神經性暴食症bulimia nervosa



目前中文引言,請參閱:神經性暴食症(英语:Bulimia nervosa)又譯心因性暴食症或者神經性貪食症,一般簡稱為暴食症。是一種飲食疾病心理疾病。神經性暴食症的症狀是持續性的快速過度進食,且無法自我控制。神經性暴食症出现在女人多过男人,但是通常他们倒是正常重量。这个病大多数出现在中年白人女性身上,但是其他人也有可能患上。患者有机会的混乱包括剧烈的个性,心境障碍,醺酒,和消沉[1].最早描述於1977年[2]

Bulimia nervosa, also known as simply bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging. Binge eating refers to eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time. Purging refers to attempts to rid oneself of the food consumed. This may be done by vomiting or taking a laxative.[1] Other efforts to lose weight may include the use of diuretics, stimulants, fasting, or excessive exercise.[1][2] Most people with bulimia have a normal weight.[3] The forcing of vomiting may result in thickened skin on the knuckles and breakdown of the teeth. Bulimia is frequently associated with other mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and problems with drugs or alcohol.[1]There is also a higher risk of suicide.[4]

’’’神經性暴食症’’’,又稱為’’’暴食症’’’,是一種[[進食障礙],其特徵為患者會嘗試在{{link-en|暴飲暴食|Binge eating}}後試圖進行淨空行為<!-- <ref name=Women2012/> -->。[[暴飲暴食]]代表在極短時間內攝取巨量食物,而淨空行為則是盡其所能消除所吃下的食物<!-- <ref name=Women2012/> -->,例如透過[[嘔吐]]或服食[[瀉藥]]來達成<ref name=Women2012>{{cite web|title=Bulimia nervosa fact sheet|url=http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/bulimia-nervosa.html?from=AtoZ|website=Office on Women’s Health|accessdate=27 June 2015|date=July 16, 2012.}}</ref>,也可能透過使用[[利尿劑]]、[[興奮劑]]、持續禁食或過度運動來努力減重<ref name=Women2012/><ref name=Hay2010>{{cite journal | author = Hay PJ, Claudino AM | title = Bulimia nervosa | journal = Clinical Evidence | volume = 2010 | pages = 1009 | year = 2010 | pmid = 21418667 | pmc = 3275326 | last2 = Claudino }}</ref>;不過,大部分患者的[[身高體重指數]]在正常值內<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Bulik|first1=CM|last2=Marcus|first2=MD|last3=Zerwas|first3=S|last4=Levine|first4=MD|last5=La Via|first5=M|title=The changing "weightscape" of bulimia nervosa.|journal=The American journal of psychiatry|date=October 2012|volume=169|issue=10|pages=1031-6|pmid=23032383}}</ref>。[3]如此強制性的[[嘔吐]]行為,可能導致關節皮膚增厚及牙齒破損<!-- <ref name=Women2012/> -->。暴食症經常與其他[[精神病]]相關,如抑鬱、焦慮、藥物與酒精成癮等<ref name=Women2012/>,亦有高風險的[[自殺]]傾向<ref name=Sm2012/>  。

Bulimia runs in families being more common among those with a close relative with the condition.[1] The percentage of risk that is estimated to be due to genetics is 30% to 80%.[2] Other risk factors for the disease include psychological stress, cultural pressure for a certain body type, poor self-esteem, and obesity.[1][2] Living in a culture that promotes dieting and parents that worry about weight are also risks.[2] Diagnosis is based on a person’s medical history;[5]however, may be difficult as binge eating and purging may be denied.[2] If a person has the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa this diagnosis should be used instead.[2] Other similar disorders include binge eating disorder, Kleine-Levin syndrome, and borderline personality disorder.[5]

如果近親有暴食症症狀,其家族內較普遍有其他暴食症患者<ref name=Women2012/>;遺傳導致暴食症的風險比例約為30%至80%<ref name=Hay2010/>。其餘導致患病的風險因素包含{{link-en|心因型壓力|Psychological stress}}、對於標準身型的社會文化壓力、[[自尊]]低落和[[肥胖症]]等<ref name=Women2012/><ref name=Hay2010/>。生活環境中若有家長擔心體重的狀況或推廣[[節食]]的文化價值觀,也有風險導致罹患暴食症<ref name=Hay2010/>。通常會基於個人病史來診斷是否罹患暴食症<ref name=DSM5/>,但若患者否認有暴飲暴食與淨空行為時則難以確診<ref name=Hay2010/>。如果病人曾被診斷為[[神經性厭食症]],則應依照此診斷<ref name=Hay2010/>。其他類似的疾病包括[[過胖暴食症]]、[[克萊恩-萊文症候群]]和[[邊緣性人格障礙]]等<ref name=DSM5/>。

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the primary treatment in bulimia.[1][6] Antidepressants of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) or tricyclic antidepressant class may have a modest benefit.[7][2] While outcomes with bulimia are typically better than in those of anorexia, the risk of death among those affected is higher than that of the general population.[4] At 10 years after receiving treatment about 50% of people are completely better.[2]

About 1% of young women have the bulimia at a given point in time and about 2% to 3% of women have the condition at some point in their lives.[4] The condition is less common in the developing world.[2] 

Bulimia is about nine times more likely to occur in women than men. Among women, rates are highest in young adults.[5] Bulimia was named and first described by the British psychiatrist Gerald Russell in 1979.[8][9]

[[Cognitive behavioral therapy]] is the primary treatment in bulimia. Antidepressants of the [[selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor]]s (SSRI) or [[tricyclic antidepressant]] class may have a modest benefit.While outcomes with bulimia are typically better than in those of anorexia, the risk of death among those affected is higher than that of the general population. At 10 years after receiving treatment about 50% of people are completely better.

[[認知行為療法]]是暴食症主要的治療方式<ref name=Women2012/><ref>{{cite journal|last1=Hay|first1=P|title=A systematic review of evidence for psychological treatments in eating disorders: 2005-2012.|journal=The International journal of eating disorders|date=July 2013|volume=46|issue=5|pages=462-9|pmid=23658093}}</ref>。[[選擇性5-羥色胺再攝取抑制劑]] (SSRI) 或 [[三環類抗抑鬱藥]]類抗抑鬱藥物通常具有一定療效<ref name=Mc2012>{{cite journal|last1=McElroy|first1=SL|last2=Guerdjikova|first2=AI|last3=Mori|first3=N|last4=O’Melia|first4=AM|title=Current pharmacotherapy options for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.|journal=Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy|date=October 2012|volume=13|issue=14|pages=2015-26|pmid=22946772}}</ref><ref name=Hay2010/> 。儘管神經性暴食症患者較神經性厭食症患者相比預後較佳,但患者的死亡風險較健康人群高<ref name=Sm2012/>。約五成患者在接受治療的十年後狀況完全改善<ref name=Hay2010/>。

終其一生,有大約1%的年輕女性會在一定時間點罹患神經性暴食症,女性則約2%至3%<ref name=Sm2012>{{cite journal|last1=Smink|first1=FR|last2=van Hoeken|first2=D|last3=Hoek|first3=HW|title=Epidemiology of eating disorders: incidence, prevalence and mortality rates.|journal=Current psychiatry reports|date=August 2012|volume=14|issue=4|pages=406-14|pmid=22644309}}</ref>;但相同情況在[[開發中國家]]較不常見。<ref name=Hay2010/>

女性的暴食症發病率約為男性的9倍<!-- <ref name=DSM5/> -->,其中以年輕女性患病率最高<ref name=DSM5>{{Cite book | last= American Psychiatric Association | year= 2013 | title=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders | edition=Fifth | publisher=American Psychiatric Publishing | location=Arlington, VA | pages=345–349 | isbn= 978-0-89042-555-8 }}</ref> 。 1979年,暴食症由英國精神科醫師{{link-en|格拉德‧羅素|Gerald Russell}}首次命名並描述<ref name = Russell1979>{{cite journal | author = Russell G | title = Bulimia nervosa: An ominous variant of anorexia nervosa | journal = Psychological Medicine | volume = 9 | issue = 3 | pages = 429–48 | year = 1979 | pmid = 482466 | doi = 10.1017/S0033291700031974 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | author = Palmer R | title = Bulimia nervosa: 25 years on | journal = The British Journal of Psychiatry : the Journal of Mental Science | volume = 185 | issue = 6 | pages = 447–8 | year = 2004 | pmid = 15572732 | doi = 10.1192/bjp.185.6.447 }}</ref>
