Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also called Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is a set of symptoms due to elevated male hormone(雄激素) in women.[3] Signs and symptoms of PCOS include irregular or no menstrual periods(月經),heavy periods, excess body and facial hair(多毛症), acne(粉刺), pelvic pain, difficulty getting pregnant(不孕), andpatches of thick, darker, velvety skin(黑棘皮症).[4] Associated conditions include type 2 diabetes(2型糖尿病), obesity(肥胖症), obstructive sleep apnea(阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停), heart disease(心血管疾病), mood disorders(情感障礙), and endometrial cancer(子宫内膜癌).[3]
’’’多囊性卵巢綜合症’’’({{lang|en|Polycystic ovary syndrome}},簡稱’’’PCOS’’)又稱’’’斯-李二氏症’’’({{lang|en|Stein-Leventhal syndrome}}),是一連串女性因為[[雄性激素]]上升所導致的症狀[3]。多囊性卵巢的症狀包含[[月經]]不規律或是無[[月經]]、[[月經量過多]]、[[多毛症]]、[[粉刺]]、盆腔疼痛、[[難以受孕]]與[[黑棘皮症]][4]。相關的病症包含[[第二型糖尿病]]、[[肥胖症]]、[阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停]]、[[心血管疾病]]、[[情感障礙]]與[[子宮內膜癌]]。
PCOS is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.[5] Risk factors include obesity(肥胖症), not enough physical exercise, and a family history of someone with the condition.[6] Diagnosis is based on two of the following three findings: no ovulation, high androgen(雄激素) levels, and ovarian cysts.[3] Cysts may be detectable by ultrasound(超聲波). Other conditions that produce similar symptoms include adrenal hyperplasia(先天性腎上腺增生症),hypothyroidism(甲狀腺機能低下症), and hyperprolactinemia.[7]
PCOS has no cure.[8] Treatment may involve lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise. Birth control pills(避孕药) may help with improving the regularity of periods, excess hair growth, and acne. Metformin(二甲双胍) and anti-androgens(抗雄激素) may also help. Other typical acne treatments and hair removal techniques may be used.[9] Efforts to improve fertility include weight loss, clomiphene, or metformin. In vitro fertilization(體外人工受精) is used by some in whom other measures are not effective.[10]
PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder among women between the ages of 18 and 44.[11] It is believed that the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome reach up to 20% (peaking at 26% in the UK, 17,8% in Australia, 19,9% in Turkey, 15,2% in Iran, according to Rotterdam criteria)[12] of women of reproductive age, manifesting in general, from puberty. It is one of the leading causes of poor fertility.[3] The earliest known description of what is now recognized as PCOS dates from 1721 in Italy.[13]