嬰兒猝死症 (Sudden infant death syndrome)



Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death or crib death, is the sudden unexplained death of a child less than one year of age.[1] It requires that the death remains unexplained even after a thorough autopsy and detailed death scene investigation.[2] SIDS usually occurs during sleep.[3] Typically death occurs between the hours of 00:00 and 09:00.[4] There is usually no evidence of struggle and no noise produced.[5]

’’’嬰兒猝死症’’’({{lang|en|Sudden infant death syndrome, cot death, crib death}},簡稱{{lang|en|SIDS}}),係指嬰兒在1歲之前突然不預期[[死亡]]的現象[1],且在死後進行[[驗屍]]與詳細現場調查後仍找不出死因的情形下才能判定為此症[2]。通常嬰兒猝死症多好發於[[睡眠]]期[3],發生時段多為0時至9時之間[4],通常並無證據顯示死前有掙扎或發出聲音的情況[5]。

The exact cause of SIDS is unknown.[6] The requirement of a combination of factors including a specific underlying susceptibility, a specific time in development, and an environmental stressor has been proposed.[3][6] These environmental stressors may include sleeping on the stomach or side, overheating, and exposure to cigarette smoke.[6] Accidental suffocation such as during bed sharing may also play a role.[3] Another risk factor is being born before 39 weeks of gestation.[7] SIDS make up about 80% of sudden and unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs), with other causes include infections, genetic disorders, and heart problems. While child abuse in the form of intentional suffocation may be misdiagnosed as SIDS this is believed to make up less than 5% of cases.[3]

造成嬰兒猝死的確切原因仍不清楚[6],目前認為可能是嬰兒原本的體質與易感性、一段時間的疾病發展、以及環境壓力源等多重因子共同造成的結果[3][6]。所謂的環境壓力源,包括了趴睡、側睡、保溫箱溫度過高等環境過度加溫、暴露在{{link-en|香菸煙中致癌物質列表|List of cigarette smoke carcinogens|吸菸}}環境中[6]。有時嬰兒與父母親{{link-en|同床睡眠|Co-sleeping|同睡}}時也有可能會不小心被壓到而導致窒息[3]。另外,早產嬰兒也較易產生嬰兒猝死症[7]。嬰兒突然且非預期死亡({{lang|en|sudden and unexpected infant deaths, SUIDS}})的個案中,有八成可歸因於嬰兒猝死症,剩下則包括[[感染]]、[[遺傳性疾病]]、心臟疾病;至於蓄意使嬰兒[[窒息]]的[[虐待兒童]]行為而誤以為是嬰兒猝死症的案例則不多,約小於5%。

The most effective method of preventing SIDS is putting a child less than one on their back to sleep.[7] Other measures include a firm mattress separate from but close to caregivers, no loose bedding, a relatively cool sleeping environment, using a pacifier, and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke.[8] Breastfeeding and immunization may also be preventative.[9][8] Measures not shown to be useful include positioning devices, baby monitors and fans.[9][8] Grief support for families impacted by SIDS is important as the death of the infant is sudden, without witnesses, and often associated with an investigation.[3]

最有效避免嬰兒猝死症的方式是讓小於一歲的嬰兒以仰睡的姿勢睡眠[7],其他的措施包括用質地較硬的床墊,嬰兒睡眠時靠近照顧者,但兩人需有物品隔開、床上沒有鬆動的物品、睡眠環境維持較低的溫度、使用[[奶嘴]]、避免暴露在香煙的污染下[8]。[[母乳餵養]]及{{link-en|預防接種|Immunization}}可能也有幫助,至於嬰兒定位裝置、{{link-en|嬰兒監視器|Baby monitor}}及風扇的幫助不大[9][8]。當家庭出現嬰兒猝死症時,由於其事發突然,沒有證人,而且常常伴隨著事件的調查,因此家人的情感支持及悲痛處理非常重要[3]。

Rates of SIDS vary nearly ten fold in developed countries from one in a thousand to one in ten thousand.[3] SIDS was the third leading cause of death in children less than one year old in the United States in 2011.[10] It is the most common cause of death between one month and one year of age.[7] About 90% of cases happen before six months of age, with it being most frequent between two month and four months of age.[7][3] It occurs more often in males than females.[7] Rates have decreased by more than half since the 1990s. Part of this may; however, be due other diagnosis being used instead.[3]

在[[已開發國家]]中,嬰兒猝死症的比例從0.1至1%不等[3],2011年,美國{{link-en|嬰兒死亡率|Infant mortality|1歲以前嬰兒的死亡案例}}中,嬰兒猝死症排名第3名[10]。嬰兒猝死症是1個月至1歲之間的嬰兒最常見的死因[7],約90%的案例發現在6個月之前,最常見的是在2-4個月之間[7][3]。男嬰出現嬰兒猝死症的比例比女嬰要高。自1990年前,嬰兒猝死症的比例降到原來的50%以下,不過部份原因可能是被其他的診斷結果替代[3]。