生育控制(Birth Control)是指一種計畫或方法來避免或減少生物的產生後代。生育控制又指避孕,但不等同於家庭計劃或計劃生育。
Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy(妊娠).[1]Planning, making available, and use of birth control is called family planning(计划生育).[2][3] Birth control methods have been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods only became available in the 20th century(20世纪).[4] Some cultures limit or discourage access to birth control because they consider it to be morally, religiously, or politically undesirable.[4]
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The most effective methods of birth control are sterilization(絕育) by means of vasectomy(输精管切除术) in males and tubal ligationin females, intrauterine devices(子宮環) (IUDs), and implantable birth control. This is followed by a number of hormone based methodss including oral pills(复合口服避孕药), patches(避孕贴), vaginal rings, and injections. Less effective methods include physical barriers(生育控制) such as condoms(避孕套), diaphragms and birth control sponges(避孕海绵) and fertility awareness methods. The least effective methods are spermicides and withdrawal(体外排精) by the male before ejaculation(射精). Sterilization, while highly effective, is not usually reversible; all other methods are reversible, most immediately upon stopping them.[5] Safe sex(安全性行為), such as with the use of male or female condoms(女性避孕套), can also help prevent sexually transmitted infections(性感染疾病).[6][7]Emergency birth control(紧急避孕) can prevent pregnancy in the few days after unprotected sex.[8] Some regard not have sex as birth control, but abstinence-only sex education(純潔教育) may increase teenage pregnancies(未成年懷孕) when offered without birth control education, due to non-compliance.[9][10]
最有效的避孕方式是男性[[输精管切除术]]及女性{{le|輸卵管結紮術|tubal ligation}}等[[絕育]]手術、[[子宮避孕器]](IUD)及{{le|植入避孕|implantable birth control}}。再來就是許多{{le|荷爾萣避孕法|hormone based method}},包括[[复合口服避孕药]]、[[避孕贴]]、{{le|陰道環|Vaginal ring}}及{{le|注射避孕|Injectable contraceptives}}。效果比較差的方式包括[[保險套]]、[[避孕海绵]]、{{le|避孕隔膜|Diaphragm (contraceptive)}}等物理性阻隔方式、{{le|生育能力計劃生育法|Fertility awareness}}及推算[[安全期]]避孕法。效果最弱的方式包括{{le|殺精劑|spermicides}}以及男性進行[[体外排精]](在射精前將陰莖移出陰道)。其中絕育手術是最有效的,但多半是不可逆的。其他的方式都是可逆的,多半是停止避孕方式即可[5]。像使用男性或女性[[保險套]]的[[安全性行為]]也可以預防[[性傳染疾病]][6][7]。若是已經有未避孕的性行為,在幾天內進行[[紧急避孕]]也可以避免懷孕[8]。有些人認為{{le|禁慾|Sexual abstinence}}也是一種避孕的方式,但對青少年教導不含避孕方式的[[純潔教育]],可能會因無法遵守,仍有性行為,而又沒有避孕的情形下造成[[未成年懷孕]][9][10]。
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In teenagers(未成年懷孕), pregnancies are at greater risk of poor outcomes. Comprehensive sex education(性教育) and access to birth control decreases the rate of unwanted pregnancies in this age group.[11][12] While all forms of birth control may be used by young people,[13] long-acting reversible birth control such as implants, IUDs, or vaginal rings are of particular benefit in reducing rates of teenage pregnancy.[12] After the delivery of a child, a woman who is not exclusively breastfeeding may become pregnant again after as few as four to six weeks. Some methods of birth control can be started immediately following the birth, while others require a delay of up to six months. In women who are breastfeeding, progestin-only methods(仅孕酮避孕) are preferred over combined oral birth control pills. In women who have reached menopause(更年期), it is recommended that birth control be continued for one year after the last period.[13]
[[未成年懷孕]]造成不好影響的風險較高。廣泛的[[性教育]]及獲得避孕相關方式或是器材可以減少此年齡層未預期懷孕的比例[11][12]。年輕人可以進行的避孕方式有很多,但像[[子宮避孕器]]、{{le|植入避孕|implantable birth control}}及{{le|陰道環|Vaginal ring}}等{{le|長效可逆避孕|Long-acting reversible contraception}}對降低未成年懷孕較有幫助[12]。產婦在分娩之後若沒有哺乳,在四到六週後就可能因為性行為而再次懷孕,有些避孕方式可以在分娩後立刻進行,有些方式則需要在分娩後延後一段時間(最長六週)後才能進行。若是在哺乳的女性,比較建議用[[仅孕酮避孕]]的方式,較不建議用复合口服避孕药。若是已到更年期的女性,建議在最後一次月經結束後一年之內都要進行避孕[13]。
<!-- Prevalence and effects -->
About 222 million women who want to avoid pregnancy in developing countries(发展中国家) are not using a modern birth control method.[14][15] Birth control use in developing countries has decreased the number of deaths during or around the time of pregnancy(孕产妇死亡) by 40% (about 270,000 deaths prevented in 2008) and could prevent 70% if the full demand for birth control were met.[16][17] By lengthening the time between pregnancies, birth control can improve adult women’s delivery outcomes and the survival of their children.[16] In the developing world women’s earnings, assets(資產), weight(身高體重指數), and their children’s schooling and health all improve with greater access to birth control.[18] Birth control increases economic growth(经济增长) because of fewer dependent children, more women participating in the workforce(劳动力), and less use of scarce resources.[18][19]
2016/3/30 已整合到中文維基生育控制條目中