Bronchiectasis is a disease where there is permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung.[1] Symptoms typically include a chronic cough with sputum production.[2] Other symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing up blood and chest pain.[1] Wheezing and nail clubbing may also occur. Those with the disease often get frequent lung infections.[1]
’’’支氣管擴張’’’({{lang-en|Bronchiectasis}})指的是[[肺|肺臟]]中[[支氣管]]永久性的擴張[1]。患者的常見症狀包括有[[痰]]的慢性咳嗽[2],其他還有[[呼吸困難]]、[[[咳血]]與{{link-en|胸痛|chest pain}}等[1],有些患者同時也有[[喘鳴]]與{{link-en|杵狀指|nail clubbing}}的情形。患者也常罹患{{link-en|肺部(下呼吸道)感染|lower respiratory tract infection}}[1]。
<!-- Cause and Diagnosis -->
Bronchiectasis may result from a number of infective and acquired causes, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, immune system problems, and cystic fibrosis.[3][2] Cystic fibrosis eventually results in severe bronchiectasis in nearly all cases.[4] The cause in a 10 to 50% of those without cystic fibrosis is unknown. The mechanism of disease is breakdown of the airways due to an excessive inflammatory response. Involved bronchi become enlarged and thus less able to clear secretions. Theses secretions increase the amount of bacteria in the lungs, result in airway blockage and further breakdown the airways.[2] It is classified as an obstructive lung disease, along with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.[5] The diagnosis is suspect based on a person’s symptoms and confirmed using computer tomography.[6] Sputum cultures may be useful to determine treatment in those who have acute worsening[1] and at least once a year.[6]
<!-- 成因與診斷 -->
支氣管擴張症可能源自於一些後天因素或是[[感染]](包括[[肺炎]]、[[結核]]、[[免疫系統]]問題、以及[[囊腫性纖維化|囊腫纖維症]]等)[3][2]。幾乎所有囊腫纖維症的患者最後都會患上這種病症[4],而未患囊腫纖維症的支氣管擴張症患者中,有10%到50%的病因不明。支氣管擴張症的機轉是呼吸道組織因不受控制的發炎反應而崩解,受疾病影響的[[支氣管]]管徑擴張,清除分泌物的能力也因此受損。支氣管中的分泌物使肺中的[[細菌]]量增加、造成氣道阻塞和進一步的破壞[2]。在分類上,支氣管擴張症與[[氣喘]]和[[慢性阻塞性肺病]]同屬於[[呼吸系統疾病#阻塞性肺病(Obstructive lung diseases)|阻塞性肺病]][5]。當求診者的症狀符合此疾病的病症時,可由[[X射線電腦斷層掃描|電腦斷層]]檢查確診[6]。至少每年進行一次{{link-en|痰液細菌培養|sputum culture}},對診斷快速惡化[1]的患者也可能有效。
<!-- Treatment and Prognosis-->
Worsening may occur due to infection and in these cases antibiotics are recommended. Typical antibiotics used include amoxicillin and in those who are allergic erythromycin or doxycycline.[1] Antibiotics may also be used to prevent worsening of disease.[2] Airway clearance techniques, a type of physiotherapy, are recommended.[7] Bronchodilators may be useful in some but the evidence is not very good.[2] The use of inhaled steroids have not been found to be useful.[8] Surgery, well commonly done, has not been well studied.[9] Lung transplantation may be an option in those with very severe disease.[10] While the disease may cause significant health problems[2] many other people with the disease do well.[1]
<!-- 治療與預後 -->
支氣管擴張症可能因感染而惡化,對於受到感染的患者建議使用[[抗細菌藥|抗生素]]。一般常用的抗生素為[[阿莫西林]](若對阿莫西林過敏,可改用[[紅霉素|紅黴素]]或[[去氧羥四環素]]),抗生素治療也可以預防症狀惡化[2]。胸腔護理技術(包括胸部拍擊法、姿勢引流法、咳嗽、以及{{link-en|誘發性肺量計|incentive spirometer}}等等[11])也是建議的[[物理治療|療法]][7]。[[支氣管擴張藥|支氣管擴張劑]]可能有幫助,但證據不強[2];吸入[[皮質類固醇|類固醇]]目前看來則沒有幫助[8]。手術治療雖然經常使用,但並未經過深入研究[9],{{link-en|肺臟移植|lung transplantation}}對於病情非常嚴重的病人來說可以做為選項之一[10]。雖然支氣管擴張症可以造成嚴重的健康問題[2],但有許多患者可以和這種疾病共存良好[1]。
<!-- Epidemiology and History -->
In the United Kingdom the disease affects about 1 per 1000 adults.[1] The disease is more common in women and increases as people age. It was first described by Rene Laennecin 1819. The economic costs in the United States are estimated at $630 million per year.[2]
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