



氟哌啶醇法語德語英語西班牙語葡萄牙語: Haloperidol)是一種典型丁醯苯類抗精神分裂藥,其藥理作用與酚噻嗪類抗精神分裂藥類似。它的商品名有許多,包括:Aloperin、Bioperidolo、Brotopon、Dozic、Duraperidol、Einalon S、Eukystol、Haldol、Halosten,Keselan、Linton、Peluces、Serenace、Serenase及Sigaperidol等。該藥物用於治療精神分裂症。還可用於治療急性思覺失調狂妄症

Haloperidol, marketed under the trade name(商業名稱) Haldol among others, is a typical antipsychotic medication.[3] It is used in the treatment of schizophrenia(精神分裂症), tics in Tourette syndrome(妥瑞症), nausea and vomiting, delirium(譫妄), agitation, acute psychosis(思覺失調), and hallucinations in alcohol withdrawal(酒精戒斷症候群).[3][4] It may be used by mouth, as an injection into a muscle, or intravenously(靜脈注射). Haloperidol typically works within thirty to sixty minutes. A long-acting formulation may be used as an injection every four weeks in people with schizophrenia(精神分裂) or related illnesses who either forget or refuse to take the medication by mouth.[3]

’’’氟哌啶醇’’’({{lang|en|Haloperidol}}),是一種{{le|典型抗精神疾病藥物|Typical antipsychotic}}[3]。該藥可用於治療[[精神分裂症]]、[[妥瑞氏症]]的抽動、噁心、嘔吐、譫妄、躁動、[[思覺失調]],以及[[酒精戒斷症候群|戒酒症狀]][3][4]。氟哌啶醇可透過口服、{{le|肌肉注射|Intramuscular injection}}、[[靜脈注射]]等方法給藥。藥物約會於30-60分鐘後開始作用。[[精神分裂症]]及相關疾病患者如果會忘記或拒絕服藥,可每四週注射一次長效配方[3]。

Haloperidol may result in a movement disorder known as tardive dyskinesia which may be permanent. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and QT interval prolongation may occur. In older people with psychosis due to dementia(失智症) it results in an increased risk of death.[3] When taken during pregnancy it may result in problems in the infant.[3][5]It should not be used in people with Parkinson’s disease(帕金森氏症).[3]

氟哌啶醇有機會導致用藥人罹患{{le|遲發性運動障礙|tardive dyskinesia}},可能造成永久傷害。其他可能出現的副作用包含{{le|抗精神藥物惡性症候群|Neuroleptic malignant syndrome}}以及{{Le|藥源性QT間期延長症|Drug-induced QT prolongation|心臟QT間期延長}}。該藥物也會提高年長[[失智症]]患者的死亡風險[3]。妊娠期間用藥可能影響胎兒[3][5],[[帕金森氏症]]患者不建議使用本藥[3]。

Haloperidol was discovered in 1958 by Paul Janssen(保罗·杨森).[6] It was made from meperidine(哌替啶).[7] It is on theWHO Model List of Essential Medicines(世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单), the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[8] It is the most commonly used typical antipsychotic.[9] The yearly cost of the typical dose of haloperidol is about 20 to 800 pounds (30 to 1,250 US dollars) in the United Kingdom.[10][9] The cost in the United States is around 250 US dollars a year.[11]
