’’’特纳氏综合症’’’,即’’’特纳综合症’’’,也称为’’’性腺发育不良’’’或’’’先天卵巢发育不良’’’,由 [[Henry Turner]] 发现于1938年。是一种先天性的[[染色体]]异常疾病,是由[[性染色体]]全部或部分缺失引起的(正常人有46个染色体,其中2个是性染色体)。一般女性有2个[[X染色体]],但’’’特纳氏综合症’’’患者的性染色体缺失或有其他异常。在某些情况下,有些细胞中有缺失的染色体,而有一些没有,这称为[[鑲嵌現象]](mosaicism)。
在女孩中该疾病的患病率是1/2500。临床病征包括身材矮小(身高约140公分,但可达常人水平)、手脚淋巴水肿、宽胸阔乳、低发际、[[蹼頸]]。 患病女孩通常出现性腺功能不全(卵巢无功能),从而导致闭经 (没有月经)和不孕。虽然有一些成功受孕的病例,但也有许多流产、出生缺陷。利用科技也可以协助解决这些问题(如:人工受孕)。患者也经常出现随之而的其他健康问题,包括先天性心脏病、甲状腺功能低下症、糖尿病、视力问题、听力问题和许多其他自身免疫性疾病。此外,还观察到有患者存在视觉空间、数学和记忆方面困难等认知缺陷。只有一颗肾脏,排尿系统异常。
Turner syndrome (TS) also known as Ullrich–Turner syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis, and 45,X, is a condition in which a female(雌性) is partly or completely missing an X chromosome(X染色體).[1] Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. Often, a short and webbed neck, low-set ears, low hairline at the back of the neck, short stature, and swollen(水肿) hands and feet are seen at birth. Typically, they are without menstrual periods(閉經), do not develop breasts(乳房), and are unable to have children(不孕).Heart defects(先天性心臟病), diabetes(糖尿病), and low thyroid hormone(甲狀腺機能低下症) occur more frequently. Most people with TS have normal intelligence. Many, however, have troubles with spatial visualization such as that needed for mathematics(数学).[2]Vision and hearing problems occur more often.[3]
透納氏症(Turner syndrome, TS)也被稱作Ullrich-Turner氏症候群、性腺發育不良以及45,X,是雌性個體因[[X染色體部分]]或完全缺失而引發的疾病[1]。透納氏症患者的症狀各異,患者常常會有短而成[[蹼狀的頸部]]、[[低耳位]]、頸後髮際線較低、[[身材矮小]],出生時即手腳[[水腫]]等特徵。通常來講,透納氏症患者[[沒有月經]]、[[乳房]]不發育而且[[不孕]],且患有[[先天性心臟病]]、[[糖尿病]]以及[[甲狀腺功能低下症]]的機率更高。 大部分的透納氏症患者有正常的智力水平,但許多患者的空間視覺能力低下,比如學習數學所需要的[[空間視覺能力]][2]。透納氏症患者有視覺和聽覺障礙的機率也較正常人高。[3]
Turner syndrome is not usually inherited(遺傳) from a person’s parents.[4] No environmental risks are known and the mother’s age does not play a role.[4][5] Turner syndrome is due to a chromosomal abnormality in which all or part of one of the X chromosomes is missing or altered. While most people have 46 chromosomes, people with TS usually have 45.[6] The chromosomal abnormality may be present in just some cells in which case it is known as TS with mosaicism(鑲嵌現象).[3] In these cases, the symptoms are usually fewer and possibly none occur at all.[7] Diagnosis is based on physical signs and genetic testing(基因檢測).[8]
透納氏症並不是一種會[[遺傳]]自父母親的疾病[4]。目前所知沒有任何環境因素會導致此病症,同時也和媽媽的懷孕年齡沒有關係[4][5]。透納氏症主要是因為染色體的異常所造成的,為X染色體部份或整條有缺失、改變而致。大部分的人們都擁有46條染色體,但患有透納氏症的患者卻僅有45條[6]。在某些情況下,染色體的異常現象只出現在部分細胞,而其餘則沒有,這就是透納氏症的[[鑲嵌現象]][3] 。在這樣的前提下,由透納氏症所引發的症狀就可能很輕微或甚至完全沒有出現[7]。診斷方式基本就是根據臨床症狀以及[[基因檢測]][8]。
No cure for Turner syndrome is known. Treatment, however, may help with symptoms. Human growth hormone(生长激素) injections during childhood may increase adult height. Estrogen replacement therapy can promote development of the breasts(乳腺发育) and hips. Medical care is often required to manage other health problems with which TS is associated.[9]
Turner syndrome occurs in between one in 2000[10] and one in 5000 females at birth.[11] All regions of the world and cultures are affected about equally.[4] People with TS have a shorter life expectancy, mostly due to heart problems and diabetes.[3] Henry Turnerfirst described the condition in 1938. In 1964, it was determined to be due to a chromosomal abnormality.[12]