Chickenpox 水痘

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a highly contagious disease caused by the initial infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV).[1] The disease results in a characteristic skin rash that forms small blisters, is itchy, and eventually scabs over.[2] It usually starts on the face, chest, and back and then spreads to the rest of the body.[2] Other symptoms may include fever, feeling tired, and headaches.[2] Symptoms usually last five to ten days.[2] Complications may occasionally include pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, or bacterial infections of the skin among others.[3] The disease is often more severe in adults than children.[4] Symptoms begin ten to twenty one days after exposure to the virus.[5]

水痘({{lang-en|Chickenpox}},或稱’’’Varicella’’’),是一種因初次[[感染]]{{link-en|水痘帶狀皰疹病毒|Varicella zoster virus}}(Varicella zoster virus/VZV)而引起的疾病,具高度傳染性 [1]。這種疾病會產生{{link-en|皮疹|Cutaneous_condition#Primary_lesions}},而這種皮疹的特徵是會形成小水皰、發癢難耐然後結痂。水痘通常始發於臉部、胸部和背部,然後會蔓延至全身;其他可能產生的症狀如:發燒、[[疲倦|倦怠]]和[[頭痛]],症狀通常會持續五至十天[2]。水痘偶爾會引起肺炎、腦炎、皮膚上的傷口細菌感染等併發症 [3]。成人感染時的症狀通常比孩童嚴重許多 [4]。一般來說,在接觸病毒10到21天後,感染症狀才會顯現 [5]。

Chickenpox is an airborne disease which spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person.[5] It may be spread from one to two days before the rash appears until all lesions have crusted over.[5] It may also spread through contact with the blisters.[5] Those with shingles may spread chickenpox to those who are not immune through contact with the blisters.[5]The disease can usually be diagnosed based on the presenting symptom;[6]however, in unusual cases may be confirmed by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) testing of the blister fluid or scabs.[4] Testing for antibodies may be done to determine if a person is or is not immune.[4] People usually only get the disease once.[5]

水痘主要透過{{link-en|空氣傳染|Airborne disease}},可輕易地透過咳嗽與噴嚏傳染給其他人。就算患者所有皮疹病灶都結痂了,仍舊有一到兩天的傳染力。水痘亦可透過接觸水皰而傳染。有[[帶狀皰疹]]的人,可能會向那些未經由接觸水皰獲得抗體的人傳染水痘 [5]。通常臨床上患者所呈現的症狀就足以確診 [6],然而在少數情況下,可以取得水皰內的體液或結痂組織進行[[聚合酶鏈鎖反應]] (polymerase chain reaction/PCR)測試以確診 [4]。而檢測體內是否含有水痘[[抗體]],可了解受測者對於水痘是否免疫 [4]。大部分的人終生只會患病一次[5]。

The varicella vaccine has resulted in a decrease in the number of cases and complications from the disease.[7] It protects about 70 to 90 percent of people from disease with a greater benefit for severe disease.[4] Routine immunization of children is recommended in many countries.[8] Immunization within three days of exposure may improve outcomes in children.[9] Treatment of those infected may include calamine lotion to help with itching, keeping the fingernails short to decrease injury from scratching, and the use of paracetamol (acetaminophen) to help with fevers.[5] For those at increased risk of complications antiviral medication such as acyclovir are recommended.[5]

[[水痘疫苗|疫苗]]的接種成功地降低了水痘病例的數量,及防治相關併發症 [7]。疫苗可讓約70-90%的人免於感染,及感染後減輕症狀 [4]。替兒童接種水痘疫苗,已是許多國家的常規衛生政策[8]。目前的研究顯示,兒童接種三天後,疫苗即可發揮保護作用、產生抗體 [9]。而對於已經受到感染且發病的患者來說,建議治療方式包含使用[[卡拉明洗劑]](calamine lotion)以抑制皮膚搔癢的感覺,以及剪短指甲避免劃傷皮膚。發燒的患者可使用[[對乙醯氨基酚]](paracetamol或acetaminophen)來減緩症狀 [5]。而使用抗病毒的藥物,如acyclovir,則可以減少嚴重併發症的機率 [5]。

Chickenpox occurs in all parts of the world.[4] Before routine immunization the number of cases occurring each year was similar to the number of people born.[4] Since immunization the number of infections in the United States has decreased nearly 90%.[4] In 2013 chickenpox resulted in 7,000 deaths globally – down from 8,900 in 1990.[10] Death occurs in about 1 per 60,000 cases.[4] Chickenpox was not separated from smallpox until the late 19th century.[4] In 1888 its connection to shingles was determined.[4] The first documented use of the term chicken pox was in 1684.[11] Why this term was used is not clear but it may be due to it being a relatively mild disease.[11]

水痘是全球性的疾病。在各國政府強制實施新生兒接種水痘疫苗前,每年的新增病例數量,幾乎和該年新生兒的出生數相同。在美國,接種水痘疫苗的衛生政策實施後,水痘病例降低了約90% [4]。1990年,水痘在全球造成約8900名死亡病例,2013年降低至約7000名 [10],約60000名患者中會有1人死亡。直至19世紀,水痘和天花才被區分為兩種疾病,到1988年,才確認帶狀泡疹與水痘的關係 [4]。英文以Chicken pox一詞稱呼水痘,最早是在1684年,發展由來並不確定,可能是由於水痘是一種相較病情溫和的疾病 [11]。