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition defined by the symptoms of abdominal pain and changes in the pattern of bowel movements without any evidence of underlying damage.[1] These symptoms occur over a long time, often years.[2]It is classified into four main types depending on if diarrhea is common, constipation is common, both are common, or neither occurs very often (IBS-D, IBS-C, IBS-M, or IBS-U respectively).[1] IBS negatively affects quality of life and may result in missed school or work.[3] Psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, and major depressionare common among people with IBS.[4][1]

大腸激躁症,又稱為大腸躁鬱症、腸躁症、躁性大腸徵候群,主要為沒有任何腸胃道疾病損傷下出現[[腹痛]]及[[排便]]型態改變的症狀。[1]這些症狀是長期的,通常會持續數年。[2]大腸激躁症可依照[[腹瀉]]或[[便祕]]情形區分成四種型態,包含三種亞型:腹瀉型(IBS-D)、便秘型(IBS-C)、混合型(IBS-M)或非亞型(IBS-U respectively)。[1]大腸激躁症會對[[生活品質]]帶來負面的影響,而且可能使患者錯過學校的課業及工作。[3]在大腸激躁症的患者中,有許多患有[[精神病]],如[[焦慮症]]、[[慢性疲勞症候群]]及[[憂鬱症]]。[4][1]

The cause of IBS is not known.[2] Theories include gut–brain axis problems, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, genetic factors, food sensitivity, and gut motility problems.[2] Onset may be triggered by an intestinal infection,[5] or stressful life event.[6] IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder.[1] Diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms in the absence of worrisome features.[7] Worrisome features include onset at greater than 50 years of age, weight loss, blood in the stool, or a family history of inflammatory bowel disease.[7] Other conditions that may present similarly include celiac disease,microscopic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, bile acid malabsorption, and colon cancer.[7]

造成大腸激躁症的原因仍未明確[2],有不同的理論探討其成因,包含:腦腸軸線(gut–brain axis)、小腸細菌過度生長(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)、遺傳因素、[[食物不耐症]]及腸道蠕動問題。可能會因為[[腸胃炎]][5]或生活[[壓力]][6]而造成大腸激躁症的發生。大腸激躁症是一種腸胃功能性障礙[1],診斷時會依據有無這些令人困擾的症狀及徵候來判斷[7],這些症狀有:發病年齡大於50歲、體重減輕、[[消化道出血]]或有[[炎症性腸病]]的家族史[7]。其他疾病可能產生類似的症狀,例如:[[乳糜瀉]]、微性結腸炎(microscopic colitis)、炎症性腸病、膽酸吸收不良(bile acid malabsorption)及[[大腸癌]][7]

There is no cure for IBS.[8] Treatment is carried out to improve symptoms.[8] This may including dietary changes, medication, probiotics, and counselling.[8] Dietary measures include increasing soluble fiber intake, a gluten free diet, or a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP).[9][7] The medication loperamide may be used to help with diarrhea while laxatives may be used to help with constipation.[7] Antidepressants may improve overall symptoms and pain.[7] Patient education and a good doctor–patient relationships are an important part of care.[10][7]

大腸激躁症無法被治癒[8],目前的療法都用於改善症狀。[8]目前的療法有:改變飲食、藥物治療、使用[[益生菌]]及[[心理治療]]。[8]飲食措施包含增加[[膳食纖維]]的攝取、無[[麩質]]飲食或是降低攝取發酵性寡糖、雙糖、單糖及多元醇(FODMAP, fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols)的飲食。[9][7]用藥方面使用loperamide來減緩腹瀉,或可能須使用[[瀉藥]]改善便祕情形。[7][[抗抑鬱藥]]可改善整體症狀及疼痛情形。[7]病患教育(patient education)及良好的[[醫患關係]]也是重點關切環節。[10][7]

About 10 to 15% of people in the developed world are believed to be affected by IBS.[1][11] It is more common in South America and less common in Southeast Asia.[7]It is twice as common in women as men and typically occurs before age 45.[1] The condition appears to become less common with age.[7] IBS does not affect life expectancy or led to other serious diseases.[12] The first description of the condition was in 1820 while the current term "irritable bowel syndrome" came into use in 1944.[13]
