

Ephedrine is a medication used to prevent low blood pressure during spinal anesthesia.[1] It has also be used for asthma, narcolepsy, andobesity but is not the prefered treatment. It can be taken by mouth or by injection into a muscle,vein, or just under the skin. Onset with intravenous use is fast, while injection into a muscle can take 20 minutes, and by mouth can take an hour for effect. When given by injection it lasts about an hour and when taken by mouth it can last up to four hours.[1]

麻黃素常用於預防[[腰椎麻醉]]時可能引發的[[低血壓症狀]][1] 。也會在治療[[氣喘]]、[[猝睡症]]以及[[肥胖症]]中使用,但效果有限。使用方法包括口服或藉由[[肌肉]]或[[靜脈注射]],也可透過[[皮下注射]]。靜脈注射的麻醉效果最快顯現,其次是肌肉注射,大約需要20分鐘的作用時間,而經由口服大約需一小時。當使用注射方式給予麻黃素時,麻醉時效可持續約一小時,口服方式則可維持達四小時之久[1]。

Common side effects include, trouble sleeping, anxiety, headache, hallucinations, high blood pressure, fast heart rate, loss of appetite, and inability to urinate. Serious side effects includestroke, heart attack, and abuse.[1] While likely okay in pregnancy it use in this population is poorly studied.[2][3] Use during breastfeeding is not recommended.[3] Ephedrine works by turning on alpha adrenergic receptors and beta adrenergic receptors.[1]

常見的副作用包含睡眠障礙、焦慮、頭痛、[[產生幻覺]]、[[高血壓]]、[[心搏過快]]與失去食慾,甚至可能會有排尿障礙。較嚴重的症狀包括[[中風]]、[[心臟病]]和藥物依賴[1] 。對於孕婦使用麻黃素的研究還不夠完整,目前看似沒有使用上的疑慮[2][3],但不建議[[哺乳]]中的婦女使用[3] 。它的作用機轉就是去激活[[α腎上腺素激導性感受器]]和[[β腎上腺素激導性感受器]][1]

Ephedrine was first isolated in 1885.[4] It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basichealth system.[5] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale cost is about 0.69 to 1.35 USD per dose.[6] In the United States it is not very expensive.[7] It can normally be found in plants of the Ephedra type. Dietary supplements that contain ephedrine are illegal in the United States. An exception is when used intraditional Chinese medicine.[1]


2016/2/6 已整合到中文維基"麻黃鹼 "條目中