破傷風疫苗(Tetanus vaccine)


Tetanus vaccine, also known as tetanus toxoid (TT), is a vaccine used to preventtetanus.[1] During childhood five doses are recommended followed by additional doses every ten years. After three doses almost everyone is immune.[1] In those who are not up to date on their tetanus immunization a booster should be given within 48 hours of an injury.[2]In those with high risk injuries who are not fully immunized tetanus antitoxin may also be recommended. Making sure women who are pregnant are up to date on their tetanus immunization and if not immunizing them can prevent neonatal tetanus.[1]

’’’破傷風疫苗’’’({{lang|en|Tetanus vaccine}}),又稱’’’破傷風類毒素’’’({{lang|en|tetanus toxoid, TT}})為一種用以對抗[[破傷風]]的疫苗[1]。童年期間建議施打五劑並每隔十年追加一劑。施打三劑後幾乎所有人都已免疫[1]。若受傷者接種破傷風疫苗已超過十年的,需在受傷後48小時內補接種[2]。若高風險傷患的免疫不足,也建議接種破傷風解毒劑。孕婦需確認已經完整完整接種破傷風疫苗,可以避免{{le|新生兒破傷風|Neonatal tetanus}}[1]。

The vaccine is very safe including during pregnancy and in those with HIV/AIDS. Redness and pain at the site of injection occur in between 25 and 85% of people. Fever, feeling tired, and minor muscles pains occur in less than one percent of people. Severe allergic reactionsoccur in less than one in 100,000 people.[1]


A number of vaccine combinations include the tetanus vaccine include DTaP and Tdap which contains diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine, and DT and Td which contain diphtheria and tetanus vaccine. DTaP and DT are given to children less than seven years old while Tdap and Td are given to those seven years old and older.[3] The lowercase d and p denote lower strengths of diphtheria and pertussis vaccines.[3]

有許多的混合疫苗中有包括破傷風,像{{le|百日咳白喉破伤风三联疫苗|DPT vaccine}}(DPT)有包括{{le|白喉疫苗|Diphtheria vaccine}}及{{le|百日咳疫苗|Pertussis vaccine}},還可分為DTaP(白喉、破傷風、非細胞性百日咳疫苗)及Tdap(減量破傷風白喉非細胞性百日咳混合疫苗),而DT疫苗及Td疫苗(破傷風、減量白喉混合疫苗)有包括破傷風疫苗及白喉疫苗。DTaP疫苗和DT疫苗是給七歲以下的幼兒,而Tdap及Td疫苗是給七歲及七歲以上的兒童[3]。其中d和p的小寫表示其對應疫苗是減量的[3]

The tetanus vaccine became available in the United States in the 1940s.[1] It use resulted in a 95% decrease in the rate of tetanus.[1] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medication needed in a basic health system.[4] The wholesale cost is between 0.17 and 0.65 USD per dose as of 2014.[5] In the United States it is between 25 and 50 USD.6]


2016/1/19 已整合到中文維基 "破傷風疫苗 " 頁面中
