

<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

Allergy, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that normally causes little problem.[1] These diseases include hay fever,food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis.[2] Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling.[3] Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions.[4][5]

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

’’’過敏’’’({{lang-en|allergy, allergic diseases}})為[[免疫系統]]接觸環境中部分對一般人影響不大的過敏原因子後,所引發的一系列[[超敏反應]]現象[1],包含[[過敏性鼻炎]]、[[食物過敏]]、[[異位性皮膚炎]]、[[哮喘]]與[[全身型過敏性反應]]等[2];症狀可能有[[變應性結膜炎|紅眼]]、引起搔癢的皮疹、{{link-en|鼻漏|Rhinorrhea|流鼻水}}、[[呼吸困難]]與腫脹等[3]。{{link-en|食物耐受不佳|Food intolerance}}與[[食物中毒]]是兩種不一樣的現象[4,5]。

<!-- Cause and diagnosis-->

Common allergens include pollen and food. Metals and other substances may also cause problems.[1] Food, insect stings, and medications are common causes of severe reactions. Their development is due to both genetic and environmental factors.[6] The underlying mechanism involves immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE), part of the body’s immune system, binding to an allergen and trigger the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine.[7] Diagnosis is typically based on a person’s medical history. Further testing of the skin or blood may be useful in certain cases.[5] Positive tests; however, may not mean there is a significant allergy to the substance in question.[8]

<!-- 病因與診斷 -->

常見的[[過敏原]]有食物和[[花粉]]。金屬和其他物質也可能引發過敏[1]。食物、蚊蟲叮咬和藥物常造成嚴重的過敏反應。症狀的發展同時取決於遺傳和環境[6]。過敏的原始機制是{{link-en|免疫球蛋白E|Immunoglobulin E|免疫球蛋白E抗體}},它是人體免疫系統的一部份,會與過敏原結合,並釋放[[組織胺]]等引起發炎的化學物質[7]。過敏的確診通常依據病患的醫療史進行判斷。特定病例必須進行{{link-en|皮膚過敏檢驗|Skin allergy test|皮膚}}或血液檢驗做進一步判定[5]。然而,檢驗結果為陽性,並不代表所檢驗的過敏原就是引發過敏的單一物質[8]。

<!-- Prevention and treatment -->

Early exposure to potential allergens may be protective.[9] Treatments for allergies include avoiding known allergens and the use of medications such as steroids and antihistamines.[10] In severe reactions injectable adrenaline (epinephrine), is recommended.[11] Allergen immunotherapy, which gradually exposes people to larger and larger amounts of allergen, is useful for some types of allergies such as hay fever and reactions to insect bites. Its use in food allergies is unclear.[10]

<!-- 預防和治療 -->

在幼年時期,暴露在常見的過敏原也許具有保護作用[9]。過敏的治療包括:避開已知的過敏原和使用[[皮質類固醇]]與[[抗組織胺藥]][10]。嚴重過敏時,應緊急靜脈注射[[腎上腺素]][11]。所謂的{{link-en|過敏原免疫療法|Allergen immunotherapy}},是一種藉由將病人逐漸暴露在,越來越大量的過敏原下的治療方式,常用在某些特定的過敏疾病,像是乾草熱或是昆蟲叮咬。過敏原免疫療法,對於食物過敏的效果還不清楚[10]。

<!-- Epidemiology and history -->

Allergies are common.[12] In the developed world, about 20% of people are affected by allergic rhinitis,[13] about 6% of people have at least one food allergy,[5][9] and about 20% have atopic dermatitis at some point in time.[14] Depending on the country about 1 and 18% of people have asthma.[15] Anaphylaxis occurs in between 0.05–2% of people.[16]Rates of many allergic diseases appear to be increasing.[11][17] The word "allergy" was first used by Clemens von Pirquet in 1906.[6]


過敏是相當常見的症狀[12]。在開發中國家,大約20%的人被[[過敏性鼻炎]]所困擾[13],大約6%的人至少有過一次食物過敏的經驗[5][9],有將近20%的人,一生之中至少經歷一次異位性皮膚炎[14]。依據國家的不同,有1%到18%的人有氣喘的症狀[15]。0.05%到2%的人會經歷全身性過敏[16]。許多過敏性的疾病的比例有上升的趨勢[11][17]。1906年,{{link-en|克萊門斯·馮·皮爾奎|Clemens von Pirquet}}首次使用"Allergy"這個字來命名過敏[6]。