Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Translation task force/RTT/Simple food allergy
A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The signs and symptoms may range from mild to severe. They may includeitchiness, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, trouble breathing, or low blood pressure. This typically occurs within minutes to several hours of exposure. When the symptoms are severe it is known as anaphylaxis. Food intolerance and food poisoning are separate conditions.[1]
Common foods involved include cow’s milk, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, rice, and fruit.[2][1] Which allergies are most common depends on the country.[1] Risk factors include a family history of allergies, vitamin D deficiency, obesity, and high levels of cleanliness.[2][1] Allergies occur when immunoglobulin E (IgE), part of the body’s immune system, binds to food molecules.[1] It is usually a protein in the food that is the problem.[2] This trigger the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine.[1] Diagnosis is usually based on a medical history, elimination diet, skin prick test, blood tests for food-specific IgE antibodies, or oral food challenge.[2][1]
經常引起過敏的食物有[[牛奶]]、[[花生]]、[[蛋]]、[[貝類]]、[[堅果類]]、[[稻米]]、或[[水果]][2][1] ,它們引起過敏的比率在各國不同.[1]。危險因子包括過敏家族史、維生素D缺乏、肥胖、過度乾淨的環境[2][1] 。人體免疫系統成員之一的免疫球蛋白E ( immunoglobulin E)與食物分子結合是產生食物過敏的機制[1],而食物中的蛋白質是最有機會引起反應的。這樣的反應會促進發炎性化學物質如組織胺(histamine)的釋放。病史、脫敏食譜(elimination diet)、皮膚敏感試驗(skin prick test)、食物特異性抗體血液檢測(blood tests for food-specific IgE antibodies)、口服激發測驗(oral food challenge)都可做為診斷的依據。[2][1]
Early exposure to potential allergens may be protective. Management primarily involves avoiding the food in question and having a plan if exposure occurs.[2] This plan may include giving adrenaline (epinephrine) and wearing medical alert jewelry.[1] The benefits ofallergen immunotherapy for food allergies is unclear and thus not recommended as of 2015.[3] Some types of food allergies among children resolve with age including that to milk, eggs, and soy; while other such as to nuts and shellfish typically do not.[2]
在年紀較小時就接觸過敏原可能產生保護效果。過敏對策則主要包括避免食用可能會引起過敏的食物,並隨時對過敏反應有所準備[2]。所謂的準備措施可能包括施打[[腎上腺素]],以及在身上配戴記載過敏原與情形的{{link-en|醫學辨識標籤|Medical identification tag|標記或掛牌}}[1]。針對食物過敏的{link-en|過敏原免疫療法|Allergen immunotherapy}}目前尚未有明確的證據支持,因此也不是建議的治療方式[3]。童年時發生的食物過敏有些會隨年紀改善,例如對牛奶、蛋、大豆的過敏,但對於甲殼類與堅果的過敏一般則不會隨年長消失[2]。
In the developed world about 4% to 8% of people have at least one food allergy.[1][2] They are more common in children than adults and appear to be increasing in frequency. Males children appear to be more commonly affected than females.[2] Some allergies more commonly develop early in life while others typically develop in later life.[1] In developed countries, a larger proportion of people believe they have food allergies than actually do.[4][5][6]