<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
Psoriasis /sɵˈraɪ.əsɨs/ is a long lasting disease characterized by patches of abnormal skin.[1]These skin patches are typically red, itchy, and scaly. They may vary in severity from small and localized to complete body coverage.[2] Injury to the skin can trigger psoriatic skin changes at that spot, known as Koebner phenomenon.[3]Psoriasis is associated with an increased risk ofpsoriatic arthritis, lymphomas, cardiovascular disease, Crohn’s disease and depression.[4]Psoriatic arthritis affects up to 30% of individuals with psoriasis.[5]
’’’乾癬’’’({{lang-en|psoriasis}})是一種長期疾病,主要特色是在身上出現一塊一塊異常的皮膚[1]。通常,這些塊狀皮膚異常會發紅、發癢、以及脫屑。乾癬的症狀輕自小片的病變、大至影響全身皮膚[2],皮膚的傷害可能會誘發傷口處發生乾癬病變,稱作{{link-en|寇柏納現象|Koebner phenomenon}}[3]。乾癬患者罹患乾癬性關節炎、[[淋巴癌]]、[[心血管疾病]]、[[克隆氏症]]以及憂鬱症的機會都較高[4]。約有30%的乾癬患者患有乾癬性關節炎[5]。
<!-- Types -->
There are five main types of psoriasis: plaque,guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic.[1]Plaque psoriasis, also known as psoriasis vulgaris, is about 90% of cases. It typically presents with red patches with white scales on top. Most commonly affected areas are the back of the forearms, shins, around the belly button, and scalp.[4] Guttate psoriasis has drop shapped lesions.[1] Pustular psoriasis presents with small non-infectious pus filled blister.[5] Inverse psoriasis forms red patches in skin folds.[1] Erytherodermic psoriasis is when the rash becomes very widespread and can develop from any of the other types. Fingernails and toenails are affected in most people at some point in time. This may include pits in the nails or changes in color.[4]
乾癬可以分為五大型:斑塊狀、{{link-en|點滴狀乾癬|Guttate psoriasis|點滴狀}}、{{link-en|皮褶狀乾癬|Inverse psoriasis|皮褶性}}、膿疱狀與紅皮狀[1]。斑塊狀乾癬又被叫做尋常乾癬,約有90%的患者屬於這一類,患部通常是上面有白色皮屑的紅色班塊,最常出現在上臂、小腿前側、肚臍週圍、以及頭皮[4];點滴狀乾癬的患部呈水滴狀[1];膿疱狀乾癬的患部則是非感染性的[[膿]]疱[5];皮褶狀乾癬的患部也是紅色斑塊,但發生在皮膚皺褶處[1];紅皮狀乾癬指的則是患部的範圍變得非常廣,它可能由任何種類的乾癬發展而來。多數患者的[[指甲]]與趾甲在乾癬的病程中會受到影響,症狀包括凹陷或顏色變化[4]。
<!-- Cause, mechanism, and diagnosis -->
Psoriasis is generally considered a genetic disease which is triggered by environmental factors.[2] Identical twins are both affected three times more often than non identical twins. Symptoms often worse during winter and with certain medications such as beta blockers or NSAIDs.[4] Infections and psychological stress may also play a role.[2][1]Psoriasis is not contagious. The underlying mechanism involves the immune systemreacting to skin cells. Diagnosis is typically based on the signs and symptoms.[4]
乾癬目前被認為是一種會被環境因素誘發的[[遺傳性疾病]][2]。[[同卵雙胞胎]]都發生乾癬的機會比異卵雙胞胎高三倍。通常,乾癬的症狀在冬季與使用特定藥物(如{{link-en|乙型交感神經接受體阻斷劑|Beta blocker}}或[[非類固醇消炎止痛藥]])情形下會更嚴重[4]。感染與{{link-en|壓力 (心理學)|Stress (psychological)|心理壓力}}也可能有影響[2][1]。乾癬不會{{link-en|感染性疾病|Contagious disease|感染}},它背後的原因是[[免疫系統]]對皮膚細胞發動攻擊。乾癬的診斷主要依靠症狀與徵象[4]。
<!-- Treatment and epidemiology -->
There is no cure for psoriasis. Various treatments; however, can help control the symptoms.[4] These treatments may include steroid creams, vitamin D3 cream, ultraviolet light, and immunosuppresent medication such as methotrexate.[1] About 75% of people can be managed with creams alone.[4] The disease affects 2–4% of the population.[6]Both males and females are affected with equal frequency.[1]